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In the Sonate on the Std bilis were introducid for the admisslon of the State of Dakota anti the orgauization oí the Terrltory of l.lacoln; to authon.e the salo lo uliens of uertnin mincrul lands, and to regúlate eleetions for members of Congress. A rrsolution was adogiod to Investíante the allojjeü participation of Federal officials in the supprcsiiou ot the votes of the colored eltizens of Jackson, Mis. Senator Prye spokc ín opposition to the President's tarlff policy In the House bilis wcre introduced to apply the surplus money in the Treasury thiit may accumulate prior to June 30 next to the purchaso of United States bonds; to auieiH' the Civil Service luw ly forhülUing the debarnient of any person en account of age: to reduce the taxon bank notes; to provide for a constitutional amendmont prohifoiting the re peal of general pension laws; to extend the legal-tender quality of the half-dollar, and for the issue of silver certifícate! on the same; to punish the dealing in futuros in ajrrlcultural prodtfets, and to provide that school catalogues and reports of benevolcnt societics shall pass through the mails at one cent per pound. ThO majority report of the Committco on Klections conflrmlng Mr. ('arllsle's title to his seat was adoptcd - yeas, Ifi-i ; nays,7. IS1LI.S worc introduoed in the Sonate on the ?lih to changc the time ot meeting of the long scsslon of Congress to the flrst Monday In üctobor. and of the short scssion to the socond Monday in November; to provide that publicaron of the second class mny bo transmittcd through the mails free of charge totubscribers who livo in anothcr county, but received thcir mail in the county in which the publication is issucd, and for the admission of Montuna as a State .... In the House a bilí watntroducert attthorizing the President to digr continue any customs district whcre the revenucs are not tqual to the expenses. The Deflclcncy Appropriation bill was passed In the Sonate on the 25th and the blll to peneion cx-soldicrs and sailors who are Incapacitutt'd for manual labor, and provide pensions for drpendent relativos of deceased no'.dlers. Wak favorahly rcporteil In the House bill vas reponed lo amend tbe internal rerenue laws. and a memorial was presented from set tier on the publiolands strip praying for the orííani.ation of tht? Tcrntory of Cimarrón. The rcsolution fi)r an lnquiry into the names, ¦umbtr and oxtent of the corporatlons enpaced in manufacturinir or mintng or dcalinff in any of tlte nocossities of and known as "trusts" or "pools" was adopted. A joint resolution was Introduced intended to secure the extradition of all classes of crimináis who take refuge in Canada. IN the Senato on tho üiixh bilis were passed grantinga pension of $2.000 a yeartothe wídowt of General John A. Logan andircneral Krank l. lllair. and raising the maximum pension for dcafness from ín to Ho a month Petitlons were presented asking for retaliatory legislation against France and Cermaoy for exoluding American meat. and against the admission of Utah as a State wlth polysamy. A blll was introduced to regúlate commerce carried olí by tclegraph. Adjourned to the 3Oth....In the House bilis were passed providing for the sale of the New York Indian lands in Kansas; appropriating 1175,000 for the repair of the United States war steamship Hartford and regnlattng practice in cases removed from State to Federal eourts. Thk Scnate was not in scsss:on on the Ï7th ....In the House the delayed Deflciency bill of last year was passeil. A bill was introduced to withdraw from disposal the unsurveyed public lands embracing natural forests, and all public lands rcturned by the public surveys as timber lands, and providing for the appolntment of a Commissioner of Forests and four asslstants. The Indiana contested election case was disposcd of by the Commlttee on Blections by declaring the seat vacant, on the ground that White (Kep.), the sltting member, is ineligiDle, wbile Lowery (Oem.), the contestant, did not have a majority of the votes cast. Adjourned to the 30th. DOMESTIC. A fike on the 2 Ith in O. G. King's shofl house at New ark. O., caused a losa of $100,000. Saxfokd Tansei:, a ri;li bachelor of Freborn Countj-, Mimi., wim contidenced out of $22,000 by sharpers ou the 24th. The total collections of internal revenue for the tirst six montus of the fiscal vear endlnsr June 30, 18HH, wcre 162,443,008, Ixilng un Increaso of + l.