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Summary Of The Week

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The time was mostlv occupled in the Sonate on the Sth by Senator Plalt (Conn. ) In speeeb criticlzing the Prestdeut's mcuige and chracterizlng It u i free-trade document. Tbe bill to amend the postal lawa so that newspaers now sent free of ponage to persons reeiding within the county of publkation maj ba sent to persons living in other countles when they receive them at post-ottces wlthin the county of publicatioa iu passed In the House Speaker Csriisle resumed his duties. The Lowry-Whlte contcst wm decided in favor oí Wbite, tbe sltting member, by a rote ot 187 to 10", fortysaven Demócrata voling with the Republicana. Bills were lotroduced to relund Jnited States four per cent. bonds into two andone-half per cent. bonds; to divide tbe surplus money in the Treasury on the lst of January, 1688, among the several State aud Territories, to be used in aid ol the comaoo schools; to extend the commerce of tbe United States, and to provide a full reciprocity bctween the United States and the Dominion o( Canada; to protect the consumers of butter by requlring wbolesale dealers to pay au annual Uil of tOOO aml ntatl dealers to pay an annual tx of 11. Alo to repeal the oleomargarlne Ui. BILI.S were Introdueed in the Scnate on the 7th provldlnc that all soldier: who served at least nlnety days in the late war. and werc honorauly mustered out or discharged, shall receive the same bounty as ïf they had Mrved their full terms of enlistment; granting a bounty of 1100 tor each year's enlistment to seamen wbo cnlisted in the navy between March 1, 1861, and March 5. 1868, aud to amend the miinni! laws of tlie Umtd States so that no person shall actjuire more than one mining claim on ihe same ein In the House the Diplomatic and Consular bilí, appropriatiug 11,408,887, was reponed; also a blll to provide for a Fourth Assistant Postmaster General. Bills were introdueed to limit the hours nf labor of letter-carriers; to settle and adjust the claims of any State for expensas incurred by it in defeusc of the United States; to dispense with proof of loyalty for bounty for wars prior to 1861. Bills were passed providing for the punisbment of bank examiners for making false reports ur suppresulng factt In thelr reports; lo amead the law prtscribiDg the doath penalty for willfully casting away vessels so as to atlow pumshment by line or imprisonment if thcro Is no loss of Ufe. IN the Scnate on the 8th bilis were passed for the relief of importers of animáis for breeding purposes, and to enable the State of Colorado to select Indemnity school lands. It was decldcd to vote on the Educational blll on the l.ïth ...In the House tbe bill matting bilis of lading com-lusive eridenoe in certain cases vat passed. The Speaker announced the followlUK special committee to investígate the labor troublc in Pennsylvanla: Messrs. Tillman (S. C), Stone iMo.). Chipman fMicb.), Anderson (Kan.l and Parker ÍN. Y.). A joint resolution was passed tn the Senate on the 9th providing for the distnbution of undibtributed copies of tbe records of the rebellion and the reports of tbe tenth census. The Committee on Indian Allairs reported favorably the bill providing for the opening to settlement of tbe Sioux Indian reservalions in Dakota. Ad journed to tbe 13ih In tbe House the blll to discontinue the coinage of the threecent p ecc was passed. BSls Irere Introduced for tbe adjustinent of accounts of laborers ariiing under the Kght-Hour law. and to prevent the overloading of vessels on the great lakes. The bill requiring ubsidized railroads to maintaiu and opérate lelegraph Unes was considered. The Scnate was not in session on the lOth In the House a resolution to inquire into the complanas ot detective mail service in tbe West and South was adopted. Favorable reports were made on a bill to créate an arbitration board to settle the differences between the United States and Texas. The Senato bill authorizing tbe appointment of Andrew D. White as a regent of the Smlthsoman