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Dii.i.s were íntroduccd in tho Senate on the Cth to créate a coinmtsston to lnquirc into and eport on the progresa of the oolored race slnce ,sii and pruilt iiiR a pension, in addttion to Ueir rotirei ï ly, to all military ofllcers retlred or diseaso er wounds incurred in the line of Suty. la oxecutlve session the following nomnations were conflrmed: L. Q. C. Lamar, to bo Associate Justlce of the United States Suiremo Court, by a voto of 32 to 28; William V. Vilas, to bo 8eoreUU7 of the Interior; Don M. Diekinson. to be Postmastcr-General, and Edward S. Bragg, to be Minister to Mexico ....In theHous; bilis wero introduccd ;o prevent tho contraction of tho currency by the withdrawal of National bank notes from circulation; for the issue of fractional currency; to prohibit speoulatlon by ofneers of National banking usociallons; to cstabllsh a postal-telegraiih s yetara; to a graduatedincomo tax; to place lumber, coal and Balt on the Tree llt: ïuthori.inx tho purchase of United States bonds by the Sccrctary of the Treasury; abolishing the tax on tobáceo and the duty on lumber, ooml, s:ilt. wool and blankets; for the repeal or the pension-arrears llmitation, and plaolQR ;ill kinds of lumber on tha free list. IN the Senate on the lïth a bilí was passed forbiddinK the mquirement of tribal property by white men who marry Xndtan women. Bills were reportad favorably to increase to I7i per month tha pension for total lielplessness; to increase to t-iO per month tho pension ior total deafness, and to rcimburse the depositors In tho Frcedmon's Bank. ...In the House S. S. Cox was chosen to presido during the illness of Speaker Carllale. The bill to provide for the Issue of c rculatin? notes to National bank as Bociations was taken up, but filibustering tactics prevented any action or any other business duriiiR the session. Is the Senate on the 18th bilis were passed to refund the Olreot war lax of 1861, and to reduce the charge tor pasaporta trom t'nc dollars to one dollar. Billa were Introducid to authorizo the Sccretnry of the Preasury to apply the surplus of the money in the Treasury to the purchasc of United Btatea bonds; to perpetúate the National banldng system by providing further serurities; to provide for inquests under National auihority; for the construction of pier lights on the Rrcat lakei, and to settle and adju-t the 1 lainu "f anj st;ito for expenses Incurred in dcfeusc of the United States - In the IIouso the bill approprlatlag $583,000 to carry out the prOTlalona of the agricultural experiment stat. 011 act Of 1887 was passed. In tho Senate on the lílth a bill was Introduccd to prant ;i service pension to all survivors of the late war. a reaolatton, was adoptad dt recting the Secretar; of the Interior to report a plan of letflBlation for disposition of public timber landi bo as to secure the preservation of National forest lands, and to Rive settlers legal nieans of proTldlng Utemselves with timber. Adjiiurued to thej.'id.. . In tho House the invitation extended to the United States to partlcipatc in the Melbourne exposition was accepted. The Invalitl Pension bill was reportcd. TBS Seuiite was not in session on the -Uth.. .. In the House Mr. Tliocbe, the contestant for Speaker Carlisle's seut, appeared and asked for full lnvestlgatlon of the case. A resolut'on providing tor such an investiííation, offereil by Mr. I.ym;ui. of Iowa, was defeated by a vote of 12-ï to 182, Beven Demoerats voting in the afflrmatlve. On the majority report refusins an investigal on Kepubl'.cansrcfiaincdfrom ; !,e matter went over. DOMEST1C. A rata i" Henry Warders' boiler and conduit worki al PhUadelpala ou the lüth causcd a lo-s oí nbout $100.000. Charles P. ÏOUNO, of Detroit, cashier of the Michigan Carbon-works, was on the 17th cllegod to be a detaolter to the amount oí : $70,000. It was estiinateJ on the 17th that the deaths fro:n Üie Mtzzardln Minnesota and Dakota vronld reaoh two hmulrcd. Thirtyone childreu were missing In Turner County, D. T. Madden, the