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POWDER Absolutely Pure. Thlspowdernever varleB. A marvel of purlty, strengt!) and wholesomeness. More ecouomlcal tlian tbe ordlnary kinds, and cannot be BOld Id competltlon wiih the multitude of low ii'st, short welght, alum or pboHphate powders. Sold only Ín cans. Roí al llukliiir Powder Co.. 1O6 Wall st„ N.Y. AT FREQUENT DATES EACH MONTH JpTSSS5'-RO' CHICAGO, I LVfU CHOICEOF ",1 f' routes; via PAlirnRÑIA DENVER, ÜAUHJni"cOUNCIL BLUFFS, GMAHA, STJOSEPH, ATCHISÜN or KAN SAS CITY. For dates, ratas, tickets or f urther Information pply to Ticket Agenta of connectlng II nei, . or address Paul Morton. Gen. Pass.&Tkt.Agt,CWcago, III. C. H. WILLEN, INSURANCE AGENT! So. 4 South M:i!ii St., Ann Arbor. The oldest ageney In the city. Establlshed over a quarter of a eentury ago. RepresenttDg tbe foüowing ñrat-class companles, witli over Mo. 000,000 Capital and m i HOME INS. CO., of New York. CONTINENTAL INS. CO., of New York. NIÁGARA INS. CO.. of New York. QIRARD INS. CO., of Pblladelpbla. ORIËNT INS. CO., of Hartford. COMMERCIAL UNION, of London. LIVERPOOL, LONDON and GLOBE. WASHINGTON FIRE and MARINE, of Boston. Rateg Low as tlie Lo west, Loases Libcrally Ailjiísitil and promptly I'aid. _______ C. H. MILLEN. SKTÑTSCAXJP BLOOD Having been a Fuff'Tfr for two year and hair from a dieeaae cnu-u-d by t brutee on the leg, and wben alt otber methodn and remt di failed, I deem It roy duty to reconim nd them. I viulted Hot Sprints tono avail, and tried neverol doctor withiiut Miicoe-f and al las! our principa) driitreist, Mr. John P. Flnley (to whom I hall ever leal nteto give tli"iii a trial with the rc-ult that I ata perfect )y cured. There ifl now no nnre ahout rae. I think I can show the larval surface where my PufferiniíH sprang from of any one m the Stnte. (kín carca nianufactan-d. I reft'r to driiL'üit -lohn P. Finlay and I). Ü. C. Montgomery.both of thlfl place, and to Dr. Smith, of Lake Lúe, Miee. ALRXANOER BBACH, Qreenville, MÍpb. request wltb resnlts ahove Ktated. A. B. FINLAY & Co., Druggisis. SAVED MY MOTHER'S LIFE. Kver Blnce I can rcmember, my mother haí miíTered from a milk le?. Nothini; wouM do her any good Bhe had the beet medical talent, bat they II dtd hernogood. öhe snffered wllh her leg for thlrty years and never knt-w a wel! day. She woald hare to eit up hall the nigbt, hnldiiiL' up her leg ai d monning. She had no peace. She Uíed all the best kuown remedies In the coumry wlthoot effect. I askcd her to try your Cuthira Keukdikk. Goi her abottleof Cuticub Rksolvent, and the took lt, and ha taken In all aboat slx o r even hcltleg, and now uhe is a well woman to-day. Her lg is entircly healed. and her health was never better. She can go out every day, nornetbing she has not done iti ten year, so you Bee I cannot ' elp statlne toyou abont your wonderfal CuticUba Kemf.diks. You have saved my moth r life. I cannot flnd words to exprese my KDWARD LUKDBK, 1505 broadway, N. Y. CüTicfRA. the (rreat kin cnre, nd OoricURA Soap, prepand from tt, externally. nd Coticura Rrsolvent. the new blood porifier, internally, re a poíltlve cure for every form of skin and blood dlseases from pimples to scrofula. Sold every where. Prlce: Cutiouba, 50 cent?; Soap, 25 cent; Rksoi.vknt, II.UO. Preparcd by the Potter Dbuo X, Ciikuical Co., Boston. "Send for "How to Cure Skin Dheases," Si pages, 50 Illustrations, and IDO testimoniáis. niaipLES, blackheads, chaped and olly kin il IVI prevented by Cuticuka Mkdicatkd Soap. Gatarrh. The dlstreesing sneezo, sneeze, snee.e, the acrid watery discharges from the eyes and nose, the painful Inflammatlon extending to the throat, the swelllng of the mucous llning, causlng cboking senaatloDS, congh, ringlng nolses In the head and plitting headaches- how familiar these aymptoms are to thoasands who uffer periódica! from head cold or Influenza, and who live in ignorance of MtaiUaneous rtliqf. Bnt tht treatment In cases of simple Catarrh flves but a faint idea of what this remedy will do n the chronlc forms, where the breathing Is obstructed by chnklng pntrld mucoua accumnlatlons, the hearing effected, niell and taste gone, tbroat ulcerated and hackine cough gradually fastenlng ltself npon the deblütated system. Then it Ib that the marvellous curativo power of Sarfoud' Radical Cl'ke manifest Iteelf In lntantaneou nd grátela! relief. Cure beging from the flrst applicatlon. It is rapid, radical, permanent, economical, and safe. 8ahdford'9 Radical Cure constata of one bottle of the Kadical Cuke, one box of Catabrhal Bolvent, andone IapBoviD Iniiai.ek; pricu tl. Pottïb Dboq ano Ciijiioal Co.. Boston. PAINS and WKAKNESSES OF I IM lis Inntantly relleved by the Cntlrura Antl-Paln Hl ter, a uw, mom agreablu, inetantaneous and infallihle paln-killlng piaster, especlally adaptcd to relieve Female Paina and Weaknessee. Warranted vastly superior to all otlicr plaatera, and tbe mort perfect Antidote to Pain,Ii]flammntion and Weaknesa yetcumpoauded. At all drugglHts, Í5 cents; 5 for $100; on postage froe, of Potter üruo and Cbemicai. Co., Boaton, Mui.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News