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Those Figures Again

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Tho tenacity with wliich some of our county supervisors cling to the erroncous dea that property is not properly assessed in tliis city, leads 119 to ag:iin publish a. table compiled frora the year book of the M. C. R. R. Co., giving the population, and assesied valuation of property in various cities of tliis state. These figures prove what we have always ruaintained, that property in Ann Arbor is assessed higlier tlian in any other city in tliis state. Here are the figures. Will our county supervisors please exnmlne and compare thern : The debt column is added slmply as an advertisement for our city. Compare some of these please. Kalainazoo, for instance: l'opulatlon 1.1,909; assesscd at$.",2S7,000, only $000,000 more than Ann Arbor. Juckson with tliree times our population only assessed onelialf million more! East Saginaw, with :!0,00O inhabitants assessed at less than doublé our city! Buy Citv in the same situation, exactly. Is It possible that Ann Arbnr property is so much more valuable I l:t 11 property in these cities? Not much. A lot tiiat would bring $1,000 ia Ann Arbor will bripg SI, 500 in Kalamazoo, and the same ia true of the other cities mentioiicd above, only in greatcr proportion. According to the Tribune Almanac there is noj. a republican paper in Battle Creek. What is the matter with the republicana of Calhoun ? Can they not support a paper nt the connty seat? Tbc next grand lodgc, F. & A. M., wil' c held in Detroit. Eastern papers inform us tlmt a [viriness is now cousidered passeV, and that a ''Vcnctian niglit" is the propet nnme tot cburch fair?, etcétera. , The forniing of republican clubs, all over the country is now going on. Even way down iu Louisiana thcy have eominenced the good worV. "It ia a good thing." Tbc manufacture of salt iu tbis fctatc bas grown from 4,000 barrels in 18G0 ;to 4,250,000 barrels in 1887. Who deslres to wipe out this industry by importlng salt brought across the ocean as ballast, duty freo ? Tlic democratie party does. New Vork Ilerald: Mr. Carlisle is badly advised by bis friends, we fear. His duty to himself and to bis party is at oud1, at the eailicst moment, to deuiand and iusist Uut the disputed clectlon case In which he is a party be reopencd. The intelligencc comes up from Washington, that the veteran editor, Geo. Y. Lewls, of the Saglnawian, is to be made postmaster of Saginaw City. The ap polntraent of Mr. Lewisis au act of justii'e tu g veteran iu the seivice of his party. One of the "slashing" good papers of New York City is tbc Muil and Express. U's iicws is condensed, it's articles crisp, it's general makc up tasty, and as a whole it is a gem In the newspaper world which it is a pleasure, for a ne.wgppér man at any rate, to read. It looks vcry mucb as thougli Mr. Cleveland bad a high HUI, full of pltl:lls and sharpedged rocks to climb before he captured tlie delegation of his own New York state to tlie democratie national convention. He bas found out already that Gov. Hill is in the tield. Another gigantic monopoly has come into existence, in tlie sbapc of a "silgar trust." This co-called "trust"' is another Standard oll octopus, and something must be done by the people to wipe them both out of existence, (as well as the coal combination)or their liberties will eventually be iu danger. The republicans of Ihe eleventli district eau be of good cheer, for T im Nester says their candidate for congress will be elcctod, and as a political prophet Tim Is no slouch. Before the convention he was heard to say that Jay Hubbell would not be nominated, and Jay wasn't. - Evcuing News The republicau convention, huid at Ish. peming for the nominationof a successor to the late Congrcssiuan Moffatt, resulted in the defeat of the Hon. Jay A. Ilubble, and the placing of State Senator Henry W. Seyinour In the field. Mr. Seymour is a nephew of the late Horatio Seymour, and is a gentleman of excellent pnrts, and hails from the booming "Soo." The Coldwater Courier adds B paragnph to " English a? She is Taught " In the following: It is reported that otie Brancli connty teacher Instrucls hls pupila that'noed" Is the past teuse of "know" and is a correct word to use. This teacher also instructs his pupil apon the effect of alcohol