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Reasons For Opposing Prohibition

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EDITOB COORIBB: - If I can bc par i iu ¦ 1 for stuting the position of many :arnest temperance men upon this ([ucs.ion r local option, I should put it in ilidul in this inanncr : Thcy do iiot belicve that it is wisc to bange i'rom our present lax law to a :rohibitory law unlil a more thorough emperuucc (entlment prevails ia the sities anü villages, for it is from amone thell inhabitants that wc shall be obllged ;o look for olliccrs, juries and justices to jnforce the law. Thcy do not consider it a qiicstion of liomc against tlie saloon, or that a vote igalnst the measure is an iudication that thcy desire to have the saloons retained, but coiiscientioiisly believe that the measure, If carried, will teml to inercattfl Intemperanoo. In this positiou they are intrenched by the experience of the past and of the present. Keports from Slaine and olher prohibltory communities are tnytMng bnt encottreginjr to the believers in prohibido!), and must prove to the unprejudlced mind that proliibitlon aud teniperance are not synonymous. Would not the tax law of Michigan be a blessiug to the teniperance people of Portland, B&Bffor and other Mainecitles? l'iohibition uoppowd on the grouud of true ; :is a matter of business; as a matter of ecouomy and good moráis; and on the proposition that the secret drloklng room is more degrading, vite and dangerous tlian the open saloon. If it is a crime to drink a glass of liquor it must be i crime to smoke a cigar or to drink a cup of cofl'ee or tea. Over-indulgenceiu anythingisdegrading, but that does not make crimináis of those wlio are moderate in tlieir habits. It is the belief of many people that the adoption of prohibitiou will result: 1. Iu the establishment of secret club rooms and deus of infamy, in which there is great danger. 2. Iu temperauce iu tlie towuships (at first) and free wrhUky in the cities and villages all the time. 3. In uutaxed Saloons, no revenuo, and no restrictions. 4. Iu law suits. 5. In perjury and hypocrisy. 0. In the general stagnation of business. 7. In empty stores on every streel of erery city and village in the county. 8. In the reduction of rents. 'J. In :i decrease in the value of pro(erty. 10. In the building up of Toledo's aud Detroit's breweries and the complete ruin of such property in this county. 11. In increased taxation. 12. Iu deureased sales in all business houses throiiijhout the county. 13. In a " hurrali-boys "' efTort to enfoice Ihe law when it Is first past, but a gradual relaxatloo as the spasm passes o ir. 14. In a community Ie ft without either reslrictioii or regulation, revenue or rereform. 16. In the eventual springing up ol numerous drinking places In the country tmvns as in 18G0-70. 10. In a more general contempt for law - asure result of attempted euforoement of impractioal laws. 17. In all increase of crime. 18. In an increase of drunkenness. Tliio is a long array ot disastrous results to follow the cuai'tiniMit of a prohib ilory law inteiided to fffect directly the opposite results, but I should be pleasec to have the readers of the COL'kibr note theui down and iu the event of the adoption of this propo8ed prohibltory law, see how many of theni fail of coming Irue.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News