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Death Of Stephen Fairchild

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The news reached this city Monday lust, of the death on the evening previoits of Stephen Fairchild, at the home of lus ileter, Mrs. H. L. Phelps, in Toledo, Ohlo. Some eighteen momhs since Mr. Fairchild was taken quite ill and went to his sister's home to be cared for. Sofferlng from a bullet wouiid iu the vieïnity of the splne, his lower limbs were partially paralyzed and it was with matnfort that he was able to walk, and 'nis healtli had always been delicate, but for the past few months he had been quite helpless, although retaiulng a brirlit mind up to the very last minute. He was a man about 50 years of age ; had been a memben- of the . A. R. Post of this city since its formation ; had served two years as county treasurer; had held the office o; seeretary of the Washtenaw County Agricultura) and Horticultural Society untll lik health failed; and had been one of the best known and most respected citizens of this county. Wliilc in the war he was a private in Co. F. áOth Michigan Infantry, and was mustered out March 30th, 1805. The ö A. It. Post at Grasa Lake is named in bis honor. The funeral services will be held at Manchester to-day, which two loads of the members of the G. A. H. Post, of this city, have gone tn attend, and which is also benig attended by the post of Grass Lake In a body. Some beautiftil floral designs were taken by those attending, as an expression of their feelings toward the deceased. At a special meeting of Welch Post, G. A. R., held last eveiiinjr, the adjutant was instructed to procure a floral kiiapsack as a token from the Post, to be placed on the remains of Comrade Stephen Fairchild. Capt. Chas. II. Manly and Conrad Noll were chosen as representatives of the Post to go to Toledo to-day to join with representativos of Fairchild Post of Chelsea, in escorting the remains to Manchester, where a larjje delegation from Welch Post will meet them, to-morrow noon, to attend the funeral service and accompany the remains to its burial place at Sharon. Comrades Greene, Dr. Breakey and Saunders were appointed a committee on resolutions, which will be presented at the next meeting of the Post. The following poem, written by Comi-ade J. II. Stark, of Welch Post, is very appropiiate to the occasion: One ly one our comradeB leave us For the eteraal camping grouod. Yes, our ranks are fast depleting, As the years go rolling round. Soon our grand vlclorlou army Will lmve passed In last review. Koon ure's battle will be ended, Soon the dark streatn forded through. Let our reranant stand together, As we stood In danger's hour, Union was uur struiiKtli In battle, Broke forever slavery's power. liroke the chains and broke the fetters, Never tobe forged agaln, Made our starry flag float proudly O'er a broad and free domulu . Let us never be disheartened, Though we often feel neelect From our country whlch brave thousands, Gave tnelr llfe's blood to protect. They placed all upon the altar, SufTering what no pen can wrlte, To preserve forever unlon To the North and South unite. Of our deeds as well as hardships Let a prosperous country teil, This should satlsfy us. comrndes That our work was done so well. LPt the glorious recollection That we kept our oountry one, He our legacy to loved ones When our earthl v misslon's done. Jacob H. Stark. Adjutant Welch Post. Ann Arbor, Feb. 7. 188S. Henry B. Jones, of Dexter, died Sunday, morning lust of consumption. Funeral services were held yesterday p. m., at the M E. church. Mrs. Oscar Ide died at her home in Jackson last Friday, and her remains were brought to this city for interment, funeral services being held in St. Andrew's church Monday forenoon. She had many relatives and friends herenbouts. The wife of E. A. Cooley died very suddenly at their home in Bay City last week, Monday. Mr. Cooley is a son of Judge Cooley of this city. and is left with four young children. "He will have the sympathy of many friends In his deep bereavement. The news of the death of Mrs. C. E. Mitchell nee Maggie Morton, at her home in Ludincrton, on the day previous, was received with surprise and sorrow in this city Monday. Mrs. Mitchell went away from here :i little over a year ago as a bride, and now is brought home a corpse, cut down at the threshold of life. She was well beloved by many In this city, where she grew from childhood to womanhood, going through our public schools and also graduating from the University, in tlie üterary class of '81. Her husband, Mr. Mitchell, was also a gradúate of the University. The remains were brought to this city Tuesday, and funeral services were held at the Morton homeRtend, on the S. Ypsilanti road. nt 2 o'clock. p. m. yesterdav. Rev. Dr. Ryder ofHclatitijr. She was 29 years of age, and leaves a young babe to the care of her grief-stricken husband.