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Renews Her Youth. Mrs. Phtt'be Chwlejr, Peterson, Clay Co.. Iowa, tells the following; remarkable story, tha trutli of whieh is vouched for liy the rcsiüents of the town: " 1 am T3 yeiirs okl, have been troubled with kulney coinplalnt and lnineness for many years; could BOC drtss invoelt' without linlp. Jiow I am free trom uil pain xml soreni'ss, and urn able to do my own housewoi k. I uwe my tlianks to Electric Bitters tor baring reneWed my yoiub, and removed completely all ditease nd pain Try a hottle, oiily ."(:. at Kberlach & Son's Dru store. V Bigr Itowanl. Tïie eneinie of bird proteciion aie still sendlng notiees to thu press try-lug to friühtcn people froin sijrniiig the Aiiilulxin piedles, lij' the ridiculotis storj' tliat they din be turned into pmmiísoiy notea. Thèy jol the Xew Yo Sun to puUM) : mot eiicuinstjinli il story, (tvllig the naines of all tlie preleudeil viotniis, as wcll as the ininie of the baiikcr who nejiotiated and held the uotes; bat on inqnirv beinif Éntde by the Fonst and Stre.iin l1 nlI ir-li i n tr Coinpany ihroiiïh Mecsrs. Uanimoml, McUonalil ifc McDdiialrl, a dim of lawyers In 1611608 Kulls, it appe.aied that all the naines were tictitions and the story utterly v thont foundation. The Sun, Ilnding that it has been imposed on, published ft complete denial of the story, which it charactei izt'd as "a tale of ituapination." Items of this kind are still floallog about thiouh the pNH, and it is useless to try to trice cacli one to its souree. "A lie will travel twenty leagues while truth is putting on its boots." All tlie stories about farmers signinij Audubon piedles, and ffetling them turned inlo promiísory luttot, are qimlly false, and the work of the sanie {?'"';;¦ It is titterly impossible to turn an Audubon pledge into a promisdory note, and the Audubon Society has ctlercd a rewnrd of five huiulred dollars lor prooi' whiih slmll convict any one of haviug frau lulently attenipted it. Tin: Audubon Society. 44 Park Ruw, K. V. City. Nervous Disoa&es. There are more nervous tban blood diseases. Thus, a weakness of tlie nérvea of the brain causea headache, tits, d'z.iness, sleeplessnes3, etc.; a weakness ot the nerves of the stomiicli causes dyspepsia, pain, wind, etc; of the lunjs, makes "weak lungs"; of the livir produces blllousness, constipatiou, etc ; of the wnmb Induecs irregularlties, sterility, patns, etc; of the sexual orpuns, Impotency, etc. For all umiknesaes Dr. Milos' liestorative Nervine surpasses all other rpiiicdic.a. Tiial bottle free at Eberbach & Son's Di ur Store.


Ann Arbor Courier
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