í' lo, 1O t over the collectioiia durin;; the soRtapondlnrpnlOjd of tho previou tiscal year. At the recent annual meeting of the Chautauqua Assembly, held in liuftalo, N. Y., Dr. Vincent read a report which gaye a grlowinj? account of the pood reïiilts accomplished by the anembly. Secretary Ihincan reported that the receipt from all sotircea during th3 paHt year were $130,29L-63 an.l the dlabnrsemeilta $ lS.7G0.2ti. Tho afisembly receipts were $!7.iï7r. ;!) and the disbursoments were $H3, 317.85; receipts from tickets, f34,971.13, from privileges, .f:7. tt7 1.'!; from percentages, $3,9Q i. 4S; donation, $ 15,400; expenses of progrramme, i[ï?0, 186. 55; other PTpcnsim. ti''vi. (' 57; permanent improve$12,958.28. DuriiiR the past four years the tloatini; debt has been puid aud the permanent debt has been redneed to about $37,000. A recent dedsion of the Supreme Conrt in a case brought to test the right of theassembly under the old camp-meeting leasespives the asKembly full control of the (tonuda Tm Indiana Wool-Growers' Association met at Indianapolis on the '2 1 th and condemned the propositioa to place wool on the free list A commusicatiox was transmitted to the United Ktates Benate on the 24th from the Commissioner of Internal Revenue showing that the amount of revenue collected on liquors since the present system of internal revenue taxation went into effect on September 1, 1KÜ2, down to June 3 1887, wu $1,38.626,009. Ika W. Colbeth, mate of the bark D. Chopin, of Boston, which was lost at sea Christmas day, said on the 25th that the crew suffered fearf ui hardships, belng adrif t in an open boat for ten days without water. A nBE on the 25th in Barber & Co. 's thread-mill at Allentown, P&, cansed a loss of $250,000. Mbs. A. J. Ellis, of Kansas City, woke up on the morning of the 25th to discover that her twin children, a month old, had been Bmothered during the nlght A meeting of prominent colored people was held at Pittsburgh, Pa. , on the 25th to arrange for a National emancipation holiday, and it was declded to hold a convention at Washington July 4. Local option was carried in Allegan County, Mich., on the 25th by over 1,500 majority. This makes fourteen counties in the State that have voted for local option. The stallion Happy Medium, famous over the whole country as a ire of trotterg, died on the 25th near Lexington, Ky. He was twen ty-f our vears old and valned at $40,000. Owino to the depth of snow in the foresta north of Eau Claire, Wis., deer were dying of huneer on the 25th and were easlly captured, and hunters were capturing large numbers of foxes and wolves. A gano of boya, aged from twelve to slxteen yeara, were arrested on the 25th at Lafayette, Ind., for commttting numeroua robberies, and they confessed to belonglng to an organized gang for that purpose. The third winter carnival of the city of St Paul opened on the 25th. The great firm of Gregg 4 Co., mannfactnrers of agricultural lmplementa at Ithaca, N. Y., assigned on the 25th. Tbe wheat held in Northwestern formen1 tand nn tho 2rth wan mtfmatri! ut thir en nitlliou buahels surplus beyoncl seed. Disfatches ot the 2"th Inay that Brown'i 'aller, Mimi . lml not had a rallroad train ot foUr weeks, and there wan no sugar, wtïoo or kcrnne in the place and but vcry ittlo cos). Families were living togcther o husband imppllcs. Isaac N. Stanley, ex-paying teller of the Sational Bank of Conitneree of Cleveland, i.who mnbanted $100.000 of ita funds, vas on the sentenced to rtve years mprisonment. As accident on ft luinber ïallwaj on the 25th near Otsepro Lake, Mich., resulted in die death of two men, and lire others were leverely wounded. It being announced that the striking emsloyes of the Loulsville ('onritr-Joitrnal proïosed Htarting an opposition paper, the proïrietor