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Michigan Republican League

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In accorclanee wmi me provisions ui the Constitutiou adopted ly the liepublican League of the United States, at its Convention, held in New York, Dec. lGtli, 1887, a cali Is hcrebv issued to the Uepublican Clubs of Michigan, to meet iu Convention at Detroit, VKMIUARY 2'2d, Aï 11 A. II. The objects of this Convention are to torm a llepubllcan League lor the State of Michigan; to supervise añil to encourage the formatlon of permanent clubs in every county; and to give a unity of action for effective work in order tlmt sound Kepublican principies uiay be established and malnt&lned. Kach club shall be entitled to as niany delegates as it shall elect, but shall have onlyone vote. Where clubs are already existing, they are requested to meet and elect delegates; while in those places not having a club organization Kepublicans ;ire urged to form one at once and 6end representatives. Eliglbility to member¦hip in the League consista in the Kepublican Club having a constitution and a meinbership of twenty. The annual banquet of the Michigan Club occurrlng in the evening will cali niany dlstinguished Republicana to the city, and it is expected they will address the Convention. Every liepublican is most earnestly requested to see to it tliut his county is represented. JUNIUS E. BEAL. .Meiuber Execullve Commlttee for Michigan, National League. ClAltKNCK. A. Bl.ACK, Vice-1'resldeDt for Mtcblgan of the National League. Which slmll it bc- U.S. A. orC S. A. ? "Free trade and sailor's rights,'' was the old cry. Now it is " frce trade and England's rights." The Adrián Pre6s tliinks the Couriisr's head a little awry upon the tariff. A coinical error on the pirt of the Press m ui who lias been looking in the glass. Almost the entire b:ir of Ionia, includiug the great prohibitionist Lemuel Clute, claim that the local option law is unconstitutional, and Judge Morse is an nian also. , Can a democrat look a resident of Dakota in the face and uot hang his head for very shame, because of the disgraceful action of his party towards the people of that coninionwealth? No one can blame Dakota for blowing. She ought to, belng kept out in the cold for so long a time, and so unjustly. The blizzard ought to freeze the tongues of democratie congressmeu instead of her own good citizens, however. When the horrible details of the late lilizzard turoughout the entire northwest reacli us, a.a tiio ocatu wii ittauauy Bwells with each day's dispatches, It must make resident9 of Michigan feel glad that they are in a quarter of the carth not subject to such storms. Cheap whisky, cheap tobucco, and dear clothlng, makes up the platform of the republican party to-üay. -ManUtee Democrat. 8h-eh-sh! Keep still! Don't say another word about it ! If it becomes generally known there won't be a democrat lelt, scarcely, to hold a caucus with, and we don't want them all, you know. The editor of the Adrián Press speaks of the gentleman who wrote the communication upon the tariff in a late issue of The Courier as "some fossil mollusk, upheaved from the lower Siltirian strata.'1 The Press man proves himself to be an expert antiquarian, a rare student of antlquities, but a mighty poor Judge of the demands of the hour. There Is more dlssatlsfaction tlian usual over the apportionment of chairmanships by Speaker Carlisle. He has given to southern states the chairmanships of thirty-two out of the fifty-four comtnittees and there is justcomplaint from such states as Massachusetts, Pennsvlvania and Iowa, which have at most but two chairmanships, while Arkansas, Missouri. Georgia and Kentucky have from tliree to live each.- Cedar Sprlngs Clipper. Gov. Luce says: "The Gettysburg Monument Board have agreed upon a plan that will exhaust the legislative appropriation. Each regiment of Michigan Infantry and cavalry, and each company of artillery that paiticipated in the fanious fiVht will have a $1,300 monument erected on the ground wliere they were stationed. Michigan will unite with other states in planting a monument to the Berdan sharpshooters. The apportionment I deem a judicious one, and I tliink it will give general satisfaction. The monument will be dedicated in September." The records of Congress show that Capt. Allen, from this district, is present at every roll-call, and is therefore doing his duty far more faithfully than did our last member, and better than the majority. He believes thac the affairs of the country are not ftlwayi bestserved by the man who introduces the most bilis, but rather by the congressman who carefully watches those introduced, opposing the bad ones and favoring the good. He has a level head, and it is a great satisfaction to the people of this district to know they have a man in Washington whose vote they are not ai raid of when free trade issues need to be scorebcd. For no county in the state was hurt more by the reduction in duty on wool. Some day there is going to be "a reckoning" to pay lor the outrage and cruclty by which a large part of the vote in southern states is "suppressed." Such work as that, in a nation that profeeses to guarantee every citizen in the exercise of his rights, the humblest as the bighest, is bo grossly unjust, so heinously inconsistent, that It becomes matter for surprise and wonder that men, otherwise fair and reasonable, can be found wllling to shut their eyes and ears to these outrages, or ready to justify the perpetrators. Injustice can't win in this land, in the long run, and eometrine the men guilty of "suppressing" the colured vote in the south will sorely repent of the wrong they have done, and those who proflted by their wrong and tlius participated in their


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