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"The Mystic Belle of Ronquerolles." Nou-resident students paid $21,800 in ees laat year. Gibson will take the class pictures of lie lit. seniors. The prohibition club of the Unlversity s rapidly training accession to lts ranks. There are tar less non-resident stuents n the UnlversHy now than In 881-2. Boon Itt is a student at Williams, and mils from Siam. - Chronicle. Bone It goes to the U. of M. Among the names mcntloned for Dr. 'almer'i place, Is that of Dr. W. J. lerdinau, of thls city. The University Dramatic Club would e pleased to see you at the opera house n the evening of Feb. 4. Dr. Martin has been iifllicted of late with infliiinalion of the eyes. but is in hls ccuslo ned place once more. Prof. Dorrance is formulating the fillng for the annual State Dental meet, to e held in Detroit in Mxrch. The late Dr. Palmer left all of h!a roperty, by will, to hls wife, except a arm in Illinois, to a nephew. When the Uuiversity obtains the necessary buildings, tlie cost of maintainng will not be so very great. The fees paid by non-resident stiidents iere are greater than at any other state University n tlie Uuited States. Ormund F. Hunt, lit. '81, of Detroit, ias entered into partnership with Prof. jevi T. Grillln, in the law business. It is probable that a delegation of republican students will attend the repubican club banquet at Detroit, Feb. 22d. Miss Alice Williams of Michigan university, has been elected treasurer of the collegiate alumna; assoclation of New York. The strong wind of last Fnday brofce everal panes of glass in the upper lecure room of the medical college, almost aitring a panic. Information has been received that here will be anolher installment of the togers' models shipped thls year. VVhere vill tliey be placed? The new Homeop. faculty room has been furnUhed with antique furniture, vhich is quite attractive, except to those who are c&lled in there for a purpose. Judge Henry B. Brown delivered bis irst lecture on "Admiralty Law," before lie law seniora last Thursday p. m. He and bis lecture are both highly commended. The ladio's programme of the Alpha Nu society lias been postponed untll next week Saturday evening on account or the Chamber concert and Chriatlan Associit "ii social. On January 2"th, at the opera house, 'The Mystic Bell of Ronquerolles," will be presented by the University Dramatic Club, and will be much superior to anyhing ever before put upon the stage by hls club. Prof. Win. G. Hammond, of the 8t. Louis Law School, is to couimence a series oflecturesupon theCommon Law on he evening of Mondav, the 23d Inst., ecturing twice each evening, and concludlngon the Friday following. Prof. LoUette enriched himself some f3,000 or $4,000 worth it is nserted, from the studenU, at $5 a head. If thow f5 bilis could have been giveu to the gymnasium, how much betttr the doners wouUl feel now. It would have been soniething pleasant to have remembered. Say, niy wealthy, healtliy, jolly, goodlooking fricad, can't you joiu thc rauks of the $100 subscribers to the gymnasium fund? Bettcr come iu before it is too late. Now 6 the best time. The tido !l setting gym-ward, and a gym we símil surely have. Law Librarían Joseph H. Vanee, commenced i'elivering a series of lectures upon "JurUdiction," to the senior laws last Wednesday. Hls first lectiirc was received with inany expressions of approval by the boys, and showcd a great research on this particular questiou. The actiou of Qov. Luce towards thc University has probably put ofl" the very much needed art gallery indefiuilely. The rapid accumulation of works of art however, will make it neceasary for something to be done la tliat direction before many years more elapso. IIow would this look over thc door of a beautiful building on the campus : "The James Memorial Art Gallery, erected by L r J s, and donated to the University of Michigan." Something of that Bort would sound well, at any rate, and be such a monument to the memory of the generous giver as would live In the hearts of the people of this state as long as the university and the state contlnuod to exist. Trospects begin to brighten up for the gymnasium, as the Courieu predicted it would. There is soinebody back of the scheme now who never knows what fail means. He Is a success every time in pushing such enterpiïses. It will be remembered that Messrs. J. T. Jacobs, J. 3. Beal and J. M. Stafford each voluueered to be one of 100 men to raise S10.000 for a gymnasium building. Now he university boys have commenced to work at the scheme. The Alpha Delta 'hi fraternity have come forward as the fourth signer, and it is tliought each class and many of the societies will follow his example. When the university force tself takes hold of the matter as if in earnest, then an effort will be made to secure outside subscriptions. The ball has commenced to roll, and it will accumulate with every revolution, until it is of he required bigness. Sometimes it may not roll very fast, but it will keep movng just the same, and before two years oll around dweilen in Ann Albor will see the much needed gymnasium biuhing commenced. There is now in the lands of tüe trust comuiittee, consisting of President Angelí, Judge Cooley and . W. Knight, Esq., the sum of $4,000 aised entirely by the students for this : nterprise, and this amount shoulJ not be included in the proposed $10,000. It will be needed for furnishing the ! ng after completion. Mr. E. C. Hegeler ' f La Salie, 111., bas been a flrm friend ' f the gymnasium, giving $3,000 last rear to pay the running expenses. Last evening the Psi U's voted f 1 )0. lso. And still they come.


Ann Arbor Courier
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