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fPTV YJVICHIGAN " Ldtá Central ." )¦¦ tj.fon fthll7"o R„„TÏZ%ffijj? I lm tuble tnking effect ï-ov. 2Oth. IKS7. i :: i ui Nlandari! Time. CHICAGO TO DKTKOIT. I si Míi lili! A.B. A.. P.M. r. M. PM. r. B.U.d Chiraeo..Lv. 6501 00 8 10 4 40; 8 15 9 10 3 55 Kalamazoo. ..'12 17 15 6 58 9501231 247' 645 Battle Creead 1 12 137 71 145 318 7 31 Jackson ! 3 15 4 20 8 4!l 3 15 4 50 S 15 OnsI.8ke....l 3 SX 518! S4 ('hels tW 535 9 66 Deïler. 4 141 55011018 relblMiUs... 4M lun Ann Arbor.... 4 38 5 30 45 4 35 6 08 10 3:1 Ypsllantl ! 450' 5 4'. 5 4 52 624 1047 WayneJnnc. 5 15 6 05 515 47UO9 I)etrot'....Ar. 00: 451045 600 7 30 11 fU SU.Thomas .11 10 205... . 950 8 S0 KallsVIew 117 660 N. Falla, 221 45 122 658.... BnflNo 435 7 15 3 40 C6.... DKTBOIT TO CHICAGO. "- lï wc -t a & s l st f 3 ft i a. .G - ¦ ¦ V 7. c o 3 a ft. m A.M. p H. " A..M. A.MA.II Bnffalo.. 1130 55 BU5 9 00 100... N. Pull. 1245 -13 Ï16 .... St.Thoinas.... 4 25 1000.... 110 560 lA.M A. W. P P M. P.M. P.M .... Detroit.. ..Lv. 7 00 910 130 4 U0 8 00 1015 Wavne June..: 7 41 953 203 4 45 837 10&5 Ypsilanti .... 8 03 10 12 220 5 12 858 1118 AnuArhnr... 8 18 10 30 2 32 5 80 9 12 1135 Delhi Milla.. 828.... 542] Oexttr 837 5 50! 9 32 Chelaea 852 6061952 GtassLake... 15 627 1015 ... Jackeon 945 1135 33'2 710.1052 133 ... Hattle Creek.. 11 3)1 112 4 40 8521212 2 48 Kalamazoo. .. 12 17 1501 5 15 9 45, 1 20 3 0" 4 45 Chicago.. .Ar. 5 ! 40 9 n l 7 OOf 7 45 10 20 O. W. K(j()Gl.B8, H. W. HAYES. O.P. T. Agaot Aït.. Ann Arbor. Chicago. 'IV pdo, Auu Arbor k N'ortli MirliU'an Uailvray. TIME SCHEDULB. To i;ike effect :if 12 o'clock, noob, on Bundaj, OctoberflWs 187. Traint run by Standard Time. GUIÑO NOKTH. SI'.TIONS. o U Ja. h. p m. p. .Ia. . Tole-I" Lv 5 15 3 15 6 25 5 51) Manbaltmi Jonctiun 5 20 3 20 6 40 6 10 Alexis 5 27 3 2X 6 55 6 Xt Samarla 5 45 3 43 7 23 7 30 Munroe Jauctlon 02 4 05 7 51 8 lu Uiiudee 6 10 4 12 8 06 8 30 Azulla 6 25 4 181 8 20 9 00 Milan , 35 4 35 ' 8 35 9 30 Urania 6 50 4 45j 8 55 10 00 PiiUHeli! 7 0 4 M 9 05 10 20 Ann Arbor 7 15 5 10 6 25 11 30 I.chiui 7 33 5 30 9 50 155 Whitmore Lak.. 7 4 5 45o.l2 2 13 EloweU 8 30 6 2S f, 30 5 uo Duraud 30 7 20! 9 30 p. m. Coranna 9 fö 7 46 10 35 ()w,)so 10 01 7 55 11011 Ou-baeo Junct'dii 10 05 8 10 1105 Itha a 11 16 9 15 2 40 Sr. Loula 1135 9 33i 3 35 A 'm i 1142 9 41 3 55 Mt. Pieawim Ar 12 30 10 30 (i Ou 9, M. P. M.P. ¦ (OlN(i SOUTH. STATIONS. S U Mt f' L A. M. P. M. P .. Mt. Pleasant I,v 8 40 6 30 l 30 Alma 10 15 7 20 2 20 SI. Louis 111 3.5 7 27 2 2ti Ithaca 12 Ï5 7 41, 2 46 Owosso Junction 4 00 8 5i 4 02 Owoíbj 4 08 9.0 4O8Í..;. Corunna 4 25 9 08 4 15 ... Duraild 5 16 9 30 4 3ti A. H.iwell 7 40 10 20 5 3.) 