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Editok of the Ann Akbor Couuier: - In the past, Michigan once had a bright star in the ascendency for the iirst place in the administration of this government. The honored "Zachariah Chamllsr," of Detroit. In the eourse of God's alhvise provideuce, deatli reached out his reien tless arm and drew the leader from Of, and alas, the Peninsular State lost its only available candidate for the Presideney. But u thisyear of A. D. 1S88, we apprehend that in the gallnut Alger, Michigan ha9 once more not only a strong man but a hard candidate to beat in thegreat National contest for the supremacy of National unity and sjood government. The old and white haired veterans who followed their brave chieftain through all those dark days of deadly peril to the Nation are again massing their forces to follow him in 18S8, and we believe, that all things considered, no other man can secure a grander vlctory over the element that is again elutchingat the vitáis of this government, determined to accoraplish wilh fraud and violence at the polls what they could not accomplish by forcé of arms in open rebellion. We believe the time has come, as in 1860, when the loyal people of these United States must put a rcstraint upon the forces, bent on this one principie "To rule or ruin this free governmeut." We believe that should the national convention which convenes in Chicago, June next, see flt to choose the noble ex-soldier governor of Michigan for the leader of the republican party in the coming contest, that one of the grandest victories ever known could be achicved by the republican party at the polls In November. The Boys in Blue from the Atlantic coast on the east to the Golden Gates of California in the west would rally for the "Little Uiant," of Michigan, and stand united ns in '81 to '65. Give U8 Oen. Bussell A. Alger to hcad the republican ticket in 1888. Yóurs In F. C. and L ,


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News