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p?pRicr$ CREAM gAKlHg pWDE lts superior excellence proven In mlliions of homes for morethaii aquarterofii centary. It is u-( tl by Lïie l'ntteit stal s tioverimit-nt. Kndorsed by tl ie hends of the ( rrent l'm t-rsit íes as the, Purist, and moKt 1 i ;ilt Mul. Dr. Prlc's theonly Baking l'owder that .Im-R not contain Aminoiiia, Lime or Alun.. BoM only In cana. PlltCE BAKINCi POWDEK CO., ¦KW YORK. i IIUACiO. UT. I.ODIS. All Drugftut, 15 rd onlybj Ur.Sotk Arnold, led. Corp., Wootuocket, IL 1. ARBUCKLES' name on a package of COFFEE is a guarantee of excellenceARIUSA COFFEE is kept in all first-class stores from the Atlantic to the Pacific. COFFEE is never good when exposed to the air. Always buy this brand in hermetically sealed ONE POUND PACKAGES. This is the Top of the Genuine PearlTop Lamp Chimney. Aílothers,similararcimitation. .fQrü"T"s exact Label SS 9s?!k ionc;ich I Vari fí mn TopCliimnc}'. L-S BBh9 ff-j A dealer maysay VsIhEP nf and t'nink he has o6S Sji?y others as good, 3 y1 bítt has N'nTInsistuponthe Exact Label and Top. foR Sale Evekywhere. Mace oNir Br fiEO. AJÜCBETH& CO., Pittsfcurgh, Pa THIS PAPER KESL Newspapcr Advertislng Bureau (10 Spruea Mreetj.vhoivnclvcr. ip tfAfftl le nlaüo for it in II kif lUlilVa í P A INT Rynttai (O1T .. COrH OF-(O r r.T (,l. FUUT T - - % - SYOURBUCCY 1 Tip top fr Cliairs. Lawn Srats, Sash. Fïci - - [ T _ ! ¦ i. by Carriles, Curt.tiit Polcs, Furnkurc. S Zt, IAJ fc-fionts. Screen Loors, Bciis, a gpi Manies, Iron J ¦ cerythin. Ju kc the Lhfag iur tbe ladis to use about the hout - ËFQR ONE DOLLAR - 2 GOITS HONEST p 55 gf o faint th.s y-arf Ifsn.doit " ; m, Imy poiiit i')iiu.n wter or benzine wti K- il]F II HFkD-OlL rIM ' 3 Hld fr IkrMAMl thL ; l _ hrajid and L.L tllr, H J it are our a ! U rr.Dt II oltjriUi - t I Ml 1 - or i C0% nniiiiiilikí'iiUlN. f r StutiM re the fl = : -y I- bi HnM'-l Pim G -_; = nevcr regrtt it. This to the ie is surñcient U j g HOUSE PAINTyj COIT'S FLOOR PAiNT 1 mm waste a wetW, ' n sweari Nl time ( iD for COIt . CVS H.mK 1UM SI K 4 popuUranl auitable ihaiWt. :.rrvni#-i1 (o il" h1""1 ¦b hard at ruck otrr nigiil. No ir H ¦- YampTon crëamerïï j ' AwardM FIRST V - - ' K !¦: I I 1' l over l.l TUI ut. Louis faik. ¦il- SUrmr ' Hao butb Surt'ace and Mii_fiiE - - Im% oit Hijmmtng Hii ri attachmente. Dnwi !¦' t '1 tnxïk or cream Ürat ao ' " "Tffl ''S-nK hít CREA.HKK V of i Jl A 1 ! I' clasw on the market. On 1jB===55ÖmÏ t wholesale pnoe where '¦ 3 I there are no ayentn. Daria SwliwChunip, Eureka and bkiuuer Butter Worker, KesMa Butu-r PrinterB. &c, a DAIRY IMPIEMEXT CO., BEI1.VUS IU.I.S. VT. ItlNHMIMIAII h''s revolutloDized the worlc UPWTTnM 'iorlng tlie last half century. ill imII iUn Nol leaat among tlie vondere ¦ il ibii ¦¦ ()f luventlve progres Is a methol and system of work that can be per formed all over the country without sepnrat Ing the workers from thelr homes. Pa.v liberal; any une cando the work; elthenex y mug or old ; no special ublllty requLred Capital not needed ; you are starled fre. Cu' tbls out and return to us and we vlll send you freo, somethlng of greal value and lm portance to you, that wlll start you In busl nen, whlch wlll brlng you In more money rlght wny than anythlng else In the world Grand outfit ree. Addrebs True & Co„ Angusta, Malne. ¦ ¦¦III Ketvardeil are those who reat ÜTPuT Vtlils and ttien act; they wlll flut illUUy 1 honamble employment that wil not take thera from their homes and families. The pronta are large aud sure for every Indnstrlous person, many hav made and are now maklag Heveral hundrec dolían) a month. It Is easy for any one to ranke $ó and upwards per day, who is willini to work. Elther sex, young or old; capita not needed; start you. Kverythlng new No special abllity requlred, you, reader, can do It as well us any one. Wrlte to os at once íor full partlculars, whlch we mail free. -Vddress silnsuu & Co., Portland, Maine. dr.Ylestrêstoratiye íervíhe Mflfek contains no Opium or dan. C9 eerous tlrug. Can bc takel] lflKÉ by any one at any time - -¦ Th: láteMt and brst Dia Jbti-A-L ËA "r) ¦ II l A KI fi. WK-.Ë NEBVOISVK8I, SPASMS 'J'-'a SI.EKPLESSXES8. F1TH jmmÊk 8KXIAI. WKAKKS8, am JHPBPPfP' SKBVOl'S DIStAKs. Soldby Druggists. Sample Bottles Fre :f tj i= tu fl es. tEGAN'S IMPERIAL TRÜS8 SilrHl Spring, grttded from 1 to 6 pounds in pressure. WORN DAY AD MGHT, by an lnfant a week old, or an adult soyear. Ladles Trasses a perfectlon Endose stamps for testimoniáis of cnres, etc. EGAN IMPERIAL TRÜS8 CO., ANN ABBOR, MlCH. Get your Printino: at the Conrier.


Ann Arbor Courier
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