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si inpiiniis of Catarrli. Dull, hesivy hcaflacliet bbtïructioq c f the nas'il ass-i2-s, discharge falling froin the heml into tlio tliront, soinWniies profuse, wateij, and aerid, :it otlicr, tliick. teiiHoiouf, murou. purnlent, watcry and iiiHiiniod ; the 'vis are weak, watefy, and;iraed; tin-re isringini in tlie eiirg, deafnes?, liacking or cvütc)tug to citar tlie tliroat, expecli raiion l ¦(- Tenslvc nmtti-r, toeetlier with scalis f rom nlrcrs; the voice is clianged hik! has a nasal twnnjr; tbe bri'Htli is ottensive; sincll and tiiste impaired; there is u sons ilion of dizziness, with mental dcpres8ioi), a hacking couh and general debilIty. lf you have all or any considerable nuinberof these ayniptoni9, yon are siifferinf? from Na?al Cntarrh. The more complieated your disease has becotne, IhU greater the nurnberand diversity of symptoins. Tliousands of cases annually, without manifecting lialf of the above symptoius, result in consumption, and end in the grave. No di9ease is so commop, inore deeeptive and dungerous, or less understood.or more unsiiecesstully treat d by physicians. Five hundrcd dollars reward is oil'ered by the niannfacturers of Dr. Sage's Catarrli Heinedy, for ohm of catarrh wliieh they cantiuc cine, li'-iiiedy gold by druggists, at only 50 cents.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News