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A. DcFOREST. Fire Insurance Píate Glass Insurance. Steam Boiler INSURANCE! l,{n i -.i Rates, UoDurable Adjustments umi ],iissfs Promptly Paid. REAL ESTÁTE RENTS Spkciai. attention given to Collkction nr Bnm asi) Managkmknt of Kkai. EsTATK INTKRKSTS FOK NON-RK8I1KNTB. ENTIBB SATISPALTION TO ÜWMKR8 OUARANTKk:n, A. DeFORKST. $5,000 REWARD -m Will be freely given fot gk B a bet ter remedy lor HeadhH 1. achc, Nervousneas, SleepH fc lessiiess &c . than Ür. Miles' TM ¦¦l. Hest or ji t i e en liie, a '"'EtW Brain and Nerve lood, Contains no Opium or Mor. phine. Sold by Druggists. Sample Bottles Free xrcm Jams, Confections and Preserves Mauufactured by the Aun Arbor Preserving Co., go lo ÍTBROWN 3c CAJ3TTr Jta Solé Agents for Ann Arbor, or lo the factory Pittsfield road, South. CET THE BEST FIRE INSURANCE! $29,000,000. Security held for the protection of the policy holdera. CHRISTIAN MACK Represento thc followlng first-clnce companles.of which one, the Jütna, ha alone paid t5U,000,(X0 Ure losses in slxty-ïve yers : .Etna, of Hartford $ 9,192,644 Fninklin of Philadelpliia 3,118,713 Qermania, N. Y 2,700,729 Germán American, N. Y ...... 4,06í.9(i8 London Assurance, London... 1,416,788 Michigan F. & M., Detroit. . . 2sí7,608 N. Y. Underwriters, N. Y 2,590,679 National, Hartford 1,774,505 Phoenix, Brooklyn 3,759,030 Losses liberally adjusted and promptly paid. Policies issucd at the loweat rates of premium, lltíltf ANN ARBOR SMALL FRÜIT NÜRSERL AU kinds of Berry Planta. Fruit and Omamental tree from ELLWANGER & BARRY, Rochester, N. Y. Orders suould be sent at once. WIKBS & SYE"U"PS. Sweetand Sour home-made Wlne for Invalida, Bonesett Schrub, Ilaspberry Syiups, Drled Pears, Raspberry wlne. PLY3IOUTH HOK EGGN. E. BAUR, WEST HÜRON STREET. NOTICE. Toledo, Aun Arbor and 'orth Michigan Rallway Company. Notlce U hereby given, that there wlll be a 1 meeting of the btockholders of the Ann Arbor & North Michigan Railway Company, at ' the ('ompany's office In Toledo, Óhio, on Monday, Feb. 7th, A. D. 1S88, at U a. m. The object of thls meeting is to approve or reject theareement for onHolldatlon, here tofore made by the Boards ot Director of the Toledo, Ann Arbor A North Michigan and the Toledo, Ann Arbor A Cadillac llullway Company, and for the transaction of sucn other business as may properly come before sald meeting. C. F. COOK, Dated, Toledo, O., Dec. 12, '87. Seorelary. OTICE OF INC0RP0RATI0JÍ. Thelncorporatorsof the Ann Arbor Mutual Flre Insurance Company hereby glve notlce that it Is thelr intentlon to forin a Company for the trausactlon of the business of Mutual Insurance of the property of Iti memoer agalnst loss by are or damage by lightuing. to embrace dwelllug houses, bain.s acoampanylim outbulldingH aud thelr contenu. live stock, wagons, carrlages, hamels, housebold goods, wearing apparel. provinluns, murical liiKlrumenls and libr irics tlmt conttltute detaoueil risks In villnges and cltlea or on farms. All pernoni havlng detacheil dwellings whlch they wlsh to Insure anl are desir.ius of aKHlNting tn the formatlon of the above Company wlll please cali at tbe offlce of Juo. J. Kohisiin , No. 10 Kast Iluron Street where the anieles of lncorporatlon can be cxamlned. 9i W - i} Jr. E ' ' ! Aft l'ortyyeir IdMTV '"TJi1 .] f cxpcneniü in ttia ¦3 fcL--L L A I 'ül'arntlon of mor p] B Ihnu One Hundred. til Ih0r-"1 ;:; ' f,,r ,, r.-ms iq MH cl"' L'imoJ Slnl.s m Korfii'ii comí. BI H tn.-.. :.,. ] ¦, i.Ihth .'f t!uj s lentitio I?V AmpricBii tim:nt:i !... ,-is ..'i.itort - for paliiils. . ¦, ¦ . 1 '-HIM-1,. copy" riglils, oto.. I rl i l'i I SUIM. nd tp obtn.u pat.i.ta In ( ., , , i i: ¦.;!¦,.,, I. lnce, uarmuiy, and all olli.-r i" ' 'l'lirir riiwrince 13 unouualcd mi thoii I lci llici ro unsurpMMo. Drawin nd pecilk-ti nl i '¦pnri"l nd flled In the lalnl Illli,,. ,,:, .,,. i,-,.. iVnm vf.J ' reonble. N„ , h„K„ i,„ . „ ..,,„„ „f luod,i, Or drawme A . I v ,r ¦ , i , ,. tnlrnit aironlallon rUi, ii mi -i mihientlal "piiMT cif un kind publUhad In tht world. rna advnntngbs of unen a uverv uateutea WMuntanda. Thiii larBo and anlendidly Mustratod newspapar ! psbllahad WEEK rY 1 I $3 00 a y r. anj ia ' adniitted to bc the brst paper dovotd to Hciance. machantes. Inwntionft, afisinoarinA orks, and ptbar diiiiarlni.'iiii of industrial Toiirc. publiabad in any country. Il eontainr the mnm of all paUnteea and 1 itle of every inventiun patented Oach week. Try it four lnoutlid for oue dollar, oold by all newsdealern. If you hafo an invention to patent write ftw Mana A Co., Dublinhers of ScieuUlie Amuneau, fl KI Broadw.y. Ncvr York l Uaadouok about uatenti ma led fraa, I


Ann Arbor Courier
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