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Famous Women

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It Is a slgnlñoant fact tliat most of the vomen who have aehieved fame in art, iterature, r "affalrí," have enjoyed vlgorous health. This shows tliat the intuü 9 nover cupnble of the severe and coninued application necessary to creative vork, unless the body is at its best. The wouian who aspires to lili au exalted )lace among her associates, must be free rom nervous debility and iemale weaknesses. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prese ripion will banish these, and it is warranted o restore tliose fuiictional harmonies wliich are indispensable to health. As a specilic for all those chronic weaknesses and ailment peculiar to women, it la unequalled. The congregation of a church at Elk Rock were much shocked upon learning ;hat their prencher had depurted under nnstiliscroilitable circumstances. On the following Sunday it seemcd to be the aim of nearly everyone to liush up the scandal, and under great restraint, many unintereslino; conversatioDS were held, merely to prove tliat the menibers of the churcli could arlse above sensationul gossip. Just before the services were closed Brother Elijah P. Krookrod arose and said: " Brethreu and sisters, since we last met in this house gomethlng which seems to have cast a gloom over this congrega tlon has oocurrecL We were all much attachcd to our minister; in tact we loved hirn, and I now propose thiit we offer up a prayer for the wanderer." A sensational wave swept over the audience. Another brother arose and turninji to Elijah P. Brookrod, sald: " I am astonlshed that you should desire this congrejratlon to pray for our eriing minister - you above all others. "Wliy?" " Because he ran away with your wife.' "Yes, I know, Elijay replied, and tlial is the reason whv I tliink that he wil!


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News