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Real Estate Transfers

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as. Gauntlelt to Wm. H. Culver, York.82,400 oseph Dcmott to Wm. H. Culver, York. 1,000 liza.T. llarens to Tilos. B. McCollura, Ypsllaiiti 1,700 . W. Walliico, et al, to Jas. B. McKay, Ypsilantl 10,000 lorace N. Johnson to Mary O. Smith, Dexter 400 olin Qoo. Frltzto Catharlne Frliz, Aun Arbor. . . 1 Vm. Kern to Ernest G. Haarcr, Manchester 730 Oeo. A. Ingraham to Richard Oreen, Manchester 550 t. J. ötiick to Chas. B. Stuck, Ypsllantl. 1 . Breltenwlscher to J. Zliniuerinaiin, Ypsllantl 000 linerva.r.Smlth to Alia B. Wllkinson, Vpslliinü 1 enj. Curtís, by helrs, to Julia A. Curtís, A un usía unei Boyle to Horis Atchlsou, Salem. Í00 lorls Atditson toFred Foreman, " . 250 [atilda Llndá'ley to Wra. C. Foster, Sclo. 4,400