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Council Proceedings

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Kegular meeting Momlay eveinng. Aller the usual forinulities came tlie lresent:ition of coinmunlcutions and TETITIONS. The lirst w a communication from E. M. Southard, settinjf forth thiit he had liever signed :i petitiou for the shuttitig lip of bath rooms on Sunday, and requefeting tbat so mncli of tlie city ordinance as n 1 itcil to the cloelng of Imth rooms on Sunday be repealed. On inotion of Aid. Swift the marshal was iiiítraeted not lo enforce thecloíiux of bath rooms on Sund.iy. A pctilion signed by J. 1. Judson, J. H. Warner, and nino other State st. merchante, requestiuj; the teams with loadsof wood, liay, etc , be not allowed to stand on State st. was received, and On motion of Aid. Wines, the city attorney wus requested to dralt such aincn.ltnpiits to the market ordinance as would include Statest. Carrled. A communication from Postmaster Dufly requestlng the cleanlng out of the boy nuisance at the postorHce caused considerable discussion. Being referred to tlie pólice couimittee, thnt coinmittee reported adversely to the city's taking any aetion thereon, hut the affair was flnally settled by the uiiderstandin that our police drop iuto tlie postoitice as ofien as possible and to arrest any boys found loafing about the buildin;. In the reports of city ofticers. City Attorney Joslyn filed an opinión to the effect that a session of the board of registration wn8 entirely unnecessary for the coming special election upon the IocmI option law. He also read from the U. S. law relative to the preservation of order at tlie postoffices, to the effect that wuere the munlcipaüty failed to preserve good order the postmaster was empowered to close the office. City Treasurer Moore reiwrled about $50,000 of the state, county and city taxes collected. City Marshal Sipley reportcd the fol lowing expenditure of the poor fum for January : lstward 817 ( 2d " 17 1 3d " 41 77 4lh " „ Hl 08 5th " 89 96 6tli " _ 22 7 Total t 3tU 0 He also reported seven airests durin the month. Aid. Sivift from tlie Finance Commit tee reported the following billa for th month : lstward fnnd 9 3 2d '¦ ' . 11 ïd " " 8 99 4th " ' 10 I 5tli " " „ 10 1 6th " " !i ( Gen. street land 9 L General ' 611 4 Contingent " 889 00 Total $ 153 U Aid. AVines offered the fnllowing: Resolved, That the sum of one hundred elghty lV-100th8 dollars ($180.17) be appropr ated from the General Fund to pay balanc on Lot 5, Block 5, R. 8., Smlth E. Addltlon ; 1 line of Churcli st. between Orleans and III sts. The order tobe payable to tlie mayor, ('arried. A Buffalo statistlcan lias figurad mi thut tlie woinen of this country pay $8 00U.000 per year for bustles. The state siipreme court In the case o McNamaia vs. Gaggett, taken up from Gratiot Circuit, declare "Bohemian oats notes" to bu "gambling contracts," and therefore frauilulent nnd void. This will be gooil uews to many granger gamblers. With Oen. Alger on the republlcan ticket and Don Dlckinson on the democratie ticket Michigan would be ablnze wit h entbunlasm- for Alger. Wouldn't the boys "rally round the flag," thougli?- Detroit Tribune. Yes, and the polls too - for Alger. It is ralil tbata Tecumseh proMbltlonlst Is so moral tbat he liekctl hls clder, for workIng ou Sunday. -Adrián Presg. Oh! come off'. Is it any worfe for bis cldor to work ou Sunday than for liim to make political speeches ou that day. The Monroe Commercial has bccu sold by M. U. Hamilton to D. T. Bitter, of DetUnce, O. The Cominerciiil lias been publiihed by Mr. Ilaniiltou for 28 yearf, and is considered one of the best pieces of newspaper property in the state. The Washington demoerats are pouring nioney into the Ilth district without ¦tint, to carry the special election and defeat Mr. Seymour for congress. Even President Cleveland has set hls heart upon that result. The reform metubers oí the adrainistration have already sent $5,000, and have $2r),000 raised with wiiich lo corrupt voters and to clect Breen. It is tbc most shameless use of money to corrupt voters ever heard of in the state.


Ann Arbor Courier
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