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u&nsixH, reu. t. - cMinous resitients ot Michigan who care to examine the records of the office of the clerk of thelr county before the first of May wiU be rewarded by flnding, in a book kept for 8uch purposes, the record of the articles of association of one or more clubs, organlaed undcr act No. 22 of the public acts of 1883, entitled " An act to autliorize the formation of clubs for social pur[oses.'' Tliere seems to be nothing in thia law whereby clubs are obllged to mako 11 rnpnrt, or be accouuUiblo to any one. Another Important feature is that the law does not require any portion of the capital stock tobe uctinilly paid in. The entire management is in the hands of the club itself. Now what is to hinder any saloonkeeper in a town from organizing a club by Indnclng öfteen of his frientls and patrons to sign articles ot association and tile theni with the designated official Once organized, the club is entirely witliin their control, and the saloonkeepers' place of business may be the club house. Tliere is uotliing in the liquor law of thU state to prevent individuals or corporations froin imporüng or using liquor. It simply, In ttie absence of a llcense and In local option counties, cannot be manufactured, solil, or giveu away ; therefore, the club can use all the liquor they want, and the members can make their owu provisions about meeting the expense. Should a man drop into one of these clubs and cali fora drink, he would, of course, be informeel that no liquors are sold, but all he has to do is to ]oin the club on the spot, which costs him nothing, and he is at once entitled to all the privileges of the club house. Tlius, everyone can secure all the "budge" he requires, and no one has to pay any license. Gen. Sheridan made one great, fatal mistake some 25 or 30 years ago, which will preclude hls running well as a presidential candidate in certain stiltes of the union. He went into the wur on the union side, and furthermore, he whaled out the cnemy every time he got a chance at tliem. He had the peculiar faculty ot getting there. Adrián butchers are more religious than Ann Arbor barbers. The latter on thcir own petitiou, kept their places of business closed on Sunday a few times until one of them couldn't stand it any tonger and kicked over the traces, which of couree let the bars down for all. Now at A' the Times tells us that their butcher shops beur thls iuscription: "We do not open tuis store on Sunday, in winter, for wlien me;it will keep there is no reason or exousc for it.'1 Tliesons and daughteraof poverty, that the state edúcales at the Unlversity, appear to have abundant means to hold " reoeptlons," slelgh rides, and all m nu ut of amusements. We doubt wlietuer the smis ot the rloh at Yale or Harvard have Jollier times, or spend money most freely. Just retnomber these thlngs, when y ou hear about the "poormau's Unlrersity agatQ.- Ypsllantl Sentinel. Oh! dear now! Yon don't say so I Because sonie of our students attend rides, receptions and parties all are credited with spending their time and money in the same manner. Or, perhaps our sweot tempered growler only means to say that because boys and girls happen to be the chiiUren of poor parents they have do business to seek or partake of any pleasures or enjoymentsj (would it be all right for tliein to go to the skating ruik? Either way you may look at the above screed it betrays the foolish jealousy that prompted its writer. For raercy sake,braceup and tlavoryoursharp quill with a little of the oil of the olive branch, or of the milk of human kindness, or something of the soit, and give us a rest on giill for a time. The belle of the evening at a party u Dayton, O., gathered herself tojrether for a sneeze, and when the explosión carne a luss eye and a set of ialse teeth shot across the room. The Charlottn Prohlbltlonlst dld not contaiuasiugle line of grutlllcutlou last week because of the great lemperance vlctory achleved lu Eatou county tbrougU the sucOMI ot tti' locul optlon electlon. Close observers will not have to guess twlco to uuderstancl the reiisou.- Charlotte Kepubllcaii. Wu tlie l!i 'publican so ingetmous as to believe for a mioiihmil thal it would? The death of the republican party is the end and aim of the ptohibitiouists. That is all their leaders have in view, and there will be no rejoieing atanything not helping to that end.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News