fov.rtecnth victlm of the recent linul fon 1 lUway disaster, died in HaverhüL, Han., on Ule 17th. The United Ntites commisaary building at Fort itcKlnney, Wy. T., waí burned on the 17th. LotK, $100,000; no Insurance. The Wholesale (rrooery oí i laopre, Keoprh A Davis, at Kt. Pau!, wal bmnecl ou the 17tb. Los, $400,000. Iíeports of the 17th froiu the West and Northwest ind. caled an immense loss of live stock bv late bl iz ird A mystekious box sjiit to Judge Woods, of the Federal ('ourt at lndianapolis, who is trying the tully iheet íorger, was examined on the 17th and íound to be an infernal machine capable oL blowing a man to pieces. Two murdeekes confined in jail at Caldwell, Tex., were taken out by a mob on the 17thand shot. It was said on the 17th that Edward E. Lcwis and Wllllam H. Hunt, of rittsfield, Mass., had sueceeded in producing copper by treating iron with certain acida. DuvuN iiaint; liouMt; tí Mt. Carmel, Pa., were burned on the ITlIi, and three men perished in the Humes. Advices of the 17th Ray the American ship John T. Berry, from Philadelphia for Hiojfo, was burne.l ai sea, and eleven of the crew perished. The comnüssion appointed by the New York Legislature to dicover sume humane ineans of capital punishment reported on the 17th, reoommending the killng of crimináis by elctric ty. Italsorecommended the date of execiuion to be kept secret from the prisoner. The shoe-makers' strike at Eochester, N. Y., which cominenced November 1 last, carne to an end on the 17th inst, the men resnming work at the oíd wages. Neably two thousand bakers and restaurant waiters in San Francisco struck on the 17th for higher wages. The proprletors had agroed to cniploy no unión men in the future. liEV. Geoege Druky, Baptist preacher at Clear Water, Kan, and his son Alvin were fatally injured on the 17th while digging a well. A passenger train was thrown from the track by a broken rail on the 17th rear Coatesville, Ia. , and thirteeu persons were seriously injured. The President on the 17th trans mitted the Pacific railroad reports to Congress, with a message strongly condemning the management of the linea No movemext looking to a settlement of the Eeading railroad strike was visible on the 17th. The company maintained an nnbroken silence as to its policy or intentiona It was discovered on the 18th that Frank M. Irion, of Birmingham, Ala., clerk and register of the city court, was a defaulter to the extent of $10,000. He had fled, Fbeeekick 1'kaley, of Philadelphia, was elected president of the National Board of Trada at its eighteenth annual meeting on the 18th in Washington. Wilixam H. Waltees and Thomas Henderson, convicted in Utah of unlawiul cohabitation, were pardoned by President Cleveland on the 18th. Bubolaks opened the vaults of the Tiskilwa(IU.) Bank and carried off $0,000 In currency on the lsith. Foub negroes were shot, two of them fatally, in a fight on the 18th at a negro dance near Fayette, Mo. A DisPATCH of the 18th to the American Board of l'orelgn MissionB in Boston from Mardin, iu Turkey, said that ten thouaand people were starving there and called for immediate relieí The Ilatfleld gang from Logan County went to tho house of Bim McCov. in Pike County, Ky., on the 18th, tled his wifo to a tree, hot her to death, wlth her two eldest ohildren, and burned McCoy and the two poungest children to death. Tbk San Francisco Bridge Company falled on the 1 Hth with liabllitles of ijvfüO.OOO and assets of $200,000. The bli.zard embargo in Dakota was ratBed on the 18th, and the tlrst mail Blnca January 11 arrived at Huron. In South Brooklyn, N. Y.. on the 18th Frank Fouckner hot and killed hts wife, whom he morded last September, and then commltted suicide. Jealousy. A jntoKKS rail wrocked an Illinois Central train at Soales Mound, HL, on the 18th, two coaches rolling down an embankment, and a dozen persons were badly hurt The American Hhipplng and Industrial League, in session on the 1 Hth at Washington, adopted rcsolutions demandinfj tmmediate provisión for coast defenses, restoration of American Rhipplnfj, building of a strong navy and improvement of rlvers and harbors. Joseph Wneeier, of Alabama, was elected president The National Tobacco A&sociatlon at lts session in Washington on the 18th elected George W. Hclme president No ction was taken on the tobucco-tax question. 