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A Flirting Husband

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Ii) tlie foolUh men travel more ihnn