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Semiet fever reported In Freedom. TheMinchester school organ is a sweet success. The Dundee paper inül is bootning these days. Mrs. Burrell, of Ypsilanti, aged 83 years, died Jan. 2Orh. Miss Ida Webb bas retunied to her school duties in Saline. Plymouth is on the verge of a building boom, so tbc Mail claims. The H. P. Carpenter O. A. R. Post of 'liclsoa, lias 55 uiembers. Livingston county decides prohibition Feb. 2üth. It will be dry. O. A High, of Sharon, recently lost a valuable borse by a broken leg. Wal lace Bruce lectures at Ypsilanli tomorrow night on Robert Burns. 1.000 cords of stone were quarried at Dundee the p:ist season and sold. Organ concert at Union School hall, Manchester, to-morrov evening. C. E. DePuy bas returned home to Stockbndge from bis southern trip. One and one-third fare on all the railroads to the Ypsilanti chicken show tbis week. John Dawson of Dexter village, who died Jan. 27Ih, settled in Scio township in 1844. Geo. Harriott, who lives soven miles soutb of Saline, feil and broke bis leg recently. Chelsea ladies wil! not diseard tbe bustle, altbougli to weat them dbpleases the HeraHl. Tbere bas been the greatest eruption at Dundee known in years: 150 cases of tbe measles. The Jerusalcm saw mili will be ready for business in a few days, witli i new circular saw. Mrs. G. A. Cobb, of Saline, was a sister of the late Prof. Asa Gray, of Ilarvard College. Rev. Henne bas been bolding a series of meetings in Freedom, wbicli have been very profitable. Win. Reichert. of Manchester, and Wm. Alber, of Freedom, have returned to Elmhurst college. The South Lyon Dramatic Club will produce "The Soldier of Fortune," on Feb. 22 and 23, probably. ThePittsfield Union Missionary Society raised $11 for the poor at a social held at M. J. Caufield's reeently. Tlie Appleton charts have been purchased for the use of the primary department of Manchester schools. J. F. Spafard ba3 bought of Josiah Sloat, of Sharon, a pair of twin 2-yearsold steers, weigbing 3,330 lbs. 8. A. Childs, a brotber of Josrph rMiilds of Augusta, died In Fitchburgb, Mass., Jan. 16th, aged 75 years. The "Herculean Hawkeye" ia the official organ of the P. D. C. at Ypsilanti. It must be a p. d. q. sort of a sheet. Frank P. Bogardus, of Ypsilanti, tbe newly appointed post-offlee inspector, will have bis beadquarters at Chicago. Mr. V. II. Glenn was thrown from a load of hay last Monday, from whic'i be ti as not yet fully recovered at North Lake. Over at Plymoutb they have decided that the flatterer does more harm tban tbe slundercr. It must have been argued queerly. Tlie new ward school building at Howell came near burning up recently by tbe carelessncss of worktnen in leaving live coals in a pan. Mr. Henderson, wbose wife was Ella Halnes, died at liis home in Fargo, Dakota, recently. Tbey were former resliiciits of Saline. The Soutb Lyon mineral well flows water that tbe Picket dnbs "Balm of Gllead." Tbis has no reference to tbe Governor from Gilead. II. M. Twamley, of North Lake, bas purchased from Valentine Bros. six 8hropshirc ewes. A very nice addition to liis already excellent flock. If you are interested In poullry it will pay rou to attend the poullry show now in full blast at Ypsilanti. It is wortb attending, for there is a good display. A three mile race is announced at tbe rlnk lor Fiïday evening tlie lOtb, between Geo. Keibier on tlie bicycle and Fred Johnson on the roller skates. - Saline Observer. Geo. Green feil 30 feet froni the second story of the new school house at Pinckney to the basement, witli a bod of mortar on bis back, and only sprained bis ankle by the fall. Tlie law office of Hewitt & Freetiaao, ut Manchester, tlie Enterprise claims to be the nleest law office in tlie county. Don't know alxnit that. Chas It. Wliitnian has a pretly nice one here, and so baa Jttdge Kinne. O. B. Brndley, of Ypsilanti, a manufacturer and bottler of pop, soda water, etc, signed tbe local option petition. and now bis beer is being bnycotted by all of the saloon keepers in this county. It seems to have been a bad pop for Bradley. The Reporter complains that Dundee mercliants dump their ashes in front of their stores, to the detriment and disjrrnce of tbe village. II. A. Wllkerson, of Dundee, carne to Aun Albor last week, and paid f5,000 of the school bonds ot that place. Lawyer Crainer, of Ann Arbor, allowed iiis eloquence to escape in tbe ambient atmospliere over here last Friday. - Saline Observer. And yet the people of Saline were not wbisked away into tbe blue ethereal of unliinited space ! Well, well, wonders never cease. The Ypsilantian is responsible for this : " We met an old gentleman in Drury & Taylor's hardware store yesterday who had gone daft on axes. He said he had now only 92 but lie wanted two more. These he bought before he left tlie store and proniised lo will one to the party giving him ten cents." On Tuesday afternoon, Dr. C. F. Kapp, of this village, and hlsbrother, Dr. Kapp, of Ann Arbor, removed three cancera froin Lambert Dresselhouse, of Freedom. üne was on his lip, one on his neck and one on hls eye. The operations were successfnl and the patiënt is doing well. - Manchester Enterprise. The Connty Sunday School Convention held at Ypsilanti last week elected the following officers : President- E. C. Warner, Ypsllantl. Vice-Pres.- W. J. Canfleld, Plttsfleid Secretary-E. E. Klttredge, Ann Arbor. Treasurer-Mrs. W. 8. Perry, Ann Arbor. Deleeates to the Stat Conven tlon- MesHrs Canfleld, Campbell, Palmer, CMlds, Hopklns, and Miss Tbayer. ' We have a new way of making our slelghing hold out in some portions of our village- by emptying ashes on the snow so that it can't be used for such purposes. It is not only unpleasant for those riding, but it is likely to scare spirited horses when piled in the middle of the Street, ns they are in some streets. Better pile them in alleys and pay a druymau 25 cents to draw them away in the spring. - Dexter Leader. More power to Congressman Allen 's arm In reforming the abuse of the public doeumentsgiven to members. The township, and school district libraries all over the country are gaping for them, and they should not be dicUered on" to private parties. And by the way it would be In the interest of economy to ascertain what amount of printing would be suffleienf, without accumulating a great surplus of unused matter year after year. - Ypsilanti Sentinel. The following are the offleers of the Chelsea Fair Society: Presldent-J. V. N. Gregory, Lima. lat Vlce-Pres.- E. A. Nordman, Lima; 2nd Vlce-Pres. - M. L. Kaymoud, Qrass Lak e. Sec.- Jas. L. Qllbert, Chelnea; Treas.- H. a. Holmes, Cbelsea. Directora for two years- Theodore StantOD. Webster; Chas. Canfleld, Lyndon ; Ml I ton Dwelle, Grass Lake; Orrln C. Burkhart, Lima; Tlmothy Drlslaue, Lodi; L.B. Uw; rence, Sliaron ; John F. Spaflbrd. MauchesierM. B. Mills. Saline. The South Lyon Picket man speaks from experience In this item: "The ac;ommodation train over the T. & A. A. road, whicli is calculated to bring a man from Ann Arbor to South Lyon if he sticks to it long enough and don't freeze to death, comes about as near the refinement of cruelty as anythlng on the market. The train occupies so inany hours ín making the trip that we would sugjest to the baggageman that he fit up a lunch counter in his car, aUo a few cots. Ele could make his fortune. Geo. D. Kies, a prominent fruit grow;r and farmer of Bridgewater, was asptiyxiated by the escaping of gas at the llibbard house, Jackson, last Wednesday night, which place he visited on business. He only lived a few moments after betng Jiscovered. The gas burner In the room he occupied had no stop to it, and In turning out the gas he turned it clear uround until it let the fiow on again. Mr. Kies was one of the best known men in southern Washtenaw, and was generally respected. He was aged about 60 years. We think it extremely dangcrous for boys to jump into cutters and sleighs when in motion, to get a ride, but it is much more dangerous for little girls to attempt to ape these urchlns. U's bad euougli for boys to do such things, but girls ought to know better. We think it would be a good tliing if every driver on any, and all vehicles would whip every boy or girl who attempts to jump on when the sleigli is in motion. - Chelsea Herald. Bro. Allison forgets that he was once a boy, and loved that sport, too, we'll bet. We learn that the school board wlll select and introduce the necessary text books at the commencement of the next term, teaching the effects of alcoholic drinks. The nw law requlres the Instruction to be commenced as soon as pupils can read and the flrst book will be put in the intermedíate room. The inItructlon will bo broad, showing the physical, moral and politlcal effects of strong drink, and in fact It will be an entlre new course. A fallare to comply wltu the law forfcitsthe primary school money. - Manchester Enterprise. Milán has some queer men and other natural objeets, and yet they cannot properly be classed as eceentric characters, or physically deformed beings. One man is Alchin, although to a casual observer he has no Moore chin than other men you meet with every Day; there are Brooks that a Fislier might fish in from Early morn till shades of Knight and not get a bite; a Bell that does not ring; a Ball tliat is not round; In fact, n man might start out in an Easterly direction on a Dunning expedition, run across a Frlend, skip up a Hul, take a ride in a Hack, Hunt all tbrough Barnes and the Lane for Knajrgs, take a run across the EMdfre, bump his Hcad agalnst a Sill, look Green, and never see a Jewell or a Reclinan, or even a Rose; in this Chase he mifihtbecome quite a Hunter; although lic might have to run the Gauntlett, which he would Haight to do, he will meet a royal reward, for he will see men Gay, whole Pepper, and a man who has a Pyle of putience and never swears. If hls Case is not Brown by this time, and he has not made a Guy of himself, he might be considered quite a Turasher and reasonably Ycung, but if he Shutes a Gardner and cats Kice he can Bray all the rest of his life and hls only reward will be a Whitehead full of Wisdom. We never llcaru teil of such things before. -


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