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An examinatlon In physiology will be held n room No. 10, at 3 o'clock on Thursday, Aarch Ist. If there are uny who have not passen Ihls study, they must avall themlelveaof the opportunlty uu it wlll be tb ast une olfered hls year. Prof. Perry woutd llke to have it understood tbat the rules In regard t the use of obacco In any form about the school premses during school hours and also In regard o the entering, by non-resident puplls, of places where luloxlcating llu.uorn are sold, must be obeyed. Last Monday rnornlng at 8 o'clock, one ot he members of the senior class, after leavlng ilgbookson trie ebelf near the Irout door, went to hang up hls óvercoat and hat. Upoo returnlng he dlscovered that some one elther for play or plunder had quletly walked away wltli them. The result was he had to ;o to hls recltAtlons on the next day without laving prepared a lesson. flut the boot yrnb?tfr, for fear of belng dlbcovered, slyly left the books on a cbalr In Prof. Khoades' room, where the dlsconsolale and mad senior mlght discover them. t a meeting of the senior class yegterday at 1 o'clock In room No. 2, the reslgnatlon of David llyde, who has entered the unlverslty, was aecepted and Marloa Paul was chosen uu huir future class president. Mr. Paul recel ved 33 votes out of 45 cast, there bei Dg two other candidates. Next came the resïgnalons of treasurer, Clinton McAlllster, and marshal, Howard Waterman, both of whlth were accepted. Leroy Southraayd was elected reasurer, and Frank W. Clay. marshal. The edttors on the Omega Board for '87 are as follows. Mlssee Llzzle M. Batley, Matllda V, Minimin, Agnes M. Leas, M. Klolue Walker Nellle Cutler and Messrs. Krederlck B. Ryder, Austln Gourley, Leroy Soulhmuyd and Cari W. Hertel. Managlng Bdltor, J. li. Mller. Buslnesa Manager, Cari C. Warden. 'Resolved, That the fear of puntahment Is a greater Incentive to actlon than Is the hope of eward," Ib the debate for Lyceum No. 1. The .Ion thly Budget wlll be read by the editor, ra Severauoe. The Rubject to be dlscussed thls week by he members of the ChrlNtlan Assoclatlon Is Tftke up thy rttumbllng Blocks." Mr. Paul wlll lead the meeting. Twenty-four people unitol with the ongregatioual church at Dexter last 8unaay. Mr. Seybolt, whose horse was stolen week before last, (band his property at lackson Co., has secured a return of the sumí', and a pretty happy mm he is over the fact, too. On Sntunlay ulght a viiluable horse was stolen from the barn of Daniel Peterson, who lives some four miles south of thUcity, in Pittslield township. This ïorse stealing business is getting altogether too frequent. Next month there Is to be a meeting of teachers at South Lyon, and an attempt made to organize %n aesociation of the countiea of Oakland, Washtenaw and Livingston. It Is hoped that this will be a rouser of a meeting witli several hundred present. Last Monday niffht there occurred at Dexter one of the slickest robberies that ¦ver has been known in that burg. and :here have been some good ones. Btirg!ars entered the postofflee tlirotigh the dry goods store of Mr. Costello, and abstracted some $200 worth ol postafje stamps and about $200 in money. Tliey drllled. holes in the safe until they could turn the wheela of the loek as tbey desired, and tiien opened it and took out what they wanted. They made no uoise, attracted no attention, and the robbery was not known until morniiiK. After leavinj; the olHce they went to the barn of Win. Field's and stolc hls gkeloton and horse and left. Morris Ware, of the üfth ward.lhought It would be a nood dny In wliich to take a bath laBt Wednesday, and po stepi'1' luto a hole where they are cutting Ice on the Cornwell pond. He walked to liis home over a mlle, through the hot snn and piercing blasts, and, by the wy, he he did not need any fan to keep trom fainting from the oppressive heat of the atmosphere. It was a close cali, liowever. The vindictiveness of the government in England in arresting motnbers of parliament at tlie very door of the bouse of commons, strengthens Gladstone's noble efforts. Mrs. Mary T. Lathrop has come to the conclusión that the people in prohibitlon localities do not back up the pólice in enforclng the law. That is a great and vital truth that some people shut thcir eyes to, and will not see. With all the money that democratie office holden ruslied into the llth congressional district to elect Mr. Breen, that gentleman did not get there. Henry W. Seymour was elected yestorday by a majority of f rom 500 to 000. Dr. Batwell, of Ypsllanti, has been in ule phvsician at the couaty house on a bid of $50, inclndinif furnishing hia own me Heines, etc. He will hare to Batwell on that bid or else he will pet knocked out long before the end of the j'ear. Senator Ingalls threatens to "shake up" those senators who "preach prohibitlon all day and drink champagne all iiiglit." And the Detroit Journal has Ihe effrontery to ask: " Is your ear to the


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