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PfyjVlCfflGAN ' ( jwia v, cmiml WhilcA1'...

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PfyjVlCfflGAN ' ( jwia v, cmiml WhilcA1' ( HutoürSSj3%4ASJTtfc )cioYor( flostoi) ¦ -JP. "¦"-: ,. '-' feu &'¦ Mm? owiïSy 'linie tahle Inkiiiu' eflect lov. 201 h. 1H-7. Central Slanduril Time. CHICAGO TO DKTKO1T. station. L Sg, C e& SC o __!s_i f sn i z_ j ¦- Ia.M. A. .Ir. P.. P.. P. M A. Chicago.. Lv. t50 CM S 10 4 40 8 15 9 10 3 55 Kalamazoo...;12 17 1 51' 658 950 123' 227 645 Battle Urcck.' 112 2 27 7 33 Ui 3 is 7 Hl Jaekson 8 15 4 30 8 4 3 15 4 50 H 15 BnnUn.. 888 1 5 13 ü:n l'helsea 35!) 5 35! 9 65 Dexler 414 55010(8 I elbl Mills... 4-t lo 11 Ano Arhor.... 4 38 680 45 4 35 6 08 10 3:1 Ypsilanti 4 50 5 45 ü 50 4S2 624 1047 WayneJunc. 615 6 05 5 15 6 47 11(9 Detroit. ...Ar. 6 00 6451045 600 780ll0 St.Thomas 1110 205... . ft 50 8Í0'.... FallsVIew 117 6 60 N. Flls 1221 45 122 6 5CÍ.. BnlVilo 435 7 15.... 3 40 BCM..." DETROIT TO CHICAGO. c' ?ó jl MC , ft. . a I If él ií H ülftí _j o u g S Ï 5 8 M S o _o_ h L m A.M. P. M. A. M t.M. A. H A. Bnffill 1180 585 05 900 1 00 ... N. Falle, 1245 (43 215 .... BtThomM... 426 10... no SEO A. II a. M. P X. P M. p.M. r.H .... Detroit.... Lv. 7 00 9 10 1 30 4 00 800 10 15. Wavne June. i 7 41 953 203 4 45 837 10551 Ypêllanti .... 803 10 12 220 5 12 8 58 1118 AnnArlw... 8 ÍS 10 30 2 32 530 912 1135... Delhi Mil! ..1 82M 542] Pexter 837 5 501 9 82 Chelüea 8 52 605Í952 GiaseLake... 15 - 6 27 1015 Jackeon 945 1135 3 32 710Í1052 183 ... RatlleCreek..ll 201 1 12 4 40 8K2 1212 2i3 Kalamnii". .. 12 17 150 5 15 9 45 13013 01 4 45 Ob1cago...Ar. 5 4OJ ti JO 9 80 7 00 7 45 10 20 O. W. KUGGLK8, H. W. HAYK8, 8. P. & T. Agent Ant.. Ann Arbor. Chicase Te'edo, nn Arbor & Nortli Michigan Kallway. TIME SCHEDULB. Totake ert'ect :it 1 1 o'cloclf, noon, on Sundny October 9tlr, 187. Tralns rnn by Ht-indurd Time. OOINO NORTH. t j í a t a STATIONS. ïo'gS S ¦ A. M. P H. P. W. A. M, Tole lo Lv 5 15 3 15 6 25 5 50 Mmihattan Junuion 5 20 3 20 6 40 6 10 Alexis 5 27 3 38 6 65 6 35 Samarla 5 45 3 43 7 23 7 30 Monroe Junctlon 02 4 05 7 51 8 10 Dumiee 6 10 4 12 8 05 8 30 Aulla 6 2f 4 18 8 20 9 00 Milán 6 35 4 86 8 35 9 30 Urania 6 50. 4 ! 8 55 10 00 I'ittsneM 7 0(1 4 53 9 05 10 20 Aun Arrmr 7 15 5 10 9 ti 1! :iü Ulan ' 7 33 1 5 30 9 9) 1 55 Whitmore Ijike 7 4HilH5 No.12 2 13 liowell (i 3 1 6 28, ti .'SO 5 Uü Durart 9 30 7 20 9 30 p.M. ('oruima 9 rö 7 46 10S5...'.. Owocu 10 01 7 55H OH Owwn Juuction 10 05 8 101105 lina a 11 10 9 15, 2 4tí St. LciiiIk 11 85 9 33 3 : A.'mi 1142 9 41 3 55 Mi. l'.rasnnt Ar 12 30 10 30 6 Ou . ... i'. . p. M. V. ¦ GOING SOUTH. bTATIO.NS. ' l H Id í. Hit A. M. P. M. P v. aft. Pieannt Lv 8 40 h so i ao Alma 10 15 7 20 2 20 Bl. 1-oiiis :l a5 7 27 2 26 Ithnca 12 16 7 4 S 46 .... Oh'osm Junction 4 00 8 5Ï 4 02 Utroiau 408 9'0 408 Cornnna 4 2.") 9 08 4 15 ... Dllrand 5 lli 9 30 4 .'