5 UÓ Whitmore Lak' Kx i. 11 Ou Ui 6 S) I-eland 30 1114 80 7 3S Ann Arbor 7 15 1130 6 5 1 10 ÍA l'i'tH..ld 7 SB U 48 7 00 11 30 Irania 7 35 11 50 7 10 11 50 Milan 7 45 12 04 7 20 12 54 Azalia 7 M 12 14 7 30 12 46 l'lllideu S (Vi 13 24 7 40 110 Monroe Juuctiou 8 10 12 31 7 51 130 Samarla 8 2" 12 46 8 10 2 10 Alexis 8 4.5 10018 30 2 45 Manbatlan Junction 8 50 1 05' 8 37 3 0 Toledo Ar 9 00 1 10 8 42 8 15 A. . P. M.p. M. T'. M. Soatb Lyou Hranch. NOUTH BOUND. BTATI0M8. SOU1H BOU.NP. Train C Train 1 H M. P. M. 9 50 Lv. Lelandn Ar. 30 lll 00 Ar. Woitfem Ar. 8 Í0 10 lï) Ar S.iutb Lyon Lv. C 00 Connectlons: At Toledo, wltb railroads dlveririiiL'; at Manhattan Junction, wlih Wheellng A Lake Brie K. H.; at Alexis Juuciion, wiih M. c. K. K., U S. & M. S. Ry. and V. & P. M R. H.; t Mom ou Junclion, with L. S. & M. S. liy.; ut UuDdei-, with L. s. & M. S. liy., M. O. Kr.; at Milan Juni-tion. with Wabasb, St. Lonis & Pacillc Hy ; ki Pittsneld, wjih L.s. i M. S. Ky,; at Aun Arbor wiib Micliiaii tientral K. li., una at South Lvod with Detroit, Laiiíine & Northern li. H., ónd Mich. A. 1. Div. of Grand Trnnk Ky. At HamImra with M. A. Line División Grand Truuk R't. At Howell wilh Detroit, Linsluj; & Norlhern K'y. At Duraiid with Chicago & Grand Trnnk R'y auit Detroit, Grand Haven lülwukee R'y. At Owo8o Junction wiih Detroit, (,rand Haven 4 Milnraukee K'y and Michigan Central K. K. At St. Louis wilh Detroit, LaLsir& Northern R. i. and Sagi na Valley & St. Louis It'y. At Alma with Detro't, L.insintr & Northern R'y. Al Mt. Pteasuot ilb Fliut & Pere Mdrqnette R'y. H. W. ASHLKY, General Manaser. V. II. BENNBTT, A. J. PAISLEY. Gen'l. Pass. & Ticket Aeent. Local Ajrent Estáte of Enianiiel Mann. OTATfiOÍMIClllGAN, County ol Waahteuaw, 0 es. At a session of the Probate Court forthe Connty of Washtenaw. holden at the Probate Office. In the city of Ann Arbor, on Wedneedaj, the 4th diy of January, in the year one thousand eljrht hondred and elghty-eij; it. Present Wllliam D. llarrlman, Judge of Prubate. In the matter of theestate of Kmtnuel Mann, deceased. On readlns and flling the petiiion, duly verlfied, of Heury J. Mann, praylng Ihat ai! tratiou ot said eslate m&y be Kranted to h'míelí or sume oiher suitablc pereon ; Thcreupon lt Is ordcred, that Monda;, the ith day of Febranry next, at len o'clock in the forenooii, bc at-siL'iictl forthe hearing of said petition and tbat the heirs at law of eald deciaeed, ainl all other persons lntereeted In naid etate, are reqnired to appear at a nepsiou ol said court, then to be holden at the Probate Office, tn the City of Ann Arbor, and show canee, if any there be, why the prayer of the petltioner shonld not be granted. And it Is lurtber ordered, that said petitioner give noties to th persons interested In said estáte, of the pendency of said petition, and ihe hearing tliereoi, b cauciut' a copy of tlile order to be publtshed in the Ana i Arbor Ikmrier, a uewspaper prlnted and circula tedln eaid county, throe successlve wek previOU8 to snld day of hearine. (A true copy.) W1LLIAM D. HAKH1MAN, Judue of Probate WM . O. DUTY, Probate Reeioter. 