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Our Littie Men and TV'omen, 18. The alm ...

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Our Littie Men and TV'omen, 18. The alm of thls mngazlne Is Ui interest cblldren Just at the time thoy begin to ren. i fnr thi'ins, Ivis; umi leaü tliem along for tt year or 1 wo v ith pictutvs ami stories utul ilo;isiiit insks so pli'usant as to makr them forget the task part altngether. The following outüce includes the larger topics of the year : riM-uluintaii leadles a littie early American hlstory throngh the year. A Frenen story, Susanüa's AuctiOQ, full of amusement. A story a month entitled Laura' Holldays suggest to other littie iris what they cao do od holldays. A story 11 monili on Tiny Folks in Armor; which means beetles A flower puern In every number. ButTy's (slx) Letters lo hls Mistress. Buffy is acoon-cat. Slx Mexlcan stories on I,lttle Peoplo of the P azi; kIso ahoulsome Mexicau auimals. Kesides there are niany , too mat y to teil of, stories short aud bright and umxpected. Wtth all thls entertainment of flclureand humor there isa serious piupose all through implled in the name. Our Li tle Men and Winnen, lt is lo teaeli and leal the children to take readlng for profil; butpleasure comes tlrst as lt ought. A dollar year. Kive cents fora sample copy. V. LOTHROPCOMPANY.PubllBhers, Boston . Babyland, 1S8. 'n general il wil] be atiuut tlie same as In W. Nothtng in Babyland ever pleased more peoplethau Flugerplay rhymea and picture. They have even heen Hought hy Kinderiartnera bere In Boston aud elsewhere; and the author Iih personaily lanclit them Slx of the '8U Babiland wlll contuln uew Fingerplays. The other slx wtll have a series of baby stories In rhynie ahout Crickets, how they manage their bables, wilh mauy pictures. Me and Toddleklnx Is a baby-cat story all throagh the year hy Margaret Johnson, with pictures also iy Murgaret Johnson. There wlll also he a lot of Jingle bits and story bits and picture bltK, so many as to makt' you wonder where the uext year's entertainment Is to come from. Flfty cents a year; a copy ent for 5 cent?. D. LOTHROP CUMPANY, Publlshers, Boston Estáte of David Yí. Noyes. STATE OF MICHIGAN. County of Wasotenaw, as. Ata ;eslon of the ProhsteCourt for the Oounty ol Waehteniw, hollen at the Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, on Saturday, tbe twenty. eij;hth day ol January. in the year onc thousand eiuht hundred and eighty-Hirht. Present, Willlam D. Hfirriman. Judue of l'robate. In the matter of the estáte of David W. Noyes, deceaaed. On readinc and fillng the petïtion, duly verifted, of Micliael J. Noyes praying that a certafn instrument now on flle in HiU court pnrportinR to be the last wlll and testament and codicil thereto of puid deceased, raay be admitted lo probate, and that he and Caone T. Hodj? man inay be appolnted exec.itora thereof. Thfreuuon lt ii ordercd,thüt Monday. the twentyseventh day of February ïiext, at ten o'clock in tbc usifnod tbr flw bMrtBg of sald petitlon, aDl that the deviwi'es, logafna, and htm at law of satd deceased and all other persons intereated in said estáte, are requffed to appaftr at a Besnion of eaid court, t hun tune holden at the Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, in paid county and show cause, II any there ba, wbj tinprayer of the petilionershould not begranted. And lt Ie Turther ordcred, that said petitioner (ilve notice to the persons interested in said eetate, of thependency of said petition, and the hearing thereof, by causin a copy of thls order to be published in the Ann Arbor 6'ourjVr, a newspaper prlnted and cirrulatlni; In aid county, three uccOB8lve weeks previoos to aid day ol' hearing. W1LLJAM D. HAHRIMAN. (A true coDy.) Jndieof Pmliate. WM. . DOTY, Probate Ketister. IMS4S89. AnyCpTICCpO orothers.whowish to examina W"fc"ii I IwtHO this paper, or obtain estímales ori advrtising space when in Chicago, will find it on file at thAaymngAg.ncyoi LORD vTHOMASa


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