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The Oxford cap has been adopted by President Angelí is expected home tomorrow. The College Glee Club sing at Owosso Friday night. Dr. V. C. Vauglian went to Toronto Monday evening to lei ture. Dr. Frieze was missed froni hls accustomed place last week, because of illness. The pipe of peace wlll be smoked by '81 at the Delta U house Frlday evening. The senior medies should walk up to the camera wlth a little more promptness. There Is a very touching appeal belng made for cushions on the semlnary roon seata. There is no lack of willing material with whlch to tlll Prof. Payne's vacant chair. A lot of books, which are " English you know," will soon arive from over the sea. Here's another $100. The clasg of '89 carne to tlie rescue of the gym. Saturday morning. Dr. Hendricks filled Dr. Maclean's hours during last week, because of the latter'g Illness. Dr. Stowell has issued the second editlon of "The Microscopic Structure of a Human Tooth." Prof. Gayley conducís a course in Forensics. Nothing contngious about it, so don't be alarmed. Prof. John Dewev hns been appointed to the Chair of Philosophy in the University of Minnesota. The music furnished for the junior hop was an imported article, and ia said to have been quite groggy. The contest between the Jeffersonian and Alpha Nu societiea will occur in University Hall, March 3. The graduates of the dental department this year are In great demaud from places tlmt have uo dentista. Tlie medie seniors hare decided to have a class pin, the design being a sort ol Turk allair, with star and crescent. Dr. Vauglian clo?ed his Sanitnry Science oourse with a lecture oh " Cremation." No tyrotoxlcon in that cream. Oberlin college expended $55,000 more than its reeeipts laat year. Haven't beurd of any hegira from Oberlln to Canada y et. Prof. Deramon is to be one of the udges at the Ohio State oratorical conLest. He has the sympathy of the multitude. The gymnasium fund seems to have feit tlie enervating effect of the few spring-like days, but it will liven up agaln. The Ut. seniors wiil probably settle several questions next Saturday, among hem being tl, at of assisting the gym. fund $100 wort li. At the University of Penn. a green ïouse has been erected in which to culvate plant? for botanical studies. Button tole boquets cheup.J The anmml Washington's Birthday iddress before the law departmeut will be dellvered by the eloquent blind orator, Judge West, of Ohio. Mr. Prof. Stowell is preparing an article for a leading scieutilie Journal upon 'Structural Botnny," and will Ilústrate tlie same wiili drawings made by herself. There will be eighty seató reserved for or the Kepublican Club contingent of ;lie U. ol M. at the Detroit banqúet on the 22d. Those eighty seats will all be filled too. R T. Farrr.nd lias been awardcd the Oracle prize for a design for cover and cartoon; J. A. C. Hildner for humorous sketch and song; J. It. Angelí for poem and story. The student who had been in attendance upon Prof. Payne's department, about sixty in number, preseuted liiin with an elegant gold hU-U last Friday evening. Peace relgns in "91, and the independent and fraternity factions have united on class ofücers. Mr. Jameson, frat., succeeds Mr. Heironymous, ind., as toastmaster. Prof. Morris has withdrawn the course n the Philosophy of Heligion nud has substituted a course in Hegei's Logic as a continuaron of the course in Ueal Logic. - Clironicle. Dr McCosb has been retired with an ïonorary professorship having a $2,500 salary, and Prof. Fraucls L. Patton, D. D., LL. D., elected president of Princeton college, uuaniniously. Searcher-After-Knowledge Qoanlock rivc-. $15 with which to ornament the jhilosophical room. After the money ïas been proiierly expended it is probable that the room will notgo ualocked-ed. Two more Japanese students arrived Saturday, this rankes a colony of 27 now lursuing studies here. The ñames of the ïew arrivals are: Joimtlmn - [they are ;etting Americanlzed, you see] - N. Tueehi and Y. Isbikawa. He had lent hit ililographic pen to dimt an entielope. Hu: " Oh, domu't 11 wrlte bcautiully? I declare, l'm la luvu wltli the pen." He: "l'm In love wltb tUe holder." HU mw the 'polnt."- Cbroalole. Yes, there was a diamond on It, probably. Dr. Gibbes has made the art gallery a valuable present of a picture said to be an original Kubens. It is descriptivo oí' be scène where Cbriat told the Scribes to 'render unto Caesar tbose things which are Caesar's," etc. It is 4x6 feet in size, and bad been an heir loom in hls faiinly or some 200 years. One of the most elabórate Junior Hops ever held in tlils city took place last Frilay nigbt. Everytliing connected with t was elegant: the costumes, the ladies, the gentlemen, the adornments, the niusic (), the menu, tlie - the - well the rink Uelf. The chaperones were Mrs. Wade, VI is. Knowlton, Mrs. Dunster, Mrs. Best and Mrs. Pattengill. Decollette dresses redominated. One tliinj; is certain, '89 :an reat assured that nothing quite so swell will occur again very soon. When Dr. Cocker was a member of the faculty he used to give lectures on Sunday afternoons exposltory of some of lic fundamental doctrines of Christianty. The custom was a good one and it would be well to revive it. It is true that the Sunday morning talks before the i. C. A. take the place of the lectures to some extent but they are far from doing t entlreiy. The Sunday morning meetngs are ditiuctively meetings of worship and the talks are meant to be appropriate hereto. But there are nnuiy students in he University who are, very naturally, n an unsettled state of mind in regard to .he fundamente! doctrines of the Christian faith. it members of the faculty could arrange to give such a series of eet u res they would receive tlie tbanks of a great lüany appreciative students. - Clironicle. The city milis have shut down for want of wheat to grind. There was a K. T. social at the Temple Monday evening, refresbments being furnished by Mr. Dr. W. B. ömitb, Mrs. Thos. F. HUI, and Mr. Wm. A. Clark. Vlusic by the Cliequamegons. About 40 couple in attendance. Some of tlie ladies ,ell us that Mayor Sinith is very graceful n the cotillion. Cecelia May, the younge.otdaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Donnelly, died Wednesday morning last, aged about 15 years, at the home of her parents on E. Ann st. The little sufferer was attacked some ten days prevlous to her death witli pneumonía, nfter which rheumatism of [he lieart set in causlng death. The funeral services wore held from St. Thomas chureh, Friday morning, and were largcly attended, for she was a general favorite. Six little girls belonging to the Sodality Sooiety of whicli she had been a member, acted as pall bearers, and the floral offerIngs were numerous and beautiful. The desk of little Muy at St. Thomas' school bas been draped in mourning. and will not be occupisd this year. High mass was 8nld lor her Monday morning. Thls makei the socond death in Mr. Donnelly's fumily In less tlian a year, and they have the heartfelt sympathy of tuelr f riends. The sorrowing mother is especlally remembered In their condolement.