of the Oonritr-Jonrnnl offêred the ree use of tlm AssooiateJ Press diapatches :o the strikers for six months. Tex tons of Texis cotton seed were ihipped f rom Galvcston, Tex., on the 2tïth X) Zanzíbar, África, where ootton-growing will be taietl A. explosión of dynamite on the 2Gth at the Carbon L1nietone Oompany's quarrtaa, ten mile f rom Younjjiitown, (., killed three men. C. C., a vagrant, was on the 2(!th lold under the law. fora lermof six months, loWilliam McClauahan, of Milan, Mo, for thirty-frv'j cents. Kïpobtk ot the 2Gth f rom New Enjfland, New Tork and IVnnsylvania tated thmt a severe storm was raging. The now wan piled into mountatnous drift, and travel on country roads was impossible. Passender trams WM now-bound. Along the coast a fierco gale was rifin, and many Tessels were rported in jrr periL It was allcped on the 2th that half the cttizens of flainbiïdgp, O., had been involred In coal thef ia It was annoiinced on the 2(th that the Milwaukc; brewery employés had complted wlth the demanils ol their cmployers that tliry slinuld withdra from tin Knigllts of Labor. masked men entered the house of Henry Merrltt, an old woodsman, near Huntingdon, Pa,, on the '_'th, and tortured him until he was unconscious, when they Becured $!,.")) he had hid under the door and left L M. Pkibii., a Wholesale dealer In sruns and cutlery in Chicago, failed on the 26th for $100, 000. DuniNG December last 22,321 immigrante arrived in this country, againut 21,178 in December, 1HSG. During the year 1887 lmmigration to this country amounted to 50ft,2Sl, against 3M,:{1 in 1S8U. O the 2(th two workmen named McDermott and Fowler feil to the bottom of the hoUair oren of the Floodwood furnace at Athens, O., and were baked to death, The total valueB of the import of mercbandise for the twelve month ended December :1, 1887. were íf708,:!07.311, against $():!, (2!, 18!) for the same Urne in 1886. The values of exporta for Uw urne perlods were $7l.,:r_0,!l.': and .17 II), 404,021 respectively. Iscomiso steamers at New York on the 26th reportcd very gever weather on the Atlantic. Wmti boring for coal on the 2tCh near Carmi, 111., oil won truck at a depth of 1,121 f eet which was guphing to the surtace at the rate of over flliy barrels an honr. Mi-.H Geoboe I.asiikr, of Columbas, O., committed suicide on the 36M by aaturating her clothes wlth kerosene and setting tire to them. Slie was insane. Two mines of the lleaiiing (Pa.) Company were worked on the 2lth, having about two htindred men employeü. All the other mines belonging to the company were solidly closed down. The fine posseuger depot of the New York Central road at Niágara Falls was destroyed by Ure on the LMth. In Northern New York the snow-storm waa incneasing on the 27th, and the freight blockade on the New York Central and Uudson ltiver linea was the heaviest ever known. The thermometer was 15 below ero, and the snow ws packed so clogely tbat it was impossiWe to remove it Duhing the even days ended on the 27 tb. there were 2Ö8 business failures in the United States, agninst 27( the prcvlous seven dayw. A btrket-car cable train became tinmanageable on the 27th at St Paul, Minn,, and when dencendlng a hill the cars shot downward at ?reat speed, ran off the track and were smashed to pieceR. Three persons were fatiilly injnred and fourteen were badly hurt The Indiana Soliliers' Monument Commission on the 27th sclected the design of Bruno ycbíniltz, a liorlin artisL The monument will be UC0 feet high, mnde of Indiana stone and bronze, and will cost .1000,000. As explosión of gas on the 27th in a mine at Plymoutb, Pa., killed one man and fatally borned four others. Hknrt Pbetre was burned to death in his barn at Tyler, Minn., on the 157th, and ten horaes, seventeen ctittle and twenty hogs were also cremateil. Thk balance of trade with the world for the year 1887 was in favor of the United States to the amonnt of $tí,513,647. G. B. Hitchcock and wife were found murdered on the 27th on thelr farm in Los Angeles County, Cal. Robbery wiu the motive. It was estluiated In Philadelphia on the 27th that the effect of the high-tlcense law, fixing