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The Nilsson Club 3 a product of Webster. The Cbelsea fair assocwtion elects oilicers to-day. Ilemeraber tlie G. A. It. dance at IHx:er on Jan. 20th. Union revival services at Dt-xter are jeing well attended. Eer. Mills Gelston is to have a dona ion to-night at Worden's. Pomona Grange, of Superior, will elect offleers on Wediiesduy evening of ntxt week. E. Cliase, one of the well known citizens of S iline, died last week, nged 58 'ears. The local option boomers are vaktrrg lp the peoplo throughout the couiity owns. Hemember the Snuday school convenlon at the Congregational church, Ypsianti, Feb. lst. The Webster Vanlt Associatioa has iitely divided up, giving l.H to eacb )f its share-holders. The Saline common council have initiited their new city hall by holding a ragular session therein. Hamburg will have a pickle factory if iirmers therabouts will ngree to plant 00 acres of cucumbers. The new school house al Dexter draws well, there being241 pupils in attendance, ui unusually large number. Wliether So. Lyon's roller milis are to e or not be, is a question thiit is botberug the people of that place now. bo. .Lyon's gas well Is down 1,000 feet and over aud still no gas. The deeper the well, the better the gas- so sak'. EJifnr Olsaver, of Webster, believes that a crick-et on the hparth la far more eiijoyable than a "crick" In the hack. On Tuesday evening next, Prof. Osband and Mr. Mel)ouiall will discuss the tariff in the Fowler school house, Superior. The young peopl e's society of the Piesbyterian church, Saline, hold a social Friday evenlng, at Mrs. A. A. VVood's rcsideuce. A Saline boy feil off his sled while coasting a day or two since, and broke his nose. That boy nose mor now than hc did, probably. Peter F. Blosser and C. W. Case are in Grand Rupids thls week attendinj the grand chapter of the R. A. M's, respectfully Manchester. Mrs. David Blanchard, who with her husband formerly kept the Stebbins house, at Dexter, died rtcently, at Norvel 1, Jackson county. Rev. Mr. Claflin, of the Congregatlonul church, Dexter, has been presented with a dressing gown and pair of slippers by the ladies of his church. The New Englaud Supper wbicb was to have been held at George Plielp's, Webster, has been postponed on account of the death of a member. There are fully twenty church ediflces within ten miles of the village of Stockbridge.- Sun. The people ought to be good around there, hadn't they. John VanAtta now drives the nobbiest cutter to be seen in these dirgins. It's a bran new white one, purchased in Ann Arbor last week.- So. Lyon Picket. Miss Carrie MagofOn, daughter of the the late rector of St. James church, Dester, was rnarrled Jan. 3, in Chicago, to Mr. Watts S. Ilumphrey, of Cheboygan. E. L. Negus, Commander of Carpenter Poet, (. A. l; , in a pleasant card, thanks the citizens of Chelsea for their excellent efforts in making the recent canipfire 8uch a great success. An Ypsilanti lady recently told the servant girl to remove the bark froni the bolognas. The girl could'nt be guyed in that way, and replied that it was too much intenningled with the sausage. The appointment of Martin Cremer, of Ypsilanti, as postmaster, has stirred np a hornet'a nest in the rauks of Mr. Cleveland's iollowers there. Some of them don't ndmire hlin ag uiuch as they l'orinerly did. The grange which meets regularly at 'psilanti wlll install offlcers to-night. jast Wednesday night the Presldent's ïessage was discussed, Andrew Campell and Wm. M. Osbaud agalnst, and Ir. McDougall for. The Manchester Germán Worklngmen's Aid Assoclatlon is in a rtourishinr ondition havlng a balance on hand of 1,(538.49, after having paid during the ear of l,237.50. It has relieved many f its sick and worthy mcmbeii during ie year. Mrs. Butler, wlfe of Rev. James E. Buter, pastor of the Webster Congregation] liurch, died Monday mornlng, Jan. 9, 888. The funeral services were held at ie Congregational church on Wednesay, conducted by Kev. Dr. Ryder, of Ann Arbor. - Leader. Mrs. Henry Collum, who feil down on defective walk last summer and broke n arm, has scttleil the case with the illage for $75. Hardly enough to pay ie doctor's bill. The village otlicials in be congratulated on settling the case o cheaply.- Saline Observer. A sad case is reported from Bridgeater. A young man nnmed Brennlon, eturned lionie from a tbeological school n Illinois, after a seige of diphtheria. His two little sisters aged nlne and ten etrs were taken sick and died, and two ther children are also down with the isease. - Saline Observer. There is talk of a new railroad from )exter to Lansing and the M. C. offers o build it If those interested wlll pay tor ght of way, bridges, grading and ties. Othcr roads wlll be askud to make offers. Here is a cliance for Pinckney to bettei lier condition by rolling up her sleevea and going to work.