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In tbe Sonate on the 30th uit. tlio House bill to carry into efTcct the luw establishiug experimental stations at the iiiricultural colleges was passcil. The bill to reduce letter postago to one cent wus reported adversely. A bill was introduce! grafiUng pensions to Union soldiers who irere eonflned in Confedérate nrlsons.... In tbe HouM mik were Introdaced to place ¦alt on the [ree list; to abolish the tax on oleomargarine; tor tbe Issue o( fnictional silvor oertlfioates; providlng for a bounty on niicMt, oom nd ilour exportad froni the Onitcd States; to prevent conibinations for the purposo of renhuiíi!,1 the prices of produce, stocks, bondi ot labor; to prevent tbc creation of trusts: lixiiijj tho salarie! of Supreme Conrt .Tustirrs and c :abintjt offloen at a ycar; to regúlate tbe manufacture und salo of kdulterated lrd; Instruoting the Commlttce on Wuys and Mfans to report a blU rcpeallng the Intern] revenu luwa oud revislng the tariff o is to belish Bpeciflc dutles; for tho further coinage of Bilver and for the redeniption oí National bank notes; prohlblting :iiiens from becommc offloen of eorporations or acceptlng employmant on stcam or streot railroads, on any Govenraont or State contract work, or on in. y vossel wholly onRaged in navigtttlng United Btatca waters, and to prevent aliens ironi pre-cmptlng or entering homc¦teads. Mr. Cutcheon (Mich.) offered a rosolution declanng that in any proposed revisión of the tariff thu prlnolple of protectlon to Americ:n lnduslry and maintenance of wages of American workxnen at the Auiorican Standard ought to be tlnnly fulhered to. Tjik Señale p;isscl Mr. Hoar's joint rosolution on the Sist uit. tor a coustilutional anicmlment changlng tlie time for tho meeting of Congrcss and for the inauguration of President. It provides that the torms of offleo of President, Vico-Frcshlcnt, Senaton and Representativos anall oommenoe and expire on April so, Instcad of Marpb i. as at present. Mr. Evarts spoUe la tarorol the Blalr EJucntloqal bill - In the House a MU ras reported gfanting a pension lo tbe w idowof (ícncral Logan and lncreasing the pension of the wldow of General Blair. A bill was introdueed to prohibit enlistnl men trom liein engagsd in any employment wheietluw come In competition with eivilians A Mr.Nioiu.u. v,is presented In the Sonate on the lst asklng that a reclprooity treaty be entered into with Mexico lo order to prevent smugglin?. H.lls were reported from coramittees for an iiispectlon of meats forexportatlon; prohlblting the importation of ailultcrated articles of foodor drinlt, and increasing the pensions of soldlers and Ballon whohave lost both bands. A bill was inlroduced providlng for the payment of a sorvico pension of onc cent for each day's service to all Union soldiers and sailors ot the rcbellion In the Ilouso the Urgency-Dcllcicncy bil! was reported, and a resolution was adopted that the Speakor appoint a cominittee to inquire luto the causo of the Readlns strike. Tnn Scnate passcd on the Sd the bill to lncreasc the pension of the totally helpless to IT3 per month. Mr. Plumb spoke in favor of nis resolution regarding ineftlclent mail service In the South and West. Mr. Kenna (W. Va.) poke in favor of the President' s message and in rcply to Mr. Sherman's (O.) recent speech, and was anjwered bv the Senator. Adjourned to the 6th ... In the House a bill to prevent the transmission through the mails as second-class matter of cheap litcrature. and requlring it to be transmitted as third-class matter, was passed. A bill was introduccd for the organization of the Tcrritory of Alaska. The Sonate was not in session on the 8d In the House a bill was reported which prescribes the death penalty for willfully casting away a ship with intent to defraud the underwrlters. The Committee on War Claims has agrecd to report favorably the bill to reimburse the scveral States for interest on money expended by them on account ot raising troops employed in aldlngtbe United htutes in suppressing the late rebellion. DOMESTIC. Ptttsbuikih oarpenters notifi