tbe fee at $501 1, would be to reduce the iiiimlicr of saloons (rom six theusand to thirtecn himdred. The San Francisco Bridge Company, whlch aaslgned recently, with liabilitlea of $400,000, resumed business on the 27th. As ths outcome of a quarrel which occurred six yeara ago C. 1'. Maysey, oue of the beit-knowu mek in Wentrn Arkansus, was shot nu '1 killed on the S?th in (rolden City by Oscar Coulter. Four railway employés were killed on the 27th near Holyoke, Mass., by an engine dashlng Into them while they were shovelIng Bnow. four were killed in the same manner near Williamstown, Mass., and three were killed by a collision at Jersey City, N. J. Thbee negro prisoners were taken from the jall at Plymouth, N. C, on the 27üh by masked uien and shot to death. The American Horticultural Society, in sesslon on the 27th at Han José, 'al. , passed resolutions calling on Congress to pass laws to preserve the forests, and also proteating agalnst the reductlon of the extating duties on green and dried fruits, nuts, etc. PERSONAL AND POLITICAU Viscount da NoouKiBA, Portugueae Minister at Washington for ten years, died on the 2-ith. The Republicana of the District of Colnmbia met on the 2-lth and, owing to a quarrel, two sets of delegates were chosen to attend the National convention, oue favorinil Mr. filaine and the other Mr. Hherman. Miijjiurv Fite. th ; oldes t colored man in Southern Wlsconsin, died at llacine on the 24th, aged ninety-elght years He was a slave for seventy-two years. The Governor of Miüsissippi on the 24 th vetoed the bill providing for the holding of a Constitutlonal convention. Akton Hekbe, who died in Dnbuque on the 24 tb, was the owner of the iirst brewery In Iowa. Tnor. Sith BmrHiBn, of Naratoga Hpfltfgs, S. "V , a noKf journalist nd'edncatr. fptl dead in the New Itofck (fcv xvitofflee on the '_' I ' ' ' Thr Ihi; :iii i Kepiiblieun .Stat: conventlon, in hcnhh 011 on the 'J5h at Futfin ROUge, noinln tted ex-Govrrnor H. O. Warniouth tor (lovernor ana a f uil State ticket. A s'roiiK proteclion platform WM adoptad nl Ui BUtlr Bdneatiou bill was approveil. r. H. Mkii.. cli ncellor ot the UniverHitjr of Georgia, and for many ycars president oí the Southern Baptist Association, dled at his home in Athens, (ia., on the 'Jtith. Gbant Martin, aged flfte.Mi years, and Oracle Sllvir, nsred tUirteen yearB. wero married on the "Jtitu atFairmount, 111., with the consent .f the parents of eaeh On the 1 Hitli ballot'on the 2th the Itepublioans of the Klevontb Michigan Congresalonal district, in cónvehtion at Isbpemtnjr. nominatcd Heiirv W. Nymour, of Hault Ste. Mnrie, to sueced tbe late Seth C'. Moffitt Ei-Jui)cE JosKrit Neii.hon. who became famous for pres dintf In the lieüéherTllton trial in 17. dit-.d at his home in Hrooklynon the 2tHh, aged eventy-fivc Team. Afteb a emirtshtp of twenty-one years George W. Allen, of Jamaica, L. L, a wealthy inarble dealer, was married ou th 2th to M h Kate Ludlam. MB8. Anna rAnMr.FE.who was born in Ver. monf April 3tt, 178 1, dled on the 2tth near Clinton, R Y. Her matton sister, ïhankfnl Stanton, died two yars nio, aged nlnetynine years. A National anti-saloon Republican oonference will be hrld in New York City April 18 and 1!) next George ('i.ark. president of the St Looia Typopraphical Union, dled on the Ií7th of pneuinon.'a, aifed fiftyone yeara FOREIGN. Bt an cxp'os on of (runpowJer on th 2 Ith at Brest, ltnsian l'olanj, eleven persons were killed and thirtv injureil Thk London divorce court decided on the 2 Ith that a diYorce procured in Araerica was valid in Knirland Santos Soijzeu, a Mexican, waa lynched on the 24th at ('ollins. Mex., for the supposed murder of Jacob Stafford The dlscovery waa made at Victoria, B. C, on the 2 Hu of a powerful Chinese bociety whose object was to murder at $300 a bead. Advice of the 2."th sy that sixty-flva men lost their lives by an explosión in the Wellington (11 0. ) coal Of these twenty-six were white men and thirty-ntne Chinese. The house of Alexander Beatón, a prominent resident of Boulandere, N. S., was deatroyed by fire ou the 2."th, and his wife and grandchild were burned to