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má The importance of purllylng the bloo...

má The importance of purllylng the bloo... image
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má The importance of purllylng the blood canni 't be overestimated, lor without pure blood jou cannot cnjoy good healtli. At tuis seasoa nearly every one needs x good medicine to purify, vitalize, and enrich the blood, aud we aslc you to try Hood s Pöllliar SarsaIarUla. It strengthens rCUIiar alKi builds up the system, creatcs an appetite, and tonesthe digestión, while it eradicates disease. The peculiar combination. proportion, and preparation oí the vegetable remedies used give to Hood's Sarsaparilla T-. Ifeolf iar curative powers. Ko ' " I156IT other medicine has such a record of wondert nl cures. If you have made up jour mind to buy Ilood's Sarsaparilla do not be induced to take any other instead. It is a Peculiar Medicine, and is worthy your confldence. Hood's Sarsaparilla is sold by all druggists. Prepared by C. I. Uood & Co., LoweU, Mass. 100 Doses One Dollar Not Ice to CredHors. STATE OP MICHIGAN, Countj of Whteuaw, Notice ia tierehy (f ven, Ihat bv n ordir of the Proiite Court for the Coanty of Waiihtenaw made on the twenir-ioenthdavol December, A. D. 1887 mx muuths from thl date were allowed forcreditors to pr.sent tbclr claimt aaiDU the etUte of Ctiarle Almendlnter, Uteofiaidcunnty, deceed, and ihat all creditor of üid dt-ceawd are rcquirid to [irt-tit-üt their claimi to said l'rübate Court, at the ProbateOfBce, in the city of Ann Arbor, for examination ant" allowtnce. on or before the27th dy of Jane ncxt. and that soch clatma will be heard Before aid conrt, on Tuesday, the 7th dar ol Muren, aad on Wednesday, the 27th dy of June next, at ten o'clock In the forenoon ui ech of aald dtiys. Datcd, Ann Arhor, December 3ih, A. D. 1887. WILLIAM IJ. HAKKIMAN, I384-138S Judi-e of Probate. Xotice to f redltors. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Coanty of Wwhteoaw ss. Notice lshereby dven, that by in order of the Probate inii'i for the County of Wwhtenaw, made on the eixth day of Februarv A. D. 1S9S, lx montil trum that date werf allueo for cred. preeent their claime against the eetate ol Errnnuel Mann, late of aid com ly, dereawd„aud that all credltor oí aid deoaeed' are required to present thtir claims to said Probate Court. at the Probate Office in the city ol Ann Arbor. for examl natíos and allowaace, on or before the 6'h day of Aosupt next, and that snch cUlm will be heard beiore rtni Cuurt. on Monday the aeveoth daj of May and on Monaay the Ixth day ol Auguet next, at lü o'clock In the forenoon of each oí paid dayo. Dattd, Ann Arbor, Kehruarv 6ih, A. D. 1B8. WILLIAM D. HAKKIMAN, 1388-92 Judge of Probate


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News