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C.H.ST.CLAIR&SÖNS MANUFACTURERS OF SclioülanclCliiircli FURNITURE. opkra mm niAiiis AND WIND-MILIA Are now prepared to manufacture School and rtnirch Fnrnltnre, and Opera House Cbnlrs, Lawn Settees, Cauip Tables and the TRIUMPH WIND-MILL flie beet and slmplest and most rellable In use. Repalrlng done on short notlce. Also dealers In PUMPS, CTLINDERS, PIPES, ETC. TANK8 MADE TO ORDER. LADDERS, PEACH BOXES, BERRY CRATE8, In tact, auy artlcle made to order. NO. 33 N. FOURTH STREET, ANN ARBOR, MICH. INSURANCE RiiAL ESTÁTE and LOAN AGENCY OF A.W. H AMILÏON Office, No. 2, First Floor. Hamllton Bloclc. Fartles deslrlng to buy or sell Real Estáte wlll flnd It to thelr advautage to cali on me. I repressnt 15 flrst-class Flre Insurance Compaules, havlug an aggregate capital over 180,UOO.0O0. Kates Low. Loases Uberally adjusted and promptly pald. I also Issue I.lfc and lavestment Pollcles In the New York Mutual Life Insurance Company, AssetU, 175,000.00. Persons deslrlng Accident Insurance, can have yearly pollcles wrltten for them orTraveler's Coupon Insurance Tickets lssued at Low rates. Money to Loan nt Current Rats. Office hours from 8 a. m. to 13 in. and 2 to 5 p. m. ALEX. W. HAMILTON, Hamilton Block. ¦¦¦¦ Nes WondiTH ezlst In thonsands or ML L Ufi.rinH. luit are surpaased by the mar ¦ ¦¦¦ Vl'ls "f liivciitlnn. Thosewho are In nr.-ii of profltable Work that run be donewblle living at home should at once sendtbelr addrens to Mallet A ('o., Portland, MhIiii', and recelve free, full Information how elther sex, of all ages, can enrn from ts to ". per day and upwards, wberever they live. You re started free. Capital not requlred. flome have made over (50 In a single day at tbls work. All succeed. God, Sil ver, and Xnlicl Platine ! LADIES! LADIES! OF ANN ARBOK ANU VICIN1TT. If yoti want yonr dlver ware rc-plnted, pifase cali at THOMAS HAYLKY, No. ;!1 Kt I.lbcrty Iti, who Ís thc authorised aent for the Michigan Hlatinp Works of Adrián, Mieh. 11 will guarantee all wurk for elx ycnm at the lowaat h.-mM.' prioeí. M


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News