ÍK a. m Howell 7 40 10 20 5 33 5 (0 Whiuuore Liik , Kxn. 1100 6 16 6 60 Ii-lund 30 11 II liso 7.W Aun Arbor ' 7 15 11 30! H 5t 10 Sí. i t-ILlü 7 26 11 4i 7 00 1! 30 Urnln 7 85 II 50 TÍO II 50 Milán 7451204 7 20 12 24 Azalia 7 55 12 14 7 30 12 46 fuiídee 8 03 12 21 7 40 110 Monroe Juncti.ili s 10 12 31 7 51 I 30 Samaría s T 12 4(i 8 10 2 10 Alexis 8 45 1 00 8 30 2 45 M iuh:ittan Junclioii s ) 1 05' 8 37 3 0 Toledo Ar 9 00 1 10 8 42 8 15 k. ' . r. M.r . ¦. n. South Lyon Bnuich. ¦OltTB BUOHHk STATIONS. SOllnl BOUNT. Train 6 Train l i' m. r. m. 9 50 I.v. Irlanda Ar. 30 10 00 Ar. Worden? Ar. 6 20 10 L) Ar Kouth Lyon Lv. 6 00 Oiinnvrtlona: At Toledo, wlth rallroads diverRtaff; ut Manhuttan Junction, ith WbBeline A Lak.' Erie It. K.; at Aleslí .lunclion, wiih Al. C' H. K., L. B. & M. B. Ry. and F. A P. M R. R at M.mroe Junrtion. ith L. S. & M. S. Kv.; at Uunje, " ith I.. K. M. . Ry.. M. O. Ky.; al Milfn Junrtion. with Waba?h, St. Lonls t Paciíc Kj at Pm-fteld,with L.. M. S. Hy.; at Ann Arbor wkh Michigan Centra] R. R., and at South Lon with Uelroit, Lancine & Northern K. H., d Mich. A. L. Div. of Grand Trunk Ry. At Humborg wlth M. A. Line División Grand Troi'k K'y. At HOWell with Detroit, LitlKlng A Northern H'j. At Durand with Chicago & Grand Trnnk K'y ana Detroit, Grand Haven & MilwMikee R'y. At Uwoeo Junction wiih Detroit, rand Haven & Milwaukee R'y and Michigan Central R. R. Ai St Loa! with Detroit, Lacsing & Northern R. Ii. and Sagi na Valley & St. Louie K'y. At Alma ith Detroit, Lansin? & Northern R'y. At Mt. Pleasant wlth Fhnt & Pere Marquette K'y. H. W. ASHLEY, General Manager. W. H. BENNETT, A. J. PA1SIEY. Gen'l. Pai. & Ticket Aeent. Local Aeent. Estáte of Emanuel Maim. O TATfiOF MICHIGAN. County of W aahtenaw, 0 88. At a session of the Probate Conrt forthe Connty et Waehtenaw. holden at the Probate Office, fn thc City of Ann Arbor, on Wedmsdaj, the 4ih day of Jannary, in the ycar one thounand eigtit hundred and eightyeii; it. Present William D. llarriman, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Eni tnuel Mano, decea&ed. dn readlng and flling the pelition, duly verlfied, of Heury J. Mann, praylnf; ih:it adminirtratioD of said estáte may be jjrantea to h!unelf or Bumc oiher auitable pergon ; Thereupon it is ordered, that Monday, the 6th day of Febrnary Dext, at ten o'clock in the foreuoon, asHitfued forthe hearing of said petition and that the helrs at law of said derraaed, and all other perttone intereeted in aafd estáte, are reqnired to appear at a sermón ol aaid court, then to be holden at tbe Probate Ofllce, In the City of Ann Arbor, and ibow canee, if any there be, why the prayer of the petitioner ghould not beranted. And it is furtber ordered, that said petitioner ïfive notice to the pereoiiK interestcd in sald estáte, of the pendency of said petition, and Lbe hearing thereof, b causiDg a copy of thls order to be publiehed in the Adu Arbor Courier, n aewspaper prlnted and circulated in eaid county. three sneceieive weeks previoub to said day of hearing. (A true copy.) WILLIAM D. HARRIMAN, Judge of Probate. WK. G. DOTY, Probate Reelster. 