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¦ IIUBUHIMI has revoUHlonlzed the world TMÏÏPWTTilH'"rle tl'e !"¦ half ceutury. Ui lUli i iyèl -N'ul liast among the wonders ¦ 11 !¦¦! ¦¦ ()f jnventVe progresa la a melhod and systcm of work tlmt can be performed all over the country without eparatIng the workers froin thelr homes. Pay liberal ; any one can do the work ; either sex, young or ld; no spoclal ability requlred. Capital not needed ; you art started fTee. ( ui thls out aud return to us and we will aend you free, somethiug of great value and linportance to you, Hint will shirt you in business, wblcli wl 11 bring you In more money rlgbtawny than anythfng else in the world. Grand ouljit free. Address True & Co„ Augnsta, Malne. ¦ ¦¦III f !t!Hiinl,Ml are ihose wlio read UIPhI Ytiis aiul tlien a(-'i llu'y wil1 flud ülyfly i honar ii'lf employinent Ihat will "not tnke them from their homes aud families. The profits are large aud sure for every lndustrlous person, ninny have made and are now making aevaral hundred dollars a naoñth. lt is easy for any one to make 85 and upwards per ciay, who is wllllng to work. Klther sex, young or oíd; capital not needed; we start you. Every thlng uew No special ability required, you, reader. can do lt as well as any one. Write to ns at once lor ruil particuhus, which we mail free. Address Ktluson fc Uo.. Portland, Malne. flñlíEQTSQCBí? orothers.who wish t3 examine mtS Wbll 3 SOCalV this paper, of obtain estímales on advertising space when in Chicago, will find tt on file at theAd.crt,ngAgoncyof LORD TK0fflftl "ABOOKFORTHEPESPUE," 'rriVATlG ! U8KFUL : : Qnenl PIscHsslonH. and IMptoinniW1 Paper 'ii the ;reattubac4ue9liuuuf tlie.Posl ui. ¦¦ PreMllta JAME! . BLADtE. BmbndnglilsmMterlTtvgnmentaoa vitnl Iwuos in tha AnHStaven Stmaoi, Uw au I,aortait Ixibor Qtirstion. ProhiHUon, IrUh Hmw-linle. etc, ;--A Fosruira fob Book Casvasskrs! Appucations voa XtRïUTonv Comino in witii a Kusu ! l'AKl.l.Nfi IiUUS.. DETE91I, Muil. Dr. MILES' RESTORATIVE NERYINE LÊt fel contains no Opium of dan, HSB gerous drug. Can be taken éBAvBflH "}' any one al an' time. HSfiBB The latest and best Dis JktÜVHm. foTerr for 11 KA I AC II Y.. Wl WkJ&XM h " SVKSti-, SPASMS iIHHEHI SKXl'AI. SVKAKNKSS, au WWBSwwWr NEBVOl'S B1SEASES. Sold by Druggists. Sample Bollles FrM uur tu :fl eï. Slk EGAN'S IMPERIAL TRÜSS. i1- I Bfes'KPi'al spriiii;, gradod trom 1 to ii lk_ BliJpounds iu pressure. ORN DAY AD MGHT, s=a& by au Infant a weuk oíd, oran CL adultSOyears. f =Sa Ladies Trusses a perfectlon. V ¦ i" . 'l'.m'losi' stamps for testimoniáis f of cures, eto. EQAN IMPKUIAL TRÜSS (.()., ann arbor, Mion. Notlce to CreUIlors. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County oí Washtenaw, SS. Nottce is tiareby given, that by an order cil tlu' Probate Court for the County of Wavhti'ua made on the twemy-feenth dy of Dacemlxr, A. ). ItW. 8ix montlis from (hut date wore allowöd Ur credilors to (ir.-Ki'iit tlu'ir rhiims unlDal tbi' etnte of Charlee Almeodlnger, 1-itc ufni d county, deceaaed, and thut all credltora of eaid decoapud required to present thoir clalma lo paid I 'robalo t'ourt, at the ProbateOftlce, In the oltyof Ann Arbor, for exaiuination an( allowancu. onorbefore theüTtli day of Juue iu'xt, and thdt puch claims will bc heard betore sald conrt, on 'lui'Sday, the 27th day oí March, and on Wndiiendiiy, tl' -Tth daj ol June next, at teu o'clock lu tlie forenoon ol each of Kald days. Dated, Ann Arbor, December L7th, A. D. 1887. WILLIAM IJ. HAKRIMAN, 13S4-13SS JudL'e ol Probate.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News