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p?pRicrs CREAM gAKlNg lis superior excellence proven lu nillliona of homes for more tlmn a quurterofa century. It ixiisrcl uy the UniuM Kt ates government. Endorsed by the béadsof theUreatUnlversltles ns the Strongest, Purist, and most Henil hlul. Dr. Prlce's tbeonly lfeiknm l'owderthal doen not contaln Ammonla, Lime or Aluin. Bold only in cans. PKICK BAKIN'G POWDER CO., XKW.Y0I1K. CHICAGO. BT. U I I All Dnijtgiit", Koi 5Oc.. nd $1,00. Preparerl onjyby Xr. 8eth Arnold, Mcd. Corp., Woomockct, R. I. ARBUCKLES' name on a paokage of COFFEE is a guarantee of excellenceARIOSA COFFEE is kept in all first-class stores from the Atlantic to the Pacific. COFFEE is never good when eiposed to the air. Always bny this brand in hermetically eealed ONE POTJND PACKAQES. nHl '' ; '$ ThisistheToPofthcGr-xriNE Pearl Top Lamp Chimney. All others, similar are imitation. (fQJnf?XThis exact Label JK5 Bfi is on cacli Pcarl qBto Sri Top Chimney. HM V dealer maysay Vk UhH V and t'iink he has flSE SpO' others as good, 2 55' HUT HF, has Insistuponthe Exact Label and Top. Fon Sale Eyerywhebe. Mace onlv by BEO. A. MACBETH&Gö., Pfefcjffgll, Pa. Til IA niltPn maybo ionnd on ¦ III V I fll kil kowell & Co'a Newspaper Advortising Bureau (10 Spruce 8troet)(-wheTeailvcr. BfSf f ftMIT tisiiigórmtnictstiiay NtW YHKK be inade for it Li II kW? 1 UÏl!i I PAINT 1 ¦ I By mlnir TOiT iívj u.-t imi ihw.j tmnT ?- - ¦?¦ ï'.mt Friday. run it toChurch Suoday. Eiht f,p3 L Fufatonabta Shades: BUck, Marooo, VenmUon " . Blue, Yellow. tmve l.ake. Brewster anl Wagon B CÖ &¦¦¦¦ No '.imit;!ivt, necessary. Ii -. hard m ""¦ Miih "fchlnr." Ono Coac and Job is done, .fíft L YOUR BUGGY lis te Tip top for Ch.iirs, Lawn Se-ats, Sash. Plower " =t T Pots.ll.tby Carriagei, Curtaln I I Zu UJ Prent Doon, Store (toni .. Si reen Door. It" it . Maalles, In.n Fences, in fact everythlnff. Jusl c- " the liüng iut ttic LiUK-i to u3e about tUc home S . FOR ONE DOLLAR 1 SCOITSHONEST j5 Are -ou fping to Palnt tliis ycart If F, tloi . Imy a (Mint loittjining water or benzine wlicn v ' ! L forttie s.mitf mnney (or nctrly soj ymican pro, ure "- - 1 (O1T Jt (U'S l' Ifk PAIM ' .. be n HOM st. CKM iK UNKKKD-OIL I'IINP ' 3 J 3 an( frce fron' water a tul benzine I. mutui this u - j __ brand ¦¦! tak no ollier. Mcrchants i U 1 are nnr ni". nts and authorizt-íl bv us ii wridnff, L ¦ lo warrui t lo wrnr ¦'. VKAUS witli 3 COAT8 or L3" LJQ S VBAK8 nllh 2 'OATS. Our Sh.cics are thd f I.atest Steles used in the I:.'..t nw bconiin(j _ " s LU so popular ir, t! e West. and up whh the times Z "; a Try tbit brsnd of U0NK8T PAIV1 and you will -f j ' never rej;r.t it. 1 his tu lh wiie is AlffÖent „U o HOUSE PAINT ji COIT'S FLOOR PAINTrH S Paint that never dried bevond the stickj point, SC ¦¦ w.tstc ¦ eek, rooü tl I n iweart Ncxt ttm . üJ foi C01T WrS i luott P.lUfl 7ZH 4 [lopular aicl euitable hades, iiminlH lo drj I mm hmr4 m a ratk mr niylit. No trouble Ko ¦ i ¦! ;SbWONTDRYSTiOKÏ5 The Davis Swing Churn. m M a Makcs the lnraratt a TCvl Xf amount of butter mmma2vk lu'Ciiuse the concussion r'i Is frrcatcr tlmu in any BI f LTfiHm otlier ctmrn made. ¦MM 7mï S Mafces the beat VSLjfAT' i ii 1 1 1 y- It Is the -FSÖJV eish-st to clean- Tt ia r mt VV e eaflest to work. .r ' J - laro niajortty of fcTX the NewEngland _ W irr i T i i il il ii uBe tha M ' factory sizef, hang -m-M from Ihe cetllng. One chnm t whole1e where we have no asent. EüBEKA AND SkiMKEB ButTEK W0BlLLB8t KSSBITT BUTTEB PrINTBBS, ETC., ETC. ftend for illufltrated clrcuhira. VLJtMO.T 1'Altil M ACIIIVK CO., Bellow, vu IWWUWBMW '" revolutionized the wurld INUPN T lilH 'lurlni? tho last half century. in ¦¦ 1 Uil Not lenst ainung the worjdera ¦"'¦¦" of lnventlve progresa Is a raethod and system of work thut can be performed all over the country without separatlng the workera from their homes. Pay liberal ; any one cando the work; eltherscx, yoang or okl ; no special abllity requlred. Capital not needed ; you are started ftve. Cut this out aod return to tu and we wlll send you free, gomething of great value and Importance to you, tliat wlll start jou lu business, whlch wlll brlng you in more money right way than anythlng else in the worlit. Urand outfit ree. Address True & Co,, Augusta, Malne. d f Hllf W Keivariletl are those wlio read ÜTpuI Vthis and then act; they wlll flnd UlUüy 1 ii ini'li' employinenl that wlll w " not tüke thera from their homes and families. Tbe prollts are large and Bare for every lndustrious person, many have made and are now maklng several handred dollars a month. It Is eay lor any one to make $3 and npwards per day, wlio Is wllllnt; to work. Elther sex, young or oíd; capital not needed; wc sturt you. Kverythlng new No speolal abllily ruiiuired, you, reader, can do lts well as auy one. Wrlte to ns at once for full partlculars, which we mail free. Address silusou St Co., Portland, Maine. DR. MILES' RESTORATIVE NERVINE ÊÊi cotitains no Opium or dan. Jg?9yfc jirous drup. Can be taken BSn ''' anY oe at any time ESjnw The latest and best Dïn W WfcjfíS NKI;Vot SNKSS. SI'ARJts! ?old by Druggisls. Sample Boules Freí RTJP TU R BI. tEGAN'S IMPERIAL THUSS. BDlral Spring, graded trom l to (i pounds ín pressure. WORN AÏ A.ND NIGHT, by an lnfant a week oíd, oran adult 80 y ears. l.iulies Trusses a perfeclion. Endose stamps for testimoniáis of cures, etc. EGAN IMPERIAL TIIUMS CO., Ann Akbok, Mich. Get yonr PriBtini at the Conrier.


Ann Arbor Courier
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