1S85-1. Chaucery Sale. In pnrsnance and by vlrtne of a decree o( te Circuit Court fnr the County of Washlenaw, Mate of Mlchigin, in Chancery, made and entered on the ftrth day of December, A. D. 1SS7, In i certaln cans i ttierein pending, wherem Henry R. Wateon is complainant and Susan H. Kidder, Amos Y. Kidder, Ida C. Kidder and Cyriue Kidder are defendants. Notice is herebyplven. that on Saturday the third day of March, A. D. 1888 at ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day, I shall sell at public auction, or vendne. to the hi. hest bidder, at the east main entrance to the Court Houee, in the city of Ann Arbor, In said connty, that belng the buildlrt; In which ihe Ciicuit Court of eald county is held, all those certain pieces. or paréele of land eituated In the towmhli of Saline, Washtenaw County, MkLi'Mn, and described a followi", to wit : The east half ol the northeaft quarter of eection twenty eiiiht (M) and the west half of the northw i-t quarter o( efction twentv-eeven (27) exceptie}; a plece of land deeded by William Kidder and wiic to Henry Peteraon, deceaeed, ae fjllone, towlt: Bej;innln2atap:)intlwen(ytworo e of the ceuiur of the Tecumseh and Saline road whire ald road inlersects t' e north line of the Dortbweal iiiiarterof said êection twi'nty-eoven(3T); thence eatt along snid uorth line to the center ol UteTecumsehaiid Saline road, twenty-iwa rode; thence MMith aluDL' the center of said road aireen (15) rods ; (henee uorth to the place of beslnning. contalnlig one hnndred and flfty-nine and ouehalf acres more or ltse, all iu township foorsonih 01 raii"e tlve east. Ooonry of Washtenaw and siate ui tllchlnn. exceptlng IVoni said above duscribcd parcel of land. the fnllowlog piece or parcel of land, viz. : Commenclsg at ihe northweet corner of the east half ol the noriheast quarter of sectlon tvonty-e Lrrit C28 tuwoship four south uf ranye tlve east, 'running south on line belween past and west half of said quartersection, 20 chalne and 75 links; thence BOiuh 43 diRreee ana 30 minutes east. ." chains and 96 links to the center of ihe rei-nmirta road, thence north 47 despea) and 30 minuti'B ea-t, alors Ihe center of said road, .Si rhains and 40 linke ; thence north 17 degrees weet, 3 chains, and 74 links to section line in ihe center of ihe hi'-hwiy, theuce west on said eection line In the center of the hlf;hway 2( chains and 12 inks. lo ihe place ol beguinlDg, coutainirg 43 and 10 one-handrtdtbi acres ofland. PATHK'K McKERNAN, Circuit Court Commissloner, WasUtenaw Coumj, Michigan, TORN F. LAWRENCK, Solictor for Complainant, Ank Arbok, January 16th, 1888.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News