13tó-l.8 Chanccry Sale. In pursuancc and by vlrtue of a decree o( the Circuit Coun frr the Connty of WatWenaw. State of Mlctlg in, in ('hancery, made and cotered ou the fllth day ot December, A. D. itW, In i C'Ttain caus ¦ therein pending, where'n Henry ¦ Watson is complaiuant and Suuan K. Kidder. Amo? Y. Kidder. Ida e. Kidder and Cyrine KlddiT aie (Ulendanis. Notico is hereby glven, thal ou Saturday the thtrd day of March. A. D. 18K8 at ten o'clock in the foienoon of sald day, I fha'l eil at public anciion. or vendue toihehi hest hidder, at the east main entranre lo ihe Court House, In the cty of Ann Arb.'r, in sa:d connty, thot belrg the buflrilt t; in whirh ilie ('iicuit Conit of sald county is held, all those cerUin p'oces. or pan-els of land sliuated In the K.wnshin of Saline, Waêhtenaw County, MleLipan, and deecrlbed as followi, towit: The catt lialf of the northcaet quarter ol eectlon twenty elaht (28)and the west half of the northw el qnarter or cetion twentveeven (27) excepties a piece of Innd deeded by William Kidder amlwlleto Henry Peterson, deceaeed, as lollows, to w.t: Bcf.'iiiiilnKatapointlweniytworo.1! w si of the center of the Tecumseh and Saline road whereMtld road iiitersecta te north line of the norlhwesi iiuarlerof said sectlon twenty-eeven(27); theuce east alonp süid north Une to the center oí the Teen ms.h and Saline road, iwenty-two rode; tlienoeouth aloi'i: the center of said road flfieen i!5) rodn; thence uorth to the place of beüInniiiK, contalnliig one hundred and flny-ninc and ouehulf acres more or less. all In township four south 01 raiiL'e flve east, County of Washtenaw and State ol Michigan, exceptfng from said above described parcel of land, the following plece or i.anel of land, viz. : CimmencliiK at the nortbweat corner of the east half of tlie norihcast quarter of section Iwenty-eght (28) towuship four south of rarL'f flve east, running sonth on line between east and wst half of snld quartereection, 20 chains and 75 links ; thence souih 43 degrees an 30 minutes east. 5 chains and 96 lii.ks to the center olihu Te nmsch road. thence uorth 47 degreea and .W minutes at, alorg the center of naid road, 33 chains and 40 linki ; thence uorth 47 degrees west, Si'ha'us, and 74 links to sectlon line lu the center of the hlghway, thence west on said sectlon line in the center of the hlghway 2 chalns and 12 link, to the place or beginning, contatnirg 48 aud 40 one-huudred'lis aerc ofland. PATKICK McKERNAN. Circuit Court Commtssloner, Washtenaw County, Michigan. JOHN F. LAWRKNCK, Sollctor for Complalnant, Anh Armok, January 16th, 1SS8.


Ann Arbor Courier
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