Intitution was pasted. DOMESTIC. On. and gas was truck on the 7 tb. at St IxMils wbiie boring an arU'sian well at Grone'8 brewcry. Willjam Meaxs, president of the Metropolitan .National Bank of Cluoinnatl, was arreated on the Tth by Government ofHcerg, charged wth violations of the banking lawi A Ptttbbubgh laborer named O'Xeill shot and killed hig wife on the Tth and then fatally shot himself through jealousy. Uichabu K. Fox, the noted sportinjr man, was arrested in New York on the Tth, charped with a violation of the law in encouraginir prize fightiiiir. F. Gbote A Co., of New York, manufacturera of ivory goods, failcd on the 7th for ?! 11,000. The house of Thomas 3t Norton, at Anderson, Ind, was blown to pieoes by a natural gas explosión on the 7th, instantly kllling Fenton Kogers and badly injuring Mts. Norton and her daughter. By tho bursting of burrs on the Tth in a new corn mili at Koadlands, I1L, John G Havs. a well-known farmer, and his son Andrew were killed, and two other persons were seriously wounded. Mbs. Johx StsveS80S, aged thirteen years, who has been twice niarried, waa in SL Joseph, Ho., on the Tth in search of her second husband, who had forsaken her. She was marrted when ten years old and has had two childron. Ih'rini. January seventeen families left the Ottawa Consolar district to seltle in the United States. Clemmie G. , W. J. Gordon's f amous trotting mare, record 2:15, and valued at .fL'0,000, died on theTth near Cleveland, O. William Ball shot and killed Mis Eya Evereit on tbe Tth at her home near Stewartsville, Mo. , because she refused to marry him, and then killed himself. Judoe Sage, of Cincinnati, decided on the Tth that bank directors are not criininally Hable for the acts of cashiers unless their connection with the crime Is deflnitely bhown. Four counterfeiters were arrested on the Tth near Saline, HL, and a large amount of Epurious coin was secured. Five brothers named Wise were arrested on the 7th at Fainnount, IU, on the charge of numerous robberies. At the annual meeting in Des Holnes on the Tth of the Iowa Temperance Alllance the secretary stated that eight of the eighteen district judges reported crime lessened by the Prohibltion law; seventyone counties reported the law a success and fonrteen said it was a failure; the effect In business was said tobe good by twenty-one reports and bad by two, and twenty-four saloons were reported to be in operation, against three tliousand when the law wal paHsed. John Weisskb, of O'Hara townshlp, near Pittsburgh, I'a, committed suicide on the 8th. He was worth $100,OOU, and hU wealth weakened his mind. Ax accident to a cable-car train on the 8th at Kannas City fatally injured three persona Wii.i.iot Maxs, his brother-in-law, wife and two chUdren. oí Toledo, O., were probbly fatally UI on the xih of trichmosiitfrom eating diseased pork. On the 8th United States enstoms officials captured $25,000 worth of opium being smuggled over the ('anadian line at Hedwood. kt Y. The American Newspaper Publishers' Association began its annual aession atlndianapolis on the sth. Vebt cold weather was reported thronphout the Northwest on the Hih. The thermometer marked 20 to 'M degrees belon Miro in Minnetota, from 10 t 16 below la ft'lnoonalB; from 18 to 20 below tn Caloago nul v.cinlu and (rom 20 to 35 below Ib owa, Tm Michigan Orand Lodge A. O. 0. W.. n seeaion on the fcth at Detroit, adopted leglslation prohibiting the adminsion to membershlp o( habltaal drunkards and ihose engaijed In the manufacture or sale ( intoxicattnjr beverages. Advices of the Mth say that John Clark, rife and Uve chüdren dled near Leavenworth. Kan., frora drinkinjr water from a well near wh ch hoRH rtying of cholera were Duried. Ms. A. J. Hxirj., a weil-know u citizenand millionaire of Chicago, waa murdered by a urglar in hts resldence on the Went 4de bout two o'clock on the mornlng of th gth. John Wnxuw, of Delaware, O., actrfdentally struck hU non wlth an axe o the 3th whlle nplittlnjf wood, killin-j the boy instan tlr. The Britlsh steamihip' Algitha, Lufra and Daripn, all bonnd from Enplaml for