- Dispatch. The sectlon handa on the Ypsllanti Brancli have to keep the ice cut from around the spiles of the railroad bridge in thls village, so that when the water rises in the pond the ice will not cling to the spilc-s and draw thein out of the grou tul.- Manchester Enterprise. Well, thafs o&ewayto "spile" a bridge isn'tit? A Yankee claims to have invented a substitute for maple sugar equal to the natural product. Achieveraents in that directlon liava usually been a little inferior.- Stockbridge Sun. Perhaps he slruck sap and took it for granted that migar would follovv. But good sugar depends considerably on the quality of sap. II. M. Woods and W. J. Knapp, have been partners for the past fourteen years, and have maintained a large and prosperous business, and during that wliole period there never has been any unpleasantness or the slightest miaunderstanding between thera.- Chelsea Herald. But the firin has ilissolved now, Mr. Knapp having bought the business. W. A. Weatherhead is so firnily convinced that the liquor trnfflc has wrought ruin to our town in various ways that lie makes the following offer, viz : That if the common council will abolish the sale ot liquor In our midst lie will pay the revenue derived from said trafflc for flve years. Our council should pin this offer in tkeir huts for future reference - So. Lyon Picket. Don't take stock in the wares of the robust young man who wants to sell you a little red-fl;innel-wrapped package to place in your lamp to prevent explosión. Within the rosy wrapping there is only a bit of cominon chalk crayon, whlch of course has no effect whatever on the oil. These puekages the young man sells for 15 cents each, and as they cost him noth'"n "iit,o ,!„ ptuau. - nuiurprise. Uefore another year rolls round at least 200 men will be working in the factories here and drawlng from $1.50 to 3 per day. Even at the first figure it would be $300 per day; $1800 per week; $7200 per month, or $93,000 per year. Think of $93,000 corning into our village in the way of wages each year, the most of which will be spent here, and aak If we are not the gainers by our little boom? Did you ever figure it up for yourselves? - Wayne Review. The D. L. & Tf. road are highly gratilied by the experiments with the new systeui of lieating cars. The cars are fitted with a systeni of pipes which connect with tho engine and couple automatically when the coaches are coupled. Hot water is circulating through these from the engine by the aid of pumps which Daré a range of from 5 to 135 strokes per minute, as the temperaturo of the cars may demand. The result is a uniform andcomfortable heat without the possibility of lire in case of accident.- Ex. Miss Jennie Mclntyre bas started the Temperanee Bngle at Stockbridge. Well, women are quite generaily capable of tooting thelr own bugle.- Ann Arbor Coubier. Yes, and Miss Jennie has declared war upon the editor of the Sun for giving the announcement of the same. She is very modest, and did not want the Bugle known beyond the auditorium of the Good Templara' lodge, and the "horrid papers" have beeu noticing lier debut into journalism all over the state. We wonder if any of them have seen a copy of the "Bugle."- Stockbridge Sun. No, but we have heard the bugle blast you know. How easy It s to set the Manchester people all in a flutter is told by the Enterprise : " Some of the inhabitants of East Manchester became excited last Friday on hearing the Germán Lutheran church bell ring. Not knowing that the Germans had church service on that day they took It for an alarm of flre. One citizen mounted liis norse, ladies ran down Sumniit street, while men hurried up town to see the lire. When the man on horseback reached Fausel's corner, Nic Senger said to him : " Tliis Is Erscheinung fest and the Qermans are pious enough togo to churcli." So East Manchester settled down to its usual quiet again." The Tpsilantian without authority or reason had the name of the publUher of the Sentinel, as one of the applicants for tlie postofllce, and slnce the appointment, be lias been frequently consoled with the assurance that be more than all otliers had earned and ought to have it. These are evidences that his appointment would have been uuiversally satisfactory ; but we have never been an applicant, and at notwitbstanding all that is said about " civil service reform," the ollice does not seck the man, we have never liad a show. All the same, all well wlshers have our tbanks.- Sentinel. Brother Woodrutl" fakes the matter in a very philosophical, good-reasoü-why-Jack-didn't-get-hia-suppcr mauner, doesn't he?


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