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Time tabli; lakil.K effect hov. 20lh, 1887. Ontral Htandard Tlm-. CHICAGO To DETRCWT. a.m. a.b. r.a. r. m. t.u. p, a t.a Chtcaeo Lv. 50 00 3 10' 4 40 8 15 Uit Katoroazoo... 14 17 150 6.58 S50 1231 217445 Bíttlc Créele 112 27 J I lig 7ji Jacki-on 3 1), 4 20 8 49 8 li 450 1 14 ramt Ukf .... : Sllilil Chelee 36 _. 586 it Derier 414 56 k DalhlMlUa... 4 'ft n Ann Arbor.... 4 J8 5 S0 9 45 436 4WUIB Ypailanti 4 50 5 4.5 9 5 4 52 K WayneJunc. 5 15,006 ,515 441 1101 D.trol-....Ar. 6 00 6 4510 45 ... .' 8tt) 7M1!4 t.Thoma 11 10, 406 9 1 Fallí View ... 117 6 N. FIH , J21.4. 122 M.... Bllfljlo I 4 801 7 15 8 40 C6....' DKTROIT TO CHICAGO. i k & 4 i í :S Q j_ j5_ M L M A.M.P.K.. A.M. A. MAM Bnffalo 11 5SS B 06 900 1 0 .... N. Kall, litó 1U.... StTbomaa...' 4251000... 110 SM. A.H . . P. . PH. r.M. T.U Detroit.. ..I.T.' 7 00 910 188 4 00 800 10 U Wayne Jane.., 7 41 H 53 2 08 4 45 817 1016 Ypeilanti ....' 803 10 12 2' 5 1 S58HW Ann Arhor..., K ÍK 10 30 232 580 nilK..... Deftil Mills. .1 ]... 542' .; Ilexter H37 550; 93 Chelíia 85S 606 968 iiitmr Lake. . 15 6 47 1015 Jackoon 9 4S1Í35 SM 7 10 1042 1 tt ... Battle Creek.. 11 2 1 14 4 40 8S2U12 2 Kalatnazuo.. ÍS 17 1 II 5 15 4.1 1 a S r. 4 44 Cbiogo. ,Ar. 5 40 40 9 10 7 0O7 4SI0 O. W. MJdOUSX. H. W HAYK. tí. P. A T. Airent Airt.. Acá Aítwt. Chicago. To pdo, Ann Arbor Ntirth Miehlgaa Rail war. riMK SCHKDUUE. To tiike effect at 12 o'clock, noon, on Suddaj-, October 9tli, 1887. Tralns run by Standard Time. QOISO SOHTH. STATIONS. f ö' j f o a. a. I "I I S a. n. r. a. p. k.a.. Toledo Lv 5 15 3 15 6 25 5 M Monhatuii .Tunct.ori 5 20 : 3U 6 40! 6 U AleXK 5 3 48 6 Í6 Mtuiarl 545 343 7SJ7M Mi)!ire Juni-tlon 02 405 7 51 8 le Dnmiee 6 10 4 12 8 09 III Az.lia 6 26 4 18 8 24 9 U Mllar. 6 35 4 35, 8 IM Urania 8 50 4 41,8 510 00 l'iitídeld 7 00 4M OS 10 X Ann Arrx.r 7 15 5 10 tt li 11 10 Ulan - 7 33530 M 1 Wtitmore Lake 7 401 5 45 Kl.lfi I II Uoe11 8 80 6 28 6 30 Uit Duri'.d 930 7 ) 9 Jp. M. lorüina 9 fá 7 40 lü J5 LIwub-0 1001 7 55 11001 Oíuiíi .JnnctMiu 10 06 8 10.11054 liba, h 11 lí 9 15 2 44 Si. UjuI 11 36 9 33 3 3$ Ami 1142 9 41 156 Mi. P;eam Ar 1 30 10 S0 6 00 u. r. m. P. m K)I-Q 8OÜTH. . ÍTATHMI8. gí í i a. a. p. m. r .. Mt. Pleasant Lt 8 6 30 1 SO Alma... .10 15 7 i 2M M. Lonig 1 1 íti 7 27 2 2 Ithsca 12 45 7 4fi 2 4 owosso JanctiüQ 4 00 8 55 4 Oí Ovnsu , 4081 9'0t 401 Cornnn 4 25 9 08 4 15 ... Durand 5 18 9 30 4 í i. a H.m-ell 7 40 10 40 5 83 60 WbitmoreLake ti;,. 11 00 6 IR (8) 'eliDd B30 11U 7B Aun Arbor 7 1S11 30 6 M M M't-fleld 7 26ill 43 7 0011 Urania 7 Si 11 50 7 10 11 Milán 745U204 72912M 'zalia 7 55JI2 14 7 30 13 44 r'mdee 8 03l 24 7 401 1 10 Monrot Jonctlon ,8 10 12 31 7 51l I SO Samaría 25 )2 46 8 101 1 10 Alexia 845 100joj46 MuDbotlau Junclion 8 .50 1 05 8 S7i 3 0 loledo Ar 9 00 1 10 8 41 t 16 a.