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In Memoriam

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DIED-At hls resldence. In Ann Albor, on the morning of January 13lh, David Webster Noyes, aged eiglity-slx yearsand twen t} -three days. The subject of tliis notice was boni in ¦Landoff, Grafton county, New Hampsliire, ü:c. 21st, 1S01. The first of his patt-rnal ancestors in this country settlei! at Windsor, Connecticut at its foundlng by Rev. Joseph Hooker. One branch of the family emlgrated to New Hampshire, and another to central New York at an early date. Ilis mother was Betsy Morrlíl of the State of Malne, branch of that family and was a woman of rare mental endownients and sterling piety and worth. At tiie age of fifteen lie went to reside with John Clement near Ilaverhill, N. II., where he reintiiued untll liis majority. His wa;cs for tlieie six years were 8even cents per day with board and poor clothes and three montlis schooling each year in the common district school. The lirst winter after his majority he taught school in Vermont. In the following spring he eraigrated ou foot t.o Le Roy, Genesse county, New York, where he worked on a farm and at Titrloui einployment for Thomas Tufts until Octojer 1831, when he removed to Michigan Territory and bougfctsnd settled on land 'n Washington, Macomb county, which y dint of hard labor perseyerance and economy he converted into one of the nest farms in that county. In 18G5 he old this farm and removed to Ann Aruor, where he has since resided. In 1827 ie was ïnarried to Olive Allen of Le Hoy, N. Y., a native of Cliarlestown, N. H , who died November 4th, three weeks ifter arrivlng in Michigan, lcaving two nfant sous. In 18:!3 he married for his econd wife Maria Bostwiek of Le Ro}-, V. Y., a native of Connecticut. Slie was i lady of rare doinestic qnalities and a nodel housekeeper. Slie bore him eijjlit liildren, four sous and four daughters md after assis'.ing to found a nice home ind rear his family died In 1858. Ilis tl ril wifc whoui lie married in 860 and who he leuves a widow with the ands ofllfe neurly run through thcglass, vas Mrs. Jerusha McCormick nee McJollum, a lady well and favorably k'iown n Ann Aibor for more than half a cenury. Of his ten children five are dead, wo dylng in ufuey, one in youth md wo aller reaehing man'-s estáte. The flve iving are Captain IC. W. Noyes, of Paw Paw (at present in State Land Ollice, ..ansing,) Hon. M. J. Noyes, of Ciielsea, Mr. B. 15. Noyes, of Mason, Mrs. Helen M. Mosre, of Chelsea and Mrs. Currie I xlgeman, of Pinckney, all of Michigan. Mr. Noyes was a man of strong and rugged diameter and marked individually. II is motto was "Always do right," wliatever the consequences. Iu pursuit of wbat he beüeved to be just and rigtit lie was as il i in and inimovable as the (IMttta riiouiitaiiis under whose sliadows he was reaied. He was a humanitarian lu tbe broadest sense. No needy person ever went empty haiuk-d froni hli door. For many years he paid the rate bill of several poor families that their children inight attend school. It was a rule of his üfe to seek out and releive the wants bt tüe needy and soothe the woes of the aflilicted. Au ardent patriot and lover of his country and a flrm believer in the Inalienable right of all men, to be free, he was among the fust to espouse the cause of the slave, and was often ueard to say he would give every cent he possessed to remove that dark stain from our national escutcheon. In the early hlstory of tuis state he was often besought by his fellow citizens to accept offices of trust and honor, but his abhorrence of the slimy pool of politics aud his inn ite love of home and family causcd him to rcfuse. For several winters after coming to Michigan he taught school In which avocation he was very successful and left the impre.-& of his charaelcr on many of the youth in his neighboihood as the writer has often heard theni tcstif'y. Iu all his lite he was never a party to a lawsult. The only civil ofllces held by him were in the school district and churcli. He was commissioned by üovernor Mason as First Lk-utciiant in the territorial milltia and authomed to raise a company for service in what was known as the '¦Toledo war." He was a good, true husband, a kind and vigilaiit father, an upright virtuous cltizen, a íirni fiiend and counselor, but his crowning glory was his christianity. Although a true and consistent meinber of the M. E. church for more than lorly years he possesaed no narrow views and wasjcircuinscrlbed by no creed. Ilis religión was as broad as luimanity and he grasped the band in felluwship, of all who worshipped üod sincerely whatever their name, nationality, creed or color. He was in no sense a Pharisee or hypocrite. He practiced what he believed not only in the sanctuary, but in all the daily walks and avocations of his life. When he espoused the cause of religión he erected the family altar, and while he lived it was never overthrown. At the hour of prayer, not only the family, but the hired help, the visitor and the strauger witliin bis gatea was gathered in and all worldly matters for the time beingceased in his housebold. He was often called to drink deep of the bitter waters lu the death of his dear ones, but with a flrm and uncomplaining trust in God he bowed in meek submission and said: "He doethall things well." He suffered greatlyat times during his last llness, but bore it meekly and patiently and hls solicitude was to not make any one care and trouble. Hls last moments were calm and peaceful and his intellect seemed as clear and stron as ever. Hig last words were "I ani nca tuy heaveuly lióme." Tlie funeral services were held at ui hite home, on Miller Avenue on Surklay the lötli irnt., witU hls sorrowing chil dren all present, surrounded by man; old frlends and neighbors. The service were conducted by Rev. Dr. Bsmu] whose dlscourse was a review of and an eulogy on the life of the deceased. He liad a grand theme and his effort was worthy of the occuslon and the subject His thoughts expressed in words were simple, rrand, sublime aud holyand some at least of liis hearers will not soon forget them. On Monday morning the three sons of the deceased took his remains to Washington, Macomb county, fur Interment. There, amidonce familiar scènes, surrounded by old friends and neighbors, hu remains were lald to rest with his loved ones, who had gone before. Farewell good husband, kind father, noble chrlstlan, honest man. Though you have been removed f rom earth you havo a home in Puradiseamid theangelic tliron n the presence of God. Thouh dead, your virtuea hall live as an enduring monument and keep your memory green in many hearts. Com. LIterary Notes. Gen. Slierman will have an arUcle In the forthcoming century on "The Grand Strategy of the War of the Rebcllion." He demonstratcs his belief that, in the main, the war was prosecuted on sound military principies. IIi; givia a general review of the cliief campnljrng, dweiling interestinijly and with parlicularity upon hls own Georgia and Carolina operations. At tlie close, he renutrks upon tlie failnre of most forcign military critica to umlerstand tlie character of the war.