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¦UWIIC DIRECTORY. Ann Arbor Commandkry, No. 13 moet flrst Tuesday of each inoutb, W. W. Nlchol, E. C.; W.A.Tolchard. Recorder. Washtkjíaw Chahtkr, No. 6, R. A. M.- Mi-cis flrst Mondy eacb montb. J. I . Slone, H. P.; Z. Roath, Secretary. BUSINESS CARDS. DR. C. HOWELL, PHYSICIAN OrricK, Room 1, Masonic Bi.ock. Office hours: 8 to 14; 2 to 6 p. m. DR. H. R. ARNDT, PHYSICIAN Ovnoi Ovkr Fikst National Bank. Hours at Office: 10:30to 18 a. ra.; 2:31 to 3-:S0 c ni. Can be reached at residence (West Huron si reet, the "Prof. Nlchol place") by lelephone, No. T, and wUl reply to calis In the evealng. A 11.9.1 UI IIERZ, Hoass, 3i jn, Ornamental and FRESCO PAINTER! Pftperl.iir, (}laztng, (iildli)g, and Calciminlnir, and work 'r every .leTruitioü done in the best -lyle, anl warrüiited to give eatiafaction. Shop, No. 4 W. Washington St., Ann Arbor. V. W. A; A C. MCIIOLS, DBlsTTISTS. Room"! ver Ann Arbor Savlnffs Bank, ¦aonie Temple Block. Q a.S or VITALIZED AIR Vi'uintsturud for the ialulese extraction of teeth. o. nn. 2&J&rnTisr, CLOTH CASKETS, METALIC And Common Cofflna. Calis altented to Day or Nlzht. Kmbalmlng a speclalty. Storeroom on K. Washington street. Residence ('or. Liberty and Flfth. W. H. JACKSON, OFFICE : Jrer Bach & AbeI's Dry Good Store. Entrance next to Xutional Bank. BEAL ESTÁTE INSDRANGE' AÖEN6Y. J. A.SESSIONS. A.TTORNEY AND XOTARY PUBLIC Real Estáte sold or rented and renta collected on reasonable terras. None but old and flrst-clasa Insurance Coinpanles represented- with Insurance capital of $10,000.000. Ratea as low as any other nsurance corapany and losses pronipUy pald. Office over American Kxpress ornee, Main street. nn Arbor. Mlch. JAMES R. BACH, FIKE AND LIFE INHJRíJÍCII_AGBW)y ! No. 16 East Hurón Street, Opposlte Cook House. Ten Flrst-Class Conopanles represented. Assatts Over $25,000,000. 1319-1389. Wnttait Rtlail OM lUthi Rnewed. L Snd for CirvuUr. J. KNOWLTON. Ann Arbor. Mich, A COMPLETE ARRANUKMKKT FOR Paysiciins ui Foiiies, Neiter, Cheapor, AND MciHK CONVENIENT THAN A STATIONARY BATH TUB WITH NO KXPEN8F, OF BATH ROOM AND FIXTURES. 82-83 BARBER SHOP ! OVKR THE POSTOFFICE, Qsaa Slum: and Uï ! AT A. Reduction in Prices. Ladies' Special Bath Rooms. L KAHOE, - Prop. Come aroundand wash onee in a while. It wil do y ou good, take away bad smells and lengthen your life.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News