d tbolr employers on tlio ü uit. that on May 1 they would demand ten par cent. advance in wages and uine hotiis work for a day. Ah open switch wrecked a west-bouud express traiu on the a lst uit. at Urbana, O., and two men were killed and others sustained fatal injuries. Hen'üy Boberts, cashlex In the l'hiladelphla office of Wbitall, Tatnm ,t ('o., glass ïuanufacturers, contessed on the íílst tilt. that he ni a defaulter to the extent of $10,000. Whilk drank on tlie : lst uit John ('uilen, a linffalo (N. Y. ) kIiíji oarpejiter, killed hls mother with an axe. Ha said he committed the crime to save her from the poorhouöe. IníHIAm and OIsoíto counties voted for prohibition on the :ilt tilt., makinff sixteen "drv" counü sin Htcbjgfui. Advices ot' the ülst uit say that owing to the heavy ice no mail had been recoiveci at Kantucket, Masn, for over two weeks, and tho scarcity of coal and other coininodiH#n was loi?inniuH to Ie felc. The public-debt statement on the lat shows the total debt to be $1,700,101,451; cash in treasnry, $85,230,740; debt leas cash In treasnty, $2X0,211,081. Decrease during January, $15,387,320. Decrease ince June 30, 1HJS7, $(;í),'_' I 7. (55. A FiuE on the lst on the Union wharf al Charleston, S. C, destroyed two thousand bales of cottou, cauahiij a 1ís ot about $100,000. The dry-goods house of Barnes, Hengerer & Co., at Buffalo, N. Y. , was burned on the lst, a loss of about $1,200,000. Advices of the lst from Iteadinff, Pa, say that during January the loss to the striking minors in wage) wa3 $1,125,000, and to the lteading Klilway Company $2,000,000. A spark from a lighted cigar dropping Into a keg of blasting powder at Gallttzin, Pa, demolished a house on tho lst anc killed two men. At Logansport, lnd., John Stumbaugh pleaded guilty of burglary on the lst anc was sentenced by Judge Winfleld to fiye years in jalL Stumbaugh was enraged ai the length of the sentence and swore copiously at the judge, who immediateiy added mne years to the sentence. At many pointe in New Eugland shocks of earthquake were feit on tho morning ot the lst, the vibrations being severe enough to rattlo Windows and dishes. Mr. and Mita Yon Aleison were on the lst expelled froin the balvation Army at Little Falle, N. Y. , because Mra. Yon Alexeon persisted in wearing a bustle. The cholera wtis epidemie uniong the hogs near Lena, Stephenson County, 111 , on the lst, and large numbers were dying. Fully thirty inceudiary tires have occurred within the last tour months at Winona, Minn. Kev. Corn'elius Bibkley, aged seventy years, was found froen to death near his home in Soiuerset, Pa., on the lst. He hac storted to walk a half mile from a ncighbor's but was overeóme by cold. Advices of the lst from Fort McLeod, Northwest Territory, say that the recent chinook in the mountnins struck there with treinendous force, raisins; tho roofs ofl many buildings and the meremy from zero to (0 degrees above. Michael FiTzciEitALD, a bachelor, living alone on a farm near Rlohmond, Mloh., was robbed on the lut of $2,5(10 by two masked men who battered down his door. Over twelve hnndred convicts in Slng Sing prlson were idle in their cells on the lst, oving to the failure of the New York Legislature to supply funds to run th shops. Ai Ilion, N. Y., on the lst Hartly 4 luim, of New York. bid ofl at court nale the K-inlngton Armory for $152,000. Severai. cedar canipx uuur Preutiss liay, Mi.-h . were closjd on the lst ou account of the great depth of miow, throwlng out f cmplovinnnt ftve Imndred men. 