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Saline's V. C. T. U. reports eight new members. Saline's city dads have borrowed $300 at 7 per cent. Saline's graduatlng clasa tlns year is to nuDiber seven. Masquerade buil at the Lake Ridga house, Fob. 22d. Brighton has orginized an athletic- not aesthetic - club. A. F. Clark has 36 scholara In hls singing school at Milan. J. W. Wing, of Scio, Is to reside in Ann Arbor in the near future. Stockbridge hankero artel a oharter ind a common council. Rash place. A new bridge is to be built the Saline riverou tlie telephone road, Saline. Gov. Luce will be present at the Brightou campfire Tueaday eveniiig, Feb Slat. John Boice, Ypailanti, bas been drawn as an additioual grand juryinan, at Detroit. Mrs. Eva M. Waite and daughter liave returned to Dexter from a visit to friends in Lansing, etc. Michael aud Bernard Lnvey are drawing rye straw to tlie paper milis near Ann Arbor.- Pinckney üiapatch. Mr. Goodrich, of Saline, was giren poison for cough medicine, the Observer states, and carne near being sent over the river. Rev. Mr. Bird, the M. E. minister of Webster, Whitinore Lake and Hamburg, was given a cutter by his congregations reeen tly. Wm. B. Seymour, of Ypsilanti, has been chocen as a representativo to the supremo I.odge A. O. U. '., tobe held at Louisville, Ky. A eleigh lead of University friends came over, last Friday nijtht. and spent u vi-ry pleasantevening witli Webster Ruckimui. - Saline Observer. Latson & Son of Webster have purchased the farms of Spencer Tooley and Mrs. Barnard, in Genoa, Livingston Co., 170 acres for $(5 per acre. The Brighton Market Fair association owea only $550. But a new secretary's office will be built, and things pushed for next year's fair, just the siine. There is great hopes for the state wben such clties wlll give so larg' aiy majori ties. But it is uot tlie law that will close he open saloon but the proper enforcelentofit. - Northville Record. In boring for gas at the county liOOM liey have struck mineral water, stronglv mpregnated with sulphur. Tliisis üable o hurt Mt. Clemens, while board is much cheaper.- Plyuiouth Mail. Wm. R. Trowbridge, formerly assisant in the Grammar department of the in n Arbor high school, has been elected 0 till the vucancy in the Dexter schools, aused by the resignation of Mrs. Prof. Valler. Frank P. Bogardus, of Ypsilanti, has eclined to accept the position of post fflee inspector, because of insuffleient reiiineration. He takes the managment f a large estáte and goes into other busiess at home. Mrs. Sara E., wife of Dr. A. G. Gumaer, died at Búllalo, N. Y., Jan. 12, '88, ged 34 years 10 month. Prof. Gumaer was a gradúate oí the llterary department fthe Uuiversity, was principal of the Saline union school for three years, and vas married at the close of his second ear.- Saline Observer. Dr. S. A. DuPaul, of Carleton, Monroe ounty, ownsa pony whlch he calis Bony 'earnot, that is 22 years of age and weijihs 680 pouuds. The doctor made a et with H. C. Talbot of Carleton that ïecould drive the pony to Flat Rock and ack in 60 minutes, 15 miles for the round rip. He made the dlstance in 52 uilutes. - O bser ver. The new Baptist church at Salem, erectA at a cost of $C,000, was dedicated last Wedue8day. Dr. Grinnell, of Detroit, reached in the morning and Dr. HaekaU, f Aun Arbor in the evening. There vas an indebteduess of $1,200 reported 1 the morning and it was all cleared uring the day so that noiv their new and ¦attttful building is their own and clear rom debt. Some of the Ann Arbor girls are deerving of gold medula and of having heir names chisled in granite. A sleigh oad of the young folks were golng into he country for a ride and dance. One f the nuinber spied a keg of beer under lie front seat that the boys had there and hey refused to go with the boys. They re girls to be proud of and boys to be shamed of.- Northville Record. The local option elections thus far Inicate that for some reason only about ne-half of tlie voters at tlie various pre incts turn out to the polls. The re-ult thus far has been overwhelming majories in favor of prohibition. It must not be supposed that with the passage of the measure by the voters everythlng bas heen done. It will have to be enforced, and the stay-at-home voters are an uncounted, and in many cases an unknown qtiantity in the enforceinent of the measure; but we belleve that the most of them will be strongly in favor of standing by the law, if it shiill be upheld by the Supreme Court. - Stoekbridge Sun. "Three weeks from next Monday you wlll have a chance to vote in unmUlukiihle terras, wtietuer you are for or against Ihe manufacture and sule oí lutoilcauu."- Commercial. No, air, that ia not ao. If it were we should know eaclly how to vote. We hall simply have a chance to vote whether Mr. Forester of Ypsilanti shall brew the beer drank liere, or whether a Detroit man brew it. Whether we shall lestroy $50,000 worth of capital in Ypsilanti, and more than a lumdred thousaud dollars worth in the county, and ennance the value of similar property In the surrounding counties of Wayne and Monroe, or not. Sucli is the alternative that iinderlles this deceptive vote Ypslhnti Sentinel. A MVSTEBT SOLVED. Some weeks since the Cocbier 'ptiblishcd an account of the lea ving of a baby on the steps of Wm. M. Clark's residence tn Stockbridge. The uiyBtery is cleared up in the following dlspatch to the Detroit Evening News: Jacksou, Mlch., Feb. 11. -The mvsterv surrouuding the parentage of the cliild ieft on the steps ef Wm. M. Clark's house at StockhrulK,., Jan. 19, Is bout eleareü up. Yesterdaj üeputy Sheriff Hates, of Lanslug, carne herewith Eunlca Hubbard. daughter of Exbupervlsor Henry Hubbard, of Waterloo having arrested her at Hastlngs, when she" "ínT6 Whor'e thlns' saylD8 'he father of thechlld was Don Beaman, son of Charles ieaimui a wealthy farmer of Linden. Miss Hubbard said the child was boru in rainllv named Koroe. at Stockbrldge, and In a few daysslie wasseut from the Force residence by Mrs. orce and taken to the home of Beaman b parents. There lt was irranKed to leave the child at Clark's, whlch was done. I).-pu:y Sheriff Untes nent Offlcer Mltteer of .stock bridge, across from Lanslng to arrest Beaman last evening before he should get news of the flndlng and the arrest of the girl Bates and Miss Hubbard Ieft on the train at 4 u'olock yesterday for Ötockbrldge.


Ann Arbor Courier
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