Pailadclphia, woro giren up a loat on the 8th wlth theit erews, nuinbcrlng eighty men. O the 8th two car-loads of good, bolleved to have been stolen from Baltlmore i. Oblo freight cara, were setzed In the hotue oí John Biittain at Pittsburgh, Pa. Otficial at Yanktoo, D. T, ware on the gth sendlng out official donnils of the reporto that one thousand Uves were lost in the Territory in the late blirzard. Interest in the gold-mining enterprises north of Ishpmning, Mich., on the 8th was Lncreased by rich developments. A keoro arrestad at Hinesvüle, Ga., on the charge of setting Ure to several houses, was taken froin juil on the hth by a mob and rlddled with bulleU. J I. Hudhon'h mammoth clnüiing store at Cleveland, O., was damaged by tire on the 8th to the extent of $100,000. Cáshieh Kipwakim, of the Clnoinnatt Metropolitan Nat onal Bank. Haid on the 8th that aftir all claims were pald there would be JW20.OOO left for the tockholders. In the United States Coiirt at Fort Ömith, Ark, on thf tih Judge Parker Bentencsed Oven D. Hill, üeorge Mos, Jeff Hilderbrand, Emanuel Patterson, IUchard Hutherland. Jack Crow and Williain Alexaiider to be hani:ed on April 'Si tor murder. The Hixty-w::onl annlTiTsary of the birthday of the late Senator LoLan was commemorabed on the !Kh by the dedicatiou of a memorial tablet In the Metropolitan Methodist Episcopal Church in Washington whioh the tionator wm in the habit of attendinfr. The Builders' National ARsociation at lta annual session on the 9th in Clncinnatl elected J. 1. teren, of Philadelphla, president. Fol-r dwelüngs at Kutztown, Pa., were burned on the !)th, John Hopp, his daughter, aged Uiteen yearu, and hlK sou, aged nlne years, perlablng is the flaux-jL John Jaxiusckkk, a farmer li-ring near New Pragne, Minn., killed ni wife on the 'Jib, fatally wounded his ten-year-old daughter and killed hiioself. A quarrel over money was the caur1 Thomas tkvïxs and his wli'e, of WMt Gardiner, Mc. were placed In an insane asylum on the Hh. Thcir hulluciiiatiou was that their nuuse was ovorrun with monkey. At lndlanapolis on the Oth William M. Siuifcrly was elected president of the State Newspsper Publlshera' AsROciatina The American Horticultural Society, in annual session on the 9th at Rlveroide, CaL, elected Parker Barl, of Cobden, Hl.. President Cumkst A. Dat was hanged on the 9th at Utica. N Y He was oonTicted of the morder of bis mistress, Johanna Ross ('row, of whoin he was insancly jealous. The following low temperatures were reported on the 9th: Dulnto, Minn., 154 degree below zero; Pembina, D. T.. Üü below; Crookston, Minn.. 54 below; Teche, D. T., rti below; Moorehead, Minn., 44 below; St Paul, Mina, 32 below; Ishpemlng, Mich., 35 below; Sycamore. ia, 30 below, Watfrtown, TVLs., 30 below; Dos Molnes, la.. 30 belovr. Albebt J. Sneix, son of the millionaire killed by burglars in Chicago, on the 9th offered a reward of f20,000 for the arrest and con viction of the crimínala The Yankton (D. T.) Board of Trado, in a oiroular on the !th correcting exaggerated repons of casualties by the late bllzzard in Dakota, otates that the number of deaths will not exceed two hundred. Is an address before the Ioter-Stafce Commerce Committ;e in Washington on the lOth General Wüson naid the United Status laws coddled Canadian railways at the expense of our own, that Great Britain's possessiona were a constant menace to thia country, and that we were aidlng in the support of railways built for poütical and war purposes. At Deerfleld, Wis., a üre on the lOth deRtmyed the principal business places of the town. An explOHion on the 1 Oth in the Dupont powder worke at Wapwallopin, Pa., blew four men to pieces and wounded forty others, a dozen of whom were not expected to recover. Neaily every building in the place was wrecked. At Mechaniceburg, Ind, on the lOth John Buttery Bhot his step-sister, Ktta McMuHen, with whom he was in love, killed Frank Moore, to whom she was engaged, and then kiUed himaelt A cía su of counterfeitera, wljo had been worklngoff a large auiouut of spunous ocln in the sonthwestem part of Kansas, were captured on the lOth at Wichlta. During the seven days ended on the lOth there were 237 business failures In the United States, agalnst 20 the previuus ¦even days, Am east-bound train on the Pennsylvania road was wracked on Uie Ktih at Salamanca, X, ï, by an opes switch, and three persons were fatally lnjared and severa cars were burned. Pátrick John Habt was hangad on the lOth at Helena, M. T, for the murder ol John Pitts. a mlner. The explosión of the boiler of a traction englne on the lOth in the woods in Liberty township, ar Wabash, Ind., caused the death of three men. The Chinese New Year was celebrated with great enthusiasm on the lUth in Sas Francisco. A strono petition for the pardon ol Josaph C'. Mackin, serving a tive years sentenoe in the Joltet penitentiary for crooked work in Chicago electious. was presentad to üo vernor Uglesby on the lOth. A Legisi.ativk committee on the lOth found such a wretched state of affalrs in Rowan County, Ky. , that it was Haid the county would be either abollahed or transfexred to another judicial district AM explosión of dynaraite on the lOth near Pllevue, ü. , killed two men. Conkad Kaltkbach, a life convlct received at the Colmbns (O.) penitentiary eight years ago, was pardoned on the lOtb. by the Governor, it ha ving been shown that he was Innocent Cokckemmo the loss of life in the reoeni storm in Dakota, Rallroad Commlastoner K. T. Smlth sald on the lOth: "As far aa learned the following ia an authentic summary of the loss of life in the storm: Beadle County, 9; Bonhomme, 19; ('odington, 3; Jerauld. 6; Clark, 2; Edmundo, ti; Brown, 5; Hand, 7; Kingnbury, 3; Ltn In. 29; Spink, ; Tnrner, IS; Tankton, ; total, 114." PERSONAL AMD POLITICAL. Min Ktta ShattuOE, the young schoolcacher whose ixpoimre to the recent blizju-d made amputation of both Hint m cassarv, ilied on at Seward, Neb. The 3maha Art fmid for h.r benefit had reached !K(,7.0, and would be turned over to her narent Th wife of Hr OUvor Wendoll Holme dled on the th at th family retdence In 3oetoD, agi'l si-v nlne rearo. Th Anti -Monopoly League on the 7th , Muid a oall for a National coiiTentlon to x held in New York City Anglist 1 next. A n-umbbr of prominent Republicana met n San Francisco on the 7th and organizad ;he Republican Htate Club of California. W. 3. L Barnes was elected president Stephen J. Meanï. the Irish patriot, who waa editor ot the Krttiing Üfnuxrat at Waterbury, Oonn.. di'd In tiat citv on the Sth. TÈ Boaidof Trustee of Princeton (N J.) College on the ÍHh elected Vrot. Franola Patton. D I).. LI IX, of Cbioago, to suceeed President McCosh. resi?ed. Tbs RepublicanB of Tcnnessee will hold their State convention at Nashville May 1({ next Hos Benjamin Eooieston, a prominent polltician. and twice a Contfressman, died on the Oth at ('inoinnati, 0., aged seventytwo years. TB State conveiitlon of Misslesippi BepublicariH to eleot delégate to the National conrention will be held at Jaokson on April 4 The Kansas Prohibltionists will hold their Btate convention, to name Presidential elector and candidates for State oföoes, on June 13 next The Republican nb-committee of the National Committee. who were in Chicago on the lOth arranging the prelüninary details for the Natiuual conventton, choite General Fiiz-Sfmon for sergeant-at-arnw, and Ma.vor Koche as chairnian of the executive and ftnauoe couiiuittee Mr. Clmrkson, chairman of the sub-committee, Baid he had already received over two tbousand applii'aüons for tickets. FOREIGN. In a speech betore the Reichstag on the 6th in Berlín Prince Bismarck said he believed the assurances of the Czar that there would be no war, but Geruiany must be prepored for any emergency. Thi intrariince companles lost $1,500,000 by flre in Montreal lat year, which is two or three times as much as thy received froni premiuma At Galt, Ont, on the th John Curry shot and killed Heury Main, a banker, and then committed suicide. Sttssom4 Hotel in Belle Ewart, Ont, wa burned on the Hth, and Mrs. Nesbltt and her youngest chlld periühed in the ñames. Thk Mjnitoba bridge, nine huudred and ninety feet lonsr, at Great Falla, M. T. wa corapleted on tbc 8tu, and the rails would be laid at once. Teoop out after Mexican bandíto bad a flcht on the 8th and killed three. Losdox advices of the Mth Bay that in Pesth a betrgar aj?ed eifrhty-four years trled to conimit suicide bv throwing himself into the Danube because he was no longer able to support his father and niother, who are one hundred and flfteen and one hundrixl and ton years old respectively. Ths Swedinh I'axliament passed an act on the Oth laylng an import duty on pprain, coro, peas and bcans. Thb English Parllament met on the 9th and the Queen's speech was read. Lobd Lansdownb on the !th accepted the positlon of Viceroy of India, and will leave Canada for Kngland in June. Lord Stanley ¦will succeed him as Governor-General of Canada. Thske were fifty business failnrea in Canada during the even dnys ended on the lOth, beiui; nearly doublé the usual average in 8even day. A. J. Morris, who raurdered J. B. Bruslier kt Bever, No Mans Land, was captured by a mob on the lüth and hanged to a rafter in the principal saloon of the town. Advices of the lOth f rom Vienna say that enormous avalanches along the line of the Arlberg railway had resulted in serious los of life, and traflic on the road had been stoppe L LATER NEWS. In ¦ letter to B. F. Jones, of PitU-bureh, c!in:rin..n of the Republican National ('omniitt-'f, dated Florence, Italy. January 25, 1S8H, and made public on the l'Jth inst. Mr. lüaine announces his declination to permit the tse of hiB name as a Presidential caiulidate before the Repnbllcan National ronvention. Neahi.t eight hundred pounds of Bmupgled opium was seized near Watertown, N. Y., on the 1 1 tb. Wiljjam Kei.i.t, the inventor of the Bestemer process of making steeL, and the flrst importer of Chinese labor into America, died in Louisville, Ky. , on the llth, aged eeventy-seven yeara. Vabiol'b valuubles which were presented to the Pope as jubilee offerings and which were on exhibition in lïonie were n.olen on the llth. Thb exchanpes at twenty-six leading clearlng-houses in the United States during tbe week endcd on the llth atrgregated $75,459,773, ajrainst 0088, 87 1,488 the previous week. As compured with tbe corresponding week of 1889 the dacrease amouuted to 2.2 per cent On the lltliabili was lntroduced in the Maryland Legislature making lt a penalty for re?istered voters to fail to vote. The Republicin Club of the city of New Vork held a dinner at Delmonico's on the evenlng of the llth in honor of the eventy-ninth birthday of Abraham Lincoln. Addresses were made by Senators Evarta, Sherman, Allison an othera Beven negroea and six whites, convicted of petty larcenies, were whipped with from five to ten lashes each on the llth at New Castle, DL The office of Connty Treasurer Hill, of Panola County, Tex., was robbed by burglars on the llth ol $U,000, and Mr. HU was murdered. The secret-service división at Washington discovered on the llth that a new counterfeit ot the üve-dollur silver certiticate had been put in ciroulatton. The blü is about three-sixteent hs of an inch short Up to the 1 lt i there had been 1,688 business faüures m the Uulted States since January 1, agrainst 1,734 in the corresponding time in 1887 A F1RE on the 12th in the business center of Ironton, O., destroyed the opera-house, post-ofhVf, Merchants' block and six stores, causing a loss of .f 1O0.0O0. A. Ij:vi 4 ('o., a mercantile finn at Bari, Italy, tailed on the llih for JtlliU.OOa The President on the llth appointed Judge Alexander McC'ue, of Brooklyn, N. Y. who holds the oföre of Sol:citor of the Treasury, Assmtant United States Treasurer at New York. Mbx. asaii J. Robinkox, the alleged Wholesale polsoner, was convicted of morder in the firstdegree at Boston on the llth. James Ai. kut, of Philadplphia, on the llth came out Hrst in the slx davs' walking match in New lurk, inaking HL' 1 'o iinli-s, and beating theprevious best record of 610 milea Herty flnishcd second, 582 miles. Of the tortr-four who started in tho race onlT twi'lve were in al the finish.


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