'J ile lïelgie, ttie fourfch sucoükhívc st 'uiner from China wi h (mali-pox on board, was quarantined at San Francisco on the lid. f-EVKRAL bualneM blocks, inuluding the post-oftteo and n rde oftioe, at Courtland, O. , were destroyed hy lire on the 2d. On the "Jd two car-louds oT potatoeR, corn and food were sent to the K&niai sufferers from Pierre, D. T. Fivs years ago the flvc-Tear-old son ot Captain W. E. Dickinson, of Commonwealth, Wís., mysteriomly dísuppeared. It was reporlcd on the lid that neifotiations for the return of the boy for a runsom were pending, and that .10,000 had been demanded by the kldnapers The Merced canal ia California, twentysovcu miles long, and built to ürigate over 250,000 acres, was l'ormally opened on the 24 A oas expert at Pittslmr.rh, Pa , reported on tho 2d that th3 gas discovered in Chicago was wort hloss; that lt would be useless to bore deepjr wells, and that lf Chicago wantcd nauiral gas sho raust pipe it fiom other points. At Barnesvill", ft, onthoud tho boüor of a portible Baw-inil] at Lafayette Bolan'n farm exploded, killlns Johu Arnold and Charles Hullivan and fat:l!y injuring four otlier men 1'ue lndianapolis S'nthit', the Democratie State organ, was sold on the lil to a Fort Waync pyndicato lor f7."i,0O0. ¦¦ Thk thrce hundred wire-workers of the Cambria (Pa.) iron works, who struck ngainst a ten per cent reduction, returned to work on the . at tho old raten John Grkenwood, charged wlth committing a munler seventnen yeara ago, wa.H arrestcd on tbc '_M nt hlvtngstone, Tenn. Mrs. Uxmsbickb, the Philadclphla brokeress, chargrd with Rwimlling cuatomers there out of $100,001), was arrestad at Mlddletown ou the 2iL Advices of the 2d rc(Krt the diseovery of gold in AloHkn The roport on the 2d of the Wisconsin Fish Wardcns shows that In 1SH7 the number of pound.s of HkIi oaafht in Lakcs Michigan and Suprior a 7,556,740; vahío, $i252,L'7(). Db. W. 15. Farnham, a C'liioago dentist, aged seventy-six years, committed suicide on the 2d by taking tinuture of acemite. Poverty was the cause. Tihed of a lile made nnhappy by loss of property and domestic troubles Mra George Edwards, of Erie, I'a., cut her throat on the lid, dying of the wound and leaving a husband and two children. At a stoue quarry uoar Paris, Ky., two men had thoir eyes blown out on the lid by a premature blast The General Exeeutive Board of the Enlghte of Labor reported that tha order had lncrensod by t'iïty thousand membors slnce .Tauuary. A reunios and banciuet of the survivors ot the Thirty-fourth ('ongress took place at Washington on the 2d. Dukino the seven days euded on the 3d there were 280 buainesa failurcs In the United States, apaiust '_'(M the previous seveu days. Cabrie E. Whmkside, of California, clalmed on tbe 'H to be the owner of thirty valuable lots in tho city of Madlson, Wis., upon which inany residenoes stand . Ernst üüockob, a tbirteen-year-old boy, died in great sgony on the !J in Chicago of hydrophobia. He was bitten by a dog a luouth ago. The striking minera at Shenandoah, Pa, attaoked non-unlon workmen on the 'M, a riot followed, and in the iracas three men were woundeJ, two fatally. The product of tho SHchigan copper mines for January was 3,132 tons. In the Federal Court at lndianapolis on the }d the motion for a new trial In the cases of ('oy aud lieruhainer, the convicted tally-sheet conspirators, was denied, and Coy was seineneed to the penitentiary fcr eighteeu inonths and to ay a ftne of $100, and liernhamer for one year oud a fine of $1,000. Henüy Tiernkt, a Reventy-year-old miser living at Lincoln, IIÍ.. was found dead in h s bed ou the ad. He lett $28,000 worth of jroperty. The Assembly ehamber of the New York Legislature was declared to be unsafe on the 'M, a conmilssion reporting that the wholeceilini mifhi eollapse at any time. At Fort l'.lakely, W. T., two saw-mills, the largest on Puget Sound, wern burned on the 3d at a Iobk of $250,000, with no Insurance. Hubbard HákbcUi, a eolore.d boy ten years old, was made drank by a party of men on the lïd near Long View, Ga., and going to the home of hls trother-in-law, James Pope, killed tures children. The three thousand employés of the Troy (N. Y ) steel and irou works accepted the ten per cent. reduction In wageB on the 3d. The granulating mili of the Austin powder works, near Cleveland, O. , was blown up on the M. Une man was killed, and not a vestige of the structure reniained, its site belng Kiiuply uiarked by a hole in the ground. Advices received in New York on the 3d were to the effect that the outlook for spring business throughout the country was never better, and that trade was constantly on the inercasp, with an eusy money market