upon the human system, as requlreti by law, but he instructs thetn lts effect is highly beneftclal and 118 useshould beeneouraged. In autgnlng lessouB to the olass he is 8id to ptate it in the following eloquent mauner: "Take'er down to here." Tliis ludientes a good fleld for the county superintendent to begin his uewyear'e work iu. It doesn't seem as if thu Detroit Evening News had struck a very happy idea in writing up the people who are so tinfortunate as to btcome inmates of tbc asyluni at Pontiur. People who have friends in an a?ylum are usually qu'tj averse to the fact benig mad3 a matter of public commelit, and the chronicllng of their fanciful ideas can not be pleaslng to an3-oiie. The uiisfortuue of these peoplo cliow'.d bo a eut'eguard agalnst their being dragged before the public. Mr. Fronde, in hls latest work upon the English in the West Indies, us usual, is charming. The following paragraph will be recognlzed as an unusually truthful one : " The doers of things are most part 8ilent. Tbose wbo build up empires or discover secrets of science, tbose wbo paint great pictures or write great poems, are not often to be found spouting from platforms. The silent men do the work. The talking men cry out at what is done because it is not done as they would have bad it, and afterwards take possession of t as if it was their own property." The following facts are respectfully submitted to our free trade frieuds: The Singer sewing machine company bas one factory in New Jersey and one in Scotland, both of which produce machines involving the same processes and the same wotkniansbip. The factory in Scotland employs a thlrd more werkmen than the one in New Jersey, but the weekly pay roll of the factory i'i New Jersey is more than twice as much as the pay roll of the one In Scotland. We give the tariff tinker leave to go araong his constituent8 and use these facts to show them how American workmen are being ground down by the horrid tarift'. It looks as though Mr. Cleveland was acting as bis own Burchard when be sought to conciliate Roman Catholic votes by seudlng a gift to the Pope. The Protestant preachers are beginning a liyely discussion of this bit of obvious deraagogism. They have come out strongly in Baltimore and more lately in Washington. Dr. Little, a Presbyterian minister in Washington, says that be regards Mr. Cleveland's gift "as a direct bid for the Catholie vote of the couutry. It impresses me bs an acknowledgmeut of the hierarchy, and the reply of the Pope affords an entering wedge to inftuence the Catholic vote. - N. Y. Mail and Express. Louisiuna is unxious that the duty on sugar sliall remain. South Carolina don't want rice to come into the country duty free. Alabama wants her ron industries to have all the adyantages a protective tariff can give them. Tennessee don't want her sheep industry destroyed by the President's scheme of revenue rcduction, and so the objections run through nearly every southern state. All this will have its dne effect, if not immediately, then in a few years. It is the rock on which the "solid south" will be split some of these fine days, Carlisie and Beek to the contrary notwitbstanding. - Ex. There is a building alreidy flxed In this city, and another In Ann Arbor, and others In other towns, purposely to evade the law prohibltlng gamullng. A room Is fit led up so that no llgnt or noise shall reach the outside, and the entrance Is guarded. This Is 'act, not argument, and facU muat be looked In the face. The Courler's fact 1b oQered as an argument against the wisdom of declariug the prohlbltlon of the saloon. Our fact is offered as an equal argument against t.'.e wisdom of declaring the prohlbiüou of gambing.- Ypsiliintian. The Ypsilantian bas this much against ts argument. Everybody believes that gambling is criminal. Thereis no divisou of public sentiment upon that question. But thcre is a large and a very large proportion of tbc people who do not believe that their drinkinq of a glass of beer or liquor is a criminal act. rtiat's where the difterence comes in. lut the Courier bas not tlie least desire o discuss the question of probibition witli our Ypsilanti brotbers. We are as Jesirous as they ever were or ever can e to see tlint law prevalí which shall prove the best temperance measure.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News