6even persons were drowned on the 18th in Sand lake, near Knnls, Tex., by breaklng through the ice while skating. James Gbindeb, of Kochestcr, N. Y., fatally beat his wife with a hatchet on the 18th and then coinmitted suicide They have ninc children. F. Pabkeh and S. Fulton, two Nova Scotia men who took rooms at a New York hotel, were found dead on the lOth, having blown out the gas. A hydbophobia epidemie was raging on the l'.tth in Oxford, N. J., caused by severe cold weather, many dogs showiug signs ot the diseaBe. Fbank SMiTn, his wife and live children, perished in the tire that destroyed their home at Harrod, O., ou the lOih. Mns. Hudson, an old lady living ner Vandalia DL, while in a Üt on the l'Jth feil in the tire and was burned to death. The overdue steamship Britannia, with eight hundred immigrante on board, arrived in New York on the lOth. In a glans factory at Butler, Ta., two employés were caught in a grinding machine on the 1 !tli and ground to death. Ice formed at Jacksonvllle, Fla., on the 19th, but no in jury was done the orange erop. Thbee men broke into a hall at Kansas City on the 19th, gathered all the Blbles, song-books and printed sermons of Sam Jones tnd Kam Small, who were holding their revivals there, and burned them in the Btove. Tus coroner on the l'Jth found $1,000 in gold hidden in the hut of William Price, who died recently of BtarvatlonatGirard, O. Miss Makt A. Bbown, of Norristown, Pa., was on the l!)thswindledout of fvtO.OOOby a Philadelphia woman who conducted a "ladies" bank. and wounding of two others by Apache on the Yaqul rlver was reported on the lOth froin Nogales, A. T. Another great storm was ragln? on the l!Uh in Dakota, Mlnne.sota, Nabraska and lowa, with the mercar; far below nero. The Commlctee on Appropriation in the House of Representativos at Washington made ready on the lilththe minimi Pension WIL It approprlateH $0,27 5, 500. A party of inasked meu attempted on the littbto rob an expresa train on the Wabash raiiroad, east of Kansas City, but were fo'led by offlccrs who had rece. ved notice of the intended attempt. Minsie Rai, daughter of a prominent cltizen of Colorado Springs, CoL, threw herBelf in front of a train and was killed on the 19th. She had deceived her father In a small money matter and w:is overeóme by remorse. Ed Copfet, who recently cut his throat when refused a pardon by the l'ennsylvania board, confessed at Piteburgh on the 19th that he killed Nic Jacoby, for whose murder Frank Small was hunged a few weeks og-o. It appeared on the 20th that Mrs. Celia Hendrioks, the "woman's bank" financier of Philadelphia, had swindled frlenda and acqnaintances out of $100,000. Gold was discovered on the 20tn, ot high grade and payiiig quantittes, near Omaha, Neb. James Martin, a hero of a score of batUcb and an inmate of the Soldters and Sailors' Home, was frozen to death on the 20th near Erie, Pa. At a meeting in Chicago on the 20th the price of barbed wire was increa3ed twentyüve centa per one hundred pounds. A laioi boiler in Kastner & Gogan's flour mili at Janesville, Wis., exploded on the 20th, completely wrecking the structure and killing two men. A vms of coal Bix feet two lnches thlck was discovered on the 20th at Colfax, McIn'an County, 11L Deep ? in the Michigan woods ha lnterfered with lumbering operatlons, and uiany milis had ahut down on the 20th. A St. Paul paper stated on the 20th that 235 persons perished in the recent bllzzard. At Readlng, Pa., a faith-cure convention was causlng great exclteineut on the 20th, and many cases of a.leged cures were reported. W. J. M Gordos, manufacturing chemlst at Cincinnati, failed ou the 20th for $100,000. N KAB Little Uock, Ark. , two farmers by the name of Baker and Hitt quarreled on the 20th while divldlng