James'8, a negro boy fourteen years old, was banged on the lid at Minden, La, for the murder a year ago of Ernest Wren, aged four yeara Thk elevator in H. H. Hollls' establishment at New York feil on the $d, fatally lnfuring three men. The works of the Amerloan Palnt 4 OU Company at Cleveland, O., were destroyed by an explosión on the 31 The President on the 'M approved and promulgated a revisión of the civil-service rules, which makes on oftice-holder who levies polltical assessuients or atteuipts to coerce the opinions of thelr subordínate liable to discharge. Severai other important changes in the rules are also made. By an explosión on the :1 in the mixlng house of the Standard Explosivo Company, near Toms Itiver, N. J., two men were blown to atoms. Governor Oglesby, of Illinois, was at the State prison in Jollet ou the 3d, and accorded an interview to Fielden and Schwab, tbe Chicago Anarchiste, who expressed their gratitude to hlm forisaving tbem from the gallows. Clark & Co.'s iron works at Pittsburgh, Pa, resumed opcrations on the .'id with non-union men. Amos Grant, a colored farmer living near Macon, Ga, murdered his wife, his boy and hls wlfe's sister on the 3d and then killed himselt Family troubles caused the crime. "Buckskin," a horse aged thirty years, and owned by Lieutenant D. L Baker, of Lansing, Mich., died on the 3d. Lieutenant Baker took a leadíng part in the capture of X Wilkes Rooth, and during the entire chase liaker rode Buckskin. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. The Supreme Court of Wisconsin declded on the ,'Ust uit that the Legislature of 1885 extanded to women the right to vote on school matters only, and not at general electiona Genkrai. JOHK I. Thompsom, ii notcdvotoran of thi late war, hiuI one of tlie most prominent remden t of Cbloagó, dlml on the Mist uit, ajred Itfty-turee year The Arknnsas BepnbUoans will meet ia Btate oonventfou ii I.ittie Rook on th l()th of April to ohose dKenates lo tlm National convention. John K. MhCune, president of the L'uion National Bank of Plrtaburgh, Pa,, died suddeuly on 31sl uit., nged Hixty-one years. Ni H., jireBidoiit of tu llidge'ey Natoon il Bank, ut Sprinsrrteld. 111., died on the :tlst uit., ugi'd elghty-seven years. The surviv.n? supportert! of General X. P. Banks, at lus tleotloa for Speaker of tha House of RepreaentatlTea i 1885, ceiebrated the tblrty-sccond annlversury of tha event at Washington ou tlie lst The State Tcinperance Allianoe of Michigan margad itsejf tato the Prohibition party at the uinii:il convrutioii at Jaokloo on tha lst Hoai;, tbo inau fho nmod Minneapolis, die 1 in that city on thi 21, ged elghty yenrs. Henrt Btbaub (colored) died on the 2d at Newton, N. .1 , aged one hundred and nine years. Ue was boru in I.oulsiana, and had in bis poasewlon a certifícate of hi birth. The Union Labor íiarty of Wisconsin will hold a State couvcntlon in Oshkosh .luty 24. Coi.onej. Ai.vam W. I'.r.iiü.s, cif Chicago, dropped dead ou the :!Ut uit, and hls wife, who becamo insensible on receivlnjr th news, died on the 2d inst., having never rallled trom tho shock. Mbs. Maroabet Absold dicil on the 3d at her home neax P.mcoastburg, O., aged lllyearn Sbe leaves two sisters, one in Iowa, agcd H)8 years, and tbe other in Dakota, aged 10 venís. The BQnnetota Bepnblloan league, insession ou tho :il at Minuonpolis, clected F. E. Soarles permanent cbalrmaü. Lutheb TOUUV, the Hrst treasurer of Ijifayette, Ind . (lied on the !ld at Blooraington, 111., aged eighty years. The Kentncky Lsigislature adjourned ín die on the 3d. FOREIGN. A society was QfganlMd on the 31st uit at Ottawa, Ont, which thrcateus partiea contributin;? 'o Ircland'a relief with proseen tion. The Guclph (Ont.) Banking Company suspended on the t Lst uit. BarotBTS of the lst from Aden, Arabia, were to the effect that tha Somalí had murdered an English officer oud twentythree natives of Herl)era. A i.ABdE wool factory at Turcoing, France, was burned on the Int, causlng a loss of $250, OO0l The total receipts of the Dominion Government for the last fiscal year amounted to 835,754,003, against $3:i, 177.040 in 1885-8(5. The expenses were $35,O38,1GL Andkïw J. Stewabt, an agent of th MorinoiiH in Utah, ou the lst secured from the Mexiean Government the grant of 1,250,000 acres of land for a colonization scheme the Mormons were getting up. Ex-Mayok Suij-ivan', of Dublin, was released from Tnllainore prison on the lst, after two months' conflnoment The Halifax nvnod of the Church of Engiaml on the lst unanimously elected Key. Dr. Courtney, of Boston, Bishop oí Nova Scotia Shabp shocks of earthquake were feit in various parts oi England and Scotland on the2d. Eight persons wera sentenced at Kanturk, Ireland, on the LM to two months' imprisonment at haril laoor for ntteniling meetings of proclaimed branches of tha league. A beportei) settlement of the main question aft'ecting the llsheries unfavorable to 'uniull.'iii interests was said ou the 2d to have arouseil indlgkation throuhout the Dominion. Dr. Dr.RiiY, a cliomist, liis wife and six children were found dead in thclr d welling on the 3d in Mauchester, Eng. It was supposed that they were poisoned by the man, who was made desperate by poverty. Man Adam, of California, on the 3d presented to the l'ope in Rome a photograph of Gabriel, an Iudian Catholic, 140 yeara old, for whom he asked a special blessing. LATER NEWS. The ejcohanjrea at twenty-six leading cleariug-houses In tlie United .States during the week ended on the 4 h nggregated $056,871,453, against $801,571,033 the previous week. As compareil with the correspondinK; week of 1SS7 the decrease amounted to 'J.2 per cent Thomas, t d or of the liirmingham (Vla) ll.niltl, was fatully shot by Detective ullivan on the Hh for publishing a libeL Durixo the absence of Lester bingletary and his wife from their home near Columbia, S. C, on tha 4 th their house was destroyed by lire, and their six children, who were iocked in the building, perished in the flames. A caii. has been issned for a meeting of the Bepublioon clubs of Illinois to be held at Springtield on the 8th of March. An international six days' waifcing match, with lortj- eight contestants, coinmenced in New York City just before inidnight on the 5 tb. Foub persons were killed hy an explosión in a gunpowder ïactory at Hanau, üermany, on the 56b. Spanish soldiers Hred upon riotous Btriking miners on the 4th at Huelva, Spain, andiñfteen of the miners were killed and many others were wounded. The Government on the 4th decided to arm all of the postal employés In charge of mail matter on exposed Western routes, the object being to put a stop to mail robberies. Eably on the morning of the ith bnrglars entered the jewelry Btore of Chapman Si Gale, at Norfo k, Vu., and stole property valued at $30,000. Asother rlot occurred at Shenandoah, Pa., uu the Hh between the men working in a Keading mine and the Btrlkers, and Beveral persons were badly beaten. Bubolars on the 4th entered the store of Cahn, Wampold t Co., in the business center of Chicago, and made way with money and bonds to the value of $3,000. A TEBEiFic explosión of mine gas occurred on the 4th at Slope No. 1 at Nanticoke, Pa, and four men were fatally burned. A train on the New York, Pennsylvania t Ohio road went through a broken frog on the ")ih near Steamburg, N. . , killing four men and one woinan and injurlng five others more or less severely. SMAix-rox was discovere 1 on the 4th in severa! lodging-houses iu New York, and hundred3 had been exposed to the disease. By the explosión of a bol 'er on the 4th in asaw-mill near Belmont, O., five men were killed outright and two moro fatally injured. About one hundred Irishmen were arrested under the Crimes act iu Ireland during the week ended on the 4th. Terrible mortality among cattle was reported on the Ith from Southern and Western Texaa The United States Senate was not in ses. sion on the 1 ili In the House the conslderation of the Lowry-While contested election case occupied tho session. Mr. Cockran (Dem. ) of New York, making a strong speech in favor of Mr. White, who is a Kepublican, retaining his seat No votfl wn taken.


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