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A. DeFORÉST Fire Insurance Píate Glass Insurance. Steam Boiler INSURANCE ! [xmest Bates, Honorable Adjustments ' and Losses Promptly Paid. REAL ESTÁTE RENTS SPKCIAI. ATTENTIO5Ï OIVEN TO COLLECTION OF RKNTS ANI) MANAGEMKNT OK KKAL KSTATK INTKRE8TS FOK NON-RESIDENTS. ENTIBK SATISFACriON TO OWMERS ÜUARAJSTEKD A. DeFOBKST. 6F$57ÖOO REWARD " Will be freely given fo flBi n tutter remedy for Headfl t ache, Nervousness, Sleepf3k ES lessness &c . than Dr. Slileü' 1 3ki W Kestoratlie Nerrin, a '"'ÍW' Brain and Nen-e food. m)iSP Contains no Opium or Mor phine. Sold by Druggists. Sample Bottles Free FOR Jams, Confections and Preserves Mauufactured by the A nu Arbor Preserving Co., go lo trBROWR dfc CADT, Mi Solé Agents for Ann Arbor, or lo the factory Plttsfleld road. South. CET THE BEST FIRE INSURANCE! $29,000,000. Security aeld Tor the protectlon of the pollcy holdere. CHRISTIAN MACK Reír sentí the following flret-claps compnntes, of whlch one, the ..Etna, ha alone pald 5fi,000,000 Uro loeees Ín elxty-ave yeare : Etna, of Hartford % 9,192,644 Franklin of Philadelpliia 3,118,713 Qermania, N. Y 2,700,729 Gemían American, N. Y 4,06íí,968 London Assurance, London.. . 1,416,788 Michigan V. & M., Detroit. . . 287,608 N. Y. Underwriters, N. Y 2,596,679 National, Hartford 1,774,505 Phoenix, Brook-n 3,759,036 Losses liberally adjusted and promptly paid. Policies issued at the lowegt rates of premium. llUltf AÑÑÁÍBOR SMALL FRUIT NÜRSERY. AM kinds of Berry PlanU. Fruit and Ornameuttil irt'os from ELLWANGER & BARRY, Rochester, N. Y. Orders should be sent at once. WIK"ES & SYETJPS. Sweet and Sonr home-raade Wlne for Invallds, Bouesett Schrub, Raspberry Syrups, ürled Peáis, Raspberry wlne. PliVXOVTH KOI K KM. E. BAUR, WEST HURÓN STREET. ClasgoW via Londontíerry, Liverpool via Queenstown. Are Strlctly FlratClasa, and amcnu the larttent, fasteftt and tlnet Ín ihe world. Baloon, uoond elaM aod itaeraM Piuiencer vcronimf4tiktlon l'nexcellfil. Kvery f reunl fcr tiio oomfort iiml eonvenlenoQ "i Pft eeiiKers sludiuusly considered and prtictlüet' Steamers every Saturday for (Jlnsgow. ( ity of U. m ¦ MiiU for Llverpiioi Octobor 12. Is the largest and fin rt paíeenger steemer afloat. Rate! 01 paseage for al] eiasses as low as by auy other fírt-clH8í Une. Salcxn exrurelon tickets at redecid rates. Drafts lor any aimunt at lowest enrrent rates. For book of tours, tickets, orfnrther inT rmatlon. npp'v to IIIMM IISOV illllllllIKS, Vhlrasip, or C "V7". MELLOE, ANN ARBOR, - MICH. T El'OHT OF THE COXD1TION - OF THE- UN FURNITURE CO.. OF ANN AKBOK, MICHIGAN, vT-A.TSTTT.A.IRY 1, 1888. mude as Kequlred by Law. BESOURCKS. Merchandise, Luniber, flnished and untlnlshed wurk on band as per lnventory #2i.l 18 0 I Real Estáte 12 000 OU Machlnery and Tools.. 3,500 0U Book Account 14,011 31 L'ash 011 hand 4,242 SU f56.902 60 I.IAUILITIKH. Capital stock Í40.000 00 Surplus Kund 11 Mi 83 Dividend, No. 9 3,200 00 Bills payable _ a. 183 27 t-W.902 80 Wedo hereby swear Ihal t.he above Ís a correct sUitemeut of the coudlllou of thls rompauy. Wm. D. Hahkiman, I. ÜKlNKIt, Chas. E. Hiscock, Dlrectors. RnbRcribed and sworu to before me thls Tth day of Jauuary, 1SS8. A. W. Hamii.ton, Notary l'ublic. At the Inst regular meetlnij of the Dlrectors of ihlscompany an annual dividend elght per cent, was deelured. payable to stock hokli'rsof record, on and after Alondny, Jnnuary 9, 18S8, at the offlee of the Aun Arbor üavlugs Bank. CHARLES K. HISCOCK, sciTetary.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News