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A Model Newspaper THE NEW YORK MAIL AND ...

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A Model Newspaper THE NEW YORK MAIL AND EIPRESS The Advocate of tlio Best Interest of the Homo- The Kiiemy of the Sidoon. The Frh'iwl of American Labor. The Favorito Newspaprr of I'eople of Refined Tast es Kverywhere. Tho Now York MAIL, AND EXPKESS, the favorito Amalias newapopei of many people f lutellUent Bdd ealtlrawd taste, lias (Ment ly made Rome uotewortuy iinprovemt'iiïs, materUUy inoreasing lts general excellence It is in the broadest seiiso A National Newspaper, most carefuUy editcd, and adaptod to the wants amltastea of lij tclllgcntrcaders thiouglionl the entiro country - North.South. Knstand West It Isa thnronehly olean paper, free from the rorruptüig, sencational and dumoralIHntraA. ndaealled nows. whieh defllcs the pogoa ol too uiauy oitf papen. OUR POLITICS. V.o beliovo tho r.opnbllpan to bo the truc instrument of tho POLÍTICAS I'KOGBGiSof tho American people; and holding that tho hones! enforcemont of its principies ia tl.cbestfruaranteoof tliouational woltaro, we xlmll support thcmwlthnll ink-ht: lint we "hall always treat opiwsin,' iartis witfc consideratiuu and lair play. AGAINST THE SALOON. Tho MAIL axd express i8 the reoognized National organof tho preat Anti-S.ilo.u, Ropuiiliean movomont, It bclieves that the liquurtranio asltexisbï to-lay in the United SUtM ia tho cnomy of society, a, fraitiul sotirco of corruptiou in politics, tho ally of anarony, a school of crime, and, with i t avowed parpóse of soekinR to oorniptly control ( lntions and leL-islation, h a mona-e tn the iiubllcweliaroanddcacrva the cuiulrmia. tiou of all t'ood men. ' iidfor Sample Copy lUcij ore sent f ree to all tohoappl.i, KinscniPTioN BATES.- Wkkklt, per roof, ï.oo; mx months, 60 cents; thróe montbt, "' (.i-, Dvir.Y, per year, fso.00; six i;;onth, S:;.o timo moulus, 81.50; oue inonth, 50 cents. V-Mim: I'REMIUJIS arepiven to all .itlscril)ers and accnt.s. Wo waut n, pood agent in évery town and vlllage vhen we 1r"' ""' Mie Bow,-. Sênd for our "peclal Circular to Ageuts ae.,1 s.e our llbeml offers. You Can Make Money by ncceptinq our Casli Commission offers or workini; for our valuublo and jMipular preniiiims. AddrewUfl mail AM)i;xriaö, New Vork City.


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