their land between a son and daughter of each, who were about to be married, and stabbed each other fatally with bowie-knivea The new law passed by Congress relatlug to permlssible writing and printing on econd, third and fonrth-class mail matter went lnto effect on the 20th. At Fort Keogh, M. T., the thermometer registered G5 degrecs bolow zero during the recent blizzard. At the same point on one occasion last suminer it stood 130 degrees above zera A meningitis epidemie wos on the L'Oth depopulating Ashevllle, N. C, at the rate of a dozen deathB a uay, all attempts to check it proving futlle, Many inhabitants were lea ving town. Dubino the seven days ended on the 20th there were 270 business failures In the United States, against 312 the previous Beven days. James E. Nowijn was hanged at Cambridge, Muks., on the 20th for the murder of George A. Codman, hls employer, January 4, 1887. In Carney's tunnel, near Greensburg, Pa, an express train struck and killed two unknown men on the L'Oth. The Illinois corn erop of 1887 was the smallest sinee 1803, the total belng 121),000,000 bushela PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. K ('. Walthaix was on the 17th reelected United States Senator by the Ui - sissippl Lefjtilature. The one hundred and elghtleth birthday anniversary of Benjamin FnnkUn wal celebrated in New York by the Typothetco Society on the 17th by a banquet Amonf the speakers were Mayor Hewltt and Charles A. Dana Both houses of the lowa Legislatura balloted for United States Senator at Dea Molnes on the 17th, Senator Wllson ing 5H out of 89 votei cast in tho House, and 30 out or 1 1 In the Bennta Mrs. Mary ]¦'.. ¦. DBW was on tv elected preddtn! oi M Dover N H) Street-railway Coinpaóy. l'bs was tiie lirst cano of ti.e kind on tecord. Senatoii .Jam,: E Wilsons eleotlon to succeed himsolf in the ün.ted States K nte waH lormaliy mtili.'d by the lowa Legislatura on the 'lh Thi ot extendí hia term of service (o tturoo 1, 1805 The Ilhoile Islaml LeffUlatura oonvened on the lstb at I'ruviJenoe. The next Peniisvlvanla Democratie State couventlon will "be held in Ilanisburg Thk Wisconain ProhltttloplaU wil Uold their State convention at Madlson May 23. Oenebal G. Q. Attwood, president of the Mutual L!fe Iniur..nue Co -npany oL New York, died on the l!th in I) oston Fbank Ei.i.ison, of Indiana, l'ni 'o 1 Stntes Consul at 8 . HetodB, r. sliviLon the lOth. Mbs. Makï Man, agad one huiulr:d and two years and two monthi, died on the lOth'at Fairle Vr. The biü givins women the rijfht to voto In Washington Territoir was slgnotl by Governor Betnple on the lfttlL Majob Iikimmomi, fomicrly an Iowa Congrcssman and at one time a Commlnsloner of the General Land Office, died in San Diego, CaL, on the 20lh. Both branches of the Ohio Lagilature on the 2üth adopteJ itrong resolntions condemning the free-trade views of l'restdeirt Cleveland. FOREIGN. Jeffreï McColi., a member of the Nova Scotia Legislature, in n gpecch on the lOth advocated the inunodiate abolition of local legislaturas and the annexntlon of Nova Scotia to the United Stntes. The Mexican colnage dnring the last flRcal year was $27,493,074, of whtch $20,811,0:H was sil ver. Neabi.t nine hundied Nihllists were arreRted on the 17th at St retersburif. Thompson's auction rooms and Atklnson's Japanese store at Montreal were gutted by lire on the 17ch, entailing a loss of $150,000. A teleoeam of the 1 8th says the Norwegian bark Freidis was wrecked off the Irish coast and thirteen oL the crew wera drowned. DisrATCHF.s of the 18th gay a convoy ot prisoners, whlle hetag taken from South Kussia to the Caucasus, mutinied and a ftght ensued, in which eitrht soldiers, two gendarmes and thirty-one prisoners wero killed. Twenty-one prisoners escaped. W. J. Lañe, un Irish ineinber of l'arliament, was on the 1tU sentcneed to a rnonth's Impr.'aonmgnt for inciting tenauts to reslst baiürt Seven persons committed suicide in 1enna on the 18th for various reasona Halifai. N. S., had tho tlrst snow-storm of the season on the lOth. The Cascapadia collided with and sunk the stcamer Oxford off Gibraltar on the l!)th. and twenty persons were drowned. A Dublií! crowd on the l!)thhooted and lnsulted Chief Secretary Balfour upon hiB appearance in the streets of the Irish capital. Whtle four thonaand workmen were making a breakwater on the l'Jth tosteni the Hoangho floods in China they were ingulfed by a sndden rush of water and nearly all were drowned. By the capsizlng of a small boat on the 19th near Vicloria, 13. C, fourteen Chinamen, intending to smuggle themselves into Washington Territory, were drowned. William O'Bbien, editor of United Jreland, was releascd from Tullarnore jail on the 20th, where he had been confinad since October 21. a G Kavadt k Co., Toronto (Ont) lumber dealers, suspended on the 20tL. owing about $200,000. Don Cáelos, in an interview at Venice on the 20th, said that Spain must strengthen her army and navy and becouie one ol the great powera. He said nnless the present monarchy was replaced he thought a republic would soon come. Kingston (Ont) ad vlees of the 20th say that in retaliation for the hard fight beinij made by the teinperance people of Leeds County eleven buildingB had been burned at Irish Creek and the Methodist churcli and a tannery at Kemptville. LATER NEWS. Mits. Kr.iz.i B. Garfikld, niother of tho assasinated President, died at live o'clock on the niorning of the21st at the family homestead in Mentor, near Cleveland, O. Bhe was bom in Uichmond, Chester County, N. H., September '25, 1801, and was therefore 8(5 years, 3 month and 20 days old. She had been a widow for flfty-flve years. She was the tirst mother to witness the Inauguraron of a son as President. The boarding-house of Nelson Bnrnaby, nt Tower, Minu. , was burned on the 21st, and ten persons perished in the fiames. In portions of New Hampstiire and Vermont the mercury regiatered 30 dagreea below zero on the 21st Thb exebanges at twenty-six leading clearing-houses in the United States during the week ended on the 21t aggregated $917,954,378, agaiust $i)73,403,162 the previous week. As compare with the corresponding week of 18S7 tüe decreaso amounted to 8.0 per cent The Giunsey Furuiture Company of St Louis failed on the 21st for $100,000. The east wing of the ilolyoke (Mass.) Envelope Companv'fi niill was burned ou tho l'2d. Loss, $320,000. In Wisoonsin on the 2 lat spirit thermometers registered 08 degrees below zero at Chippewa Falla, 86 below at Janesville, 55 at Hudson, 52 at Dartford, 53 at Princeton, 50 at Sparta, 52 at Green Lake, and extreme cold in other portions of the State. In the northern pr-tions of Michigan it was 40 degrees below, and in Iowa from 32 to 40 degrees below zero. In Minnesota and Dakota from 40 to 52 below was also reported. A FUtE on the 21st at Montreal, Can., deStroyed properiy to the value of $300,000. WmJAM Muedock, an old resident of Pittsburfrh, was victimized by a bunko man on the 21nt out of $10,000. At San Carlos, A. T., on the 21st an Apache Indion got drunk, killed his wife and chlld, and was shot by a sergeant of the gnard. Two thousand people were present at the reception tendered to General Fremont at Los Angelea, CaL, on the 2 lat, on the occasion of his seventy-flfth birthday. A oas well near Dunkirk, N. Y., was yieldlng one milhon f eet per day on the 21st The great ship yards at Granville, near Havre, France, were burned on the 2 lat, throwlng elght hundred men out of employment A coal famine exlsted in Western Nebraskaon the 21st, and coal traína on the Union Pacific were being stopped and robbed. An earthquake shock was feit on the 21st at Dubuque, Ia. The Senato was not In session on the 21st In the House it was lmpossible to securo a quorum to declare Mr. Carlisle seated. A resolution was placed on the calendar directing the Committee on Manufactures to lnquire into the charges thnt certnin individuáis and corporatlons had combined for the purpoae of increaing the price of nrcessities of life, thu8 working injtiry to the people. Acljourii"(l to tho 23 V


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