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THAT CELEBRATEI) " COOK BOOK." A tv and R?vlsed Edition Issnod ly the Chicagro, Koek Island and l'jciflc R.iilway. A choiee selectiou of valuable recipes, witli inuch other lUrful inforin ition pcrtaining Co the culinary %rt, iiicluuiiL many formulas coutributtd by noted Dciks and caterers. Au elegant volume of 12G pages In Illostrated over, one clepartnient (105 pasres) tieing devoted tn the cooklng oí me its, ti-h, iranw, nyntera, entree, vegetables, uakinv, fryin;:, roistinjf, etc., anotiier t medical pmcrfptión nil a chapar to laundry wnrV. Hnus-keepcr are delijfiitt-d -th It aml tinl it liidixpensaMc- for tn-quent honseliold ri'ferenee. Copies ent at trn oe'its encli (fAr po-tngc) lo anyapplicant. Addre-s E. A. Hoi.BKODK, (ieiier;il Ticket nd I' er AjrfUt, Cliicaen. Professional Iuorance. Nntliiuw s more ciinm n. 01 trne, tlian for ihvicimis to teil pstifltl In til.tirst stages of lieart dl ease tiiat th" trut]e i only nervoii-, etc. and of no c coiint A little knowli-(L'e s :i dannerOQI tinne linvii by lile reu niiinher of eiic who diu of li"irt Jtmw wlien its exUtence is aal Kpeetrd. Tlte v:uniiii. Dool neirlfCt the tirst sy tn ( . - toms, and it jon wouM :ivoi.i m ilnith, anilina pvcUirte, etc , take Dr. Miles' New Cure befóte it is tio late. S ild at Btwrbach kt Son's lirut; store. Tourist- Au' now me lettnf of oredit (¦uw-heli, ( mii you direct me to some spot in this hUwsted countrj' that wil I e(iial wood - T;iv-copse-Hertordiliirc hciiili, N.irth BUffurriahttR, Eng. land, for a titp :it s ilmon v BÁakur - I Beklom tUli mvself, but I upderstaod ttiat Mnd-creelt-''Ter-ajrAÍDatBill-SlDimonte't-mill-pond Knoi-countyover-tlie-left-and Maine, L'nited Stat s of America-four-liiindiround is a f.iir storting rround. - Tid Bitf. Electric Bitters. This reinidy is beoóming so well kAown and o popular a.s to need no special mentiOD. AH who have used Electric Bitters slnjf the same song of praise. - A purer medicine does not exist and t is ruaranteed to do all that is elslmed. Electric Bitters II oure all diseases of tlie Liver aml Kidney-, 111 remove Pimples, Boils, Salt Hiieum and other ufl-jctiong caused by Impnre blood. - AVill drive Malaria from the system and prevent as veil as cure all Malaria! fcvers. For cure of Headaehe, Constipation and Indlgoétloii try Electric Bitters- Entire satisfactinn nuaranteed, or money refunded- Prke 50 ets. a id $1 00 per bottle at Eberbach A Son's. You tlon't say so, exclaitned Mi's. 000]fnrm, when she was told of the demüe of Misa Girap, the dresstuaker. IIow fortúnate! She tinished my {jarment only day before yesterday now I ain certaiu she can make noue like it for anybody else.- Boston Transcript.


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