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Republican National Convention

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To tbc Rcpublican Electora of the Initcd States: In accordanee with tiacr3, and obedlcnt to the instructions of the Kepublican National Convontion of 1884, a National Convention of deleítate, represeDtatives ol the Kepubli'-Jin party, will be held at tlic city or Chicago, 111., on Tnesday, the l'.ilh day of June, 1888, t 12 o'clock, uood, for the purpose of nominitlng candidales for President and leel'resident, to be Bupported at the nest National election, nnd for the transaction of uch other business as may be there presented. Republicau electors in tlie scveral States and votors without reijürd to past polltlcal afllliation, diiV.-rcucL-ö ind aciion, who believe iu the American principal of a protectiyo taritl', for the defense and develoinient of home industries and the ejevation of heme labor, who would re;ducc the national tnxeaand prevent the accninulation ol the surplus in the treasnry in harmony wlih thl principie; who are opposed to the beu nipt now more openly avowed than ever bel'ore to aboliBb a policy which woiild strike down American labor to the Icvel of the nnder-paid and oppresscd workers of foreign lande: who favor a systcm of naval and coast de¦ whicïi will enable the United States to condr.ct lts international m ijotlatious wlth self-ref peet: who pxatefally chermh the defender oí the countrv; w ao condt mn and recent the continued and mïjust exclusión ol' rnpidly growllig Territorles which have an indisputable ütle to adtn!ssion into the eisterhood of States; who are In favor of free schools and popular cducatiOD ; a free and honcstjballot, and a falrconnt; the proteciion of every Citizen of the United States inhislecalrifjhts at heme and abroad ; a foreiijn policy that shal extend onr trade and cominerce to every land and elim.2 and shall properly support the dii;aity of the nation, and the promotion of friendly and harmanlous relations and intercourse between all the States, are cordially invited to unite under tbis cill in the formationof a National ticket. Sacb Siate shall be cntitled to four deleeitcs, atlare, and lor each representative at-lari,'C two deletraiei?, and each Corrensional district, each Territury and the District oiOolumbia to two delégate. 'ihe deli gites-at-largd shail be chosen by popular State conventions called on not !e-s than twenty days published nottce and uot less than thirty' days before the moftttos of the National Convention. The CoPïressionol district deleatcs shall be chopen in the aums manncr as the ncminatlon ofamemberof Congreas is made. Thedele'ites frcui tlie district olColumbia shall be chosön at a Convention conitiiuted of memuers elected in pr'miry district asscmbUc-s held under the cali and direction of the licpublican Central Corcmittee in said District. An altérnate delégate for each delégate in the National Convention to act in case of the absence of the delégate, shall be elected in the sims m inner and at the same t'mö as the delegues. AH notices of contcsts must be filed with tlie National Committee in wrliicg, accompanied by prlnted statementB of the gronnds of contests, which shall be made public, l-'retereoce Ir the order of hearirg and detenninine contests 111 be given by the couvention in accordance with the dates of flllng of noch notices and statements with the Nation-1 CommUtee. i. r. juisbs cnaitnun. Sami'Ki. Fes'F.ndkn, Secretnry.


Ann Arbor Courier
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