death. Thk ]KHt-office at AnapoliB, N. 8., waa robbed of $lf.000 on the 25th. Thk Ontario Iefrliilature convened on tb 2."th at Toronto. It was stated on the 2lth that warranta had been Becretly obtained for the arrest of ais Irish members of l'arliameut and maifistrate who were in hiding. Thx Greek Minister at 1. ndon was on the 26t& ordered to proceed to Washington to Induce the American Government toabolish the duty on curranta The tenants of Donegal, Ireland, on tbe 26th resolved to reslst the payment of rents, and were arming and threatening to dostroy all bridges in the country. Hsay ï 8now-storms prevailed throughout Canada on the 2(th, completely blockading railways. The Frenen merchant steamer Suez waa run lnto off the inouth of the Taf us by a Germán steamer on the 27 th and went down in a few minutes, nineteen of the offleers and crew being dnxwned. Advices of the 27lh froro Tonquin say that eighteeu Frescb soldier had been shot for desertioa A greaï storm was raginï on the 27th at Vienna. Mch damage had fceen done and many persous had been injured. A State banquet was glven in Sydney, N. S. W., ou the 27th in commemoration of the foundini,' of the tolony one hundred years ago. Advices of the 27tu say that twenty-eight persons lost their lives by the recent loss of the bark Lizzie Perry off the roast of Barbadoea LATER NEWS. The exchanges at twenty-six lcading clearing-hoiixes in the United States during the week ended ou the 28th aggregated (861.571.933, agrainst $917,004.378 the previous week. As compared with the corresponding week of 1887 the decrease ainounted to VXH per cent The Peoría (111.) Chamber of Commerce building wus burnod ou the 20th. Loss, $150,001). The jury in the trial of the electionworkers at Indianapolis, Ind. , retnrned a verdict on the 28th flnding Simón Coy and W. F. A. Bernhamer guilty. A caboose drawn by two engines jumped the track on the 28th at Oreat Barrington, Vt, and üfteen men were injured. Bev. Da ved JjAthbop Hunn died at Buffalo, N. Y. , on the 29th in his ninety-ninth year. Before IiIk demise he waa the oldest living gradúate of Yale College. A fike ou the L'iith among business houses in Pittsburg i, Pa., cauaed a loss of $300,000. 1 David Dunce, who murdered W. R. Wilson at iRussellville, Ala., was taken trom jall aiul lynched on the 28tb. The hospital for crippled children in New York City, and SL John's Orphans' Home were burned on the 29 :h. All the children were safely rescued. Governok Wtlson, of West Virginia, was on tbe 28ch called upon by the authorities of Logan County to send troops to suppress the McCoy-Hatáeld feuiL An express train on the Detroit, Grand Haven 4 Müwaukee road was derailed on the 28 th at Dnrand, Hloh., and one passenger was fatally and six others were hadly lnjnred. The total eclipse of the moon on the afteraoon of the 2Sth was olwerved at tbe principal observatories of the country. Christian Fetck, an ex-pit bons of Bnowden, Pa., killed his wife and hlmself on the 29th. It was thought poverty drove Mm insane. They leave six mail chüaren. The one hundreth asnlversary of the birth of Lord Byron was observed at Athens, Greece, on the 29 th. The dwulllng of Dennis Clifford at Tawas City, Mlch., wan burned on the 28th, tnd Cliff ord-and hln wife; au aged couple, perlshed in tho Hahiea The thermometer reglstered four degrees below zero at Winchester, Va , on th 28th. Tinr cholera returns on the 2i)th from Chlh were: Valparaíso, 4 oases and 30 Santiago, 54 cases and'18 dèsths. Thk sndw blookade in the East stilt prevailed on the 30th and was sáid to be the worst ever known. Hailway trarh'c was suspended, and many trains were fast in ¦now-drifts thtrty fet deep; The printing and bindury establishment of H. TV. Kokker at Sprinñeld, UL, was burned on the 28 th. Loss; $100,000. The DemocratR of the Klerenth Oongressional district of Michigan on tbe 28 th niet at Marijuette and noralnated Bartley Breen, of Menominee, to succeed tbe late Heth 0. Moffatt. The Prohibitionists met the same day at Ishpemlng and noutluated 8, H. Steel, of Suaoolcraft.


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