-., p. a.r Nouth Lyun Itruiiili. NOKTII BOÜND. 8ÏATION.S. bol' TH BOUMP, Traln 6 Tnia 1 P. . r. m, 9 60 I.v. Lelanda Ar. s 1U 00 Ar. Wordenn Ar. ( J 10 20 Ar Soatn Ljon Lt. 6 00 Cnnnectlons: At TnKdo, wlth rallroadi dWerf - me; at .1ai,htiau Junction, wltb WbsallDi K. li.: ai Alexia Juncllon, wilk f. C. I . H, I., s. 4 M. S Rt. and F. 4 P. M R. R.; tt Monroe Juncti.m. with L. S. 4 M. 8. Hj .; at l)iodee, with L. s. 4 M. . Kv.. M. A O. Kv.; aiIUu Junctlon. with Wahaíb, St. Loul A Pcli hy ; Ht P:tt-neld,wlth L. 4 M. S. Hy.; at Ann Arbof witb Micbigau Central R. K., and at Soutb Lo with Detroit, Lan]n A jíortheru K. K., ud Mich. A. L. Dtv. of Grnd Tnat Rt. At HabíHn ith M. A. Line Diriilon Grand Tmtik K'y. At Howell with Detroit, Lsimlng A Nortbtm U'j. M Durand with Ch:cngo A Grand Trnnk K'j ana Detroit, Grand Haven 4 Milwukee R'y. Al uwosoJunction wiüi Detroit, Grand Haren A MUwskee R'y and M. chican Central R. R. Ai M.'Loolt wlth Detroit, Langlrg A Northern R. B. and sfl na Vall.-y A St. Looi R'y. At Alma wltli Dttwt, Laiuine A Northern Hjr. At Mt. Pluumat wlti Flint A Pere Marqoette R'y. H. W. ASBLBT, Gcnenl llananr. W. H. BBNNBTT, A. J. PAI81ÍT. Gen'l. Piuw. A Ticket Aeent. Local AjttL lítate of David W. Koje. STATKUF MICHIGAN, Coantj of Waakusa, M. At a seeeion of the Probate Conrt for the Cooity ot Waahtenaw, holden at the Probate Office. Ín ti city of Ann Arbor, on SaMirday, the tvofity eigsth day ol Jannary. in the year one thaMii4 eli;bt bundred and elgbtj-lght. Prent, WUüam D. Hrtrriman, Judj;e of Probate. In the matter of the etute of David W.Xoyw, deceued. On rendlnc and Bllng tbe petlöon, dnry TrMil, of Michsel J. Noyes prayintr Uut a certali teutrnment now on flle In thl court pBrporting to I tb lui will and testament and codicil tbereto of aalt deceased, mv he admltted to probate, aai iba he and CaoneT. Hodv-man may te appolAle4 ax c tors thereof. Tberuouon It ii ordered, tnat Mond, the twenty¦erentb day of Febraary next, at ten o'clock In la a.eiened for the hearing of ald ptltioa, and tbat the devise, légate, and belri X law of said decewed and all other penoni ltfested in said estáte, are reqnlred K appear al a CMlon of said conrt, then tt be holden al tbt Probate Offlce. io the city of Ann Arbor. lo J county and show cause, If any there be, way tJ prayer of the petltionershoald uot be (rrant. lfl it is fnrther ordered, tbat aaid petiiione r" notice to the perons Intereated in iald at", of the pendenoy of said petltion. and te laifiai tbereot, by ranslnf a eopy of tklt order to b H' ligbed in the Ann Arbor Uouritr, a neaapar printed and circulatie In aaid county. thret ¦ ceasive week prvion to said day of hearln. WILUAM D. HAHKIMAN. (A trne coDy.) JndLe of P"hte. WM. G. DoTY. Probate Rglter. 8-lg. Cbaucerj Sale. Is pnnuance and by virtue of a dteree ot tae Circuit Coun f. r the CVunty of Waahwaaw. Mate of Mlchijin, In ('hancry, made and enurtfl on tbc flfth day of December, A. D. 1687, "¦ orrtaln caus ¦ Uierein pendlug. wberein ÖW " Watson Is complainant and Sosan H. h.ait. Amos Y. Kidder. Ida C. Kldder and Cyrlne KMder are delendanta. Notice Is hereby giveDjtaat on Saturday the ihlrd day of March, A. D. 1888 at ten o'clock In the forenoon of aid day, I hall eil pnblic anction. or vendoe.tothe hibeat biaaaf. ai the eaat main entrance 10 tbe Ooort Houae. 1 ' city of Ann Arbor, in aid county. tbtt being '" building in whlch the Circnit Conrt of Mid eonnty is held, all thoe certaln uieoea. or parjeU 01 land sltoated In the townsbip of Saline, ' nawCounty, Mlcliiin. and deribd ai 'o0; towit: The eaat half of the northeaH qaartar 01 sectlon twenty einht .Si and tbe west half or ut northw.t quarler 01 srction t enty-aeven ia excepting a piece of land deeded by WiUUai Klder and wlfe to Henry Peterson. eceatea. w !)¦ lowt, to-wit! B)íui.lniratipoittwejiiy-twü -si of tbe center of the Tecumseh and Sall oe roaa n here -ald road Intersecu t e north line of t northweet (juarter ol al aectlon twenty-tCTB(, tbence ewt along sid north line V the ster of the Tecumseh aiid Saline road, twentytwo roai , thence sonth along the center of said road vmm ÍI5) rodi; thence uorth to the place of baftoaiaf. coniaii.iii; one hundred and flflyolne ü "" balf acres m,.re or leat, all in townshlp 1 torj wam 01 ranco nve eat. County of wbWl''hj". State uf Michigan. excepÜDg frm .""j?3" descrlbed parce" of land. the followlng c parrei of lacd, vli. : Commenciag at u o'''' corner of the cul half ot the nurtheast Q11 ' section twenty-e ght 28) towoahip foQ! ' "¦ of range flve east. rnnning aouih on U'w' east and west half of said qnarttraectioB, .c' and 75 linka ; thence soaih 48 degreea an4 30 nutes eat. 5 chain. and 96 links W the """fí 'SJ Tecrimaeh road. thence north 4. degrw m minutes ea-t, alorg the center of "Jr chaln? and 40 links ; thence north 47 dtgrtt wk. 3 cbains, and 74 link to aection 1 Ine in ' r of the hlghw ly, thence weat on said set tlon 1 av in tbe center of tie highway 28 chalni andji links toibepUceof beg.nning. conialBlcg 4auu 4(toni-bundredih aeren of land. PATK1CK McKERNAS. Circuit Court tummlHooT, Wabteoaw Couaty, MlcblfaB. JOHN F. LAWRBNCK, Solictor for CompUlnant, Axi Arbok, Jaouary 16tb, 1888.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News