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fHWWIMNW lms rpvolutlonlzed thtnworld lNlPMTinH ll'rl"S tbe last liair ceiilury. II IBIIIlUll Not least among the wonder of lnventive progres Is a method and systcm [ worK that can be perforined all over the country wllhout separatlng the workera from thelr homes, Pay liberal ; any one cnu do Ihe work; elthersex, young or old; 110 special abllliy required. Capital not needed ; you ar' starled fn-e. Cut i lus out and return to us and we wlll send you free, somelhlng of great value and Importune.- to yim, that wlll start you la business, wblch wlll brlng you In more money rfght away thnn anythlng else In the world. Orand outfit ree. Address True & Co„ Augusta, Malue. nill lli'uanlfd nre those who read K H Ylllls aml the act; they wlll llnd ¦ llUniy I honaraWle employiueut ihat wlll not tnke them from thelr homes and families. The proftts are large and sure for every Industrious person, many have made and are uow raaking several hundred dollars a moDth. It Is easy for any one to make $5 and upwards per day, who is willing towork. Elther Bex, younü or oíd; capital notneeded; W6 start you Everything new No special abllity requlred, you, reader, can do it as well us any one. Write to ns at once for full partlculat'H, whieh we mail free. Addres ijilusou & Co.. Portlaud, ftlatne. IQ VBTf)T!C ÏQ(Ï "I others.who wlsh to f xamln ¦ til I IwEnO this paper, orobti.n ostimstei on advertising spacu when n Chicago, wtll find it on file at jhUd.4Ort,H'gAgcyo; LORD & THOMAS. "ABOOKFORTHEP?'' TAPTIVATING ! V8KFI L i . ¦ int Díncummíoim, and Diplomatic ï' u '¦¦ ¦ Ihe G real fubllc Uuestiou ul'tlie Pattt u.i. -'t ¦ cui, by JAMES ü. ULVINL. on (h vltni Ipsup in the Anti Slavrry 'Stntgole, the AU l.;)ortant Labor Questimi, Prohibí t ion, IrUh Home -Hule, etc., etC LjyA FORTTTSE FOR IlOOK C.OTV ASSERS ! APPLICATIONS KOR XïZRKITORY COMING IN WITU A IlfSH ! llAltLl.Nti ÜKUS.. Dktu.-.i, iLIcm DR, MILES' RESTORATIVE NERVINE 4Ëk B contains no Opium or dan. C. Tjt perousdrug. Can be taken raflKsKiH '' any one at any time. A'.fio)ft-Sf The '''' and best Dis. MiS[k L Km vrrr for 111 4 11 Al 11 K. KT KkJBB KKVorsKSS, Sl'ASMS SoWj)y Druggists. Sample Bottles Fre R. TJ 3F T XTRTeïT tEOAN"S IMPERIAL TBUSS. Spiral Spring, graded froin 1 to ti pounds In pressure. WORN DAY ASD NIGHT, byan Infant a week old. oran ad uit 80 year. Ladleg Trnsses a perfectlon. Endose stamps lor testimoniáis of cures, etc. EGAN IMl'KHIAI, TIU7SS l'O., ANN AKBOK. MlCH. Kotlce to Cretfilors. STATKOP MICU1UAN, C'ounty or Washleiiaw, DB. Notlce U hereliy iflvi-n. th:it by an ord-r of the Probate Court for the Couiity of Washteimw made onthetwenty.'fvi'iitlidiiy ol'Dei'cin'ier, A. i). 18K7. 9lx froin tbat date ere allowed forcrcililors to prt'wt'ut tlu'ir cltilmi? aiíaiimt the e(intt of Charles AJmeadlnter, ItteofMkldcoaaty, dacMMd. aml ihat ill crédito of sald deceased re minired topreaenl ttaetr clalme lo Mld Pruhaie Court, at the l'robuteüfflce, in the city of Anu Arbor, forexauiin ation am1 allowatice, onorbefre the27tb day of June ni'xt, and that such cliiims wlll be hrard before ü.-iiil cuurt, o 'luesduy, ihu 27ih day f Murcli, a:id on Wednesday, the 'J7tb day or Junf next, at teu o'clock lu the foreuoon ol each of Hdlil dayg. Dated, Ann Arbor, I)einber J7lh, A. D. 1887. W1LLIAM 1). HAKRIMAN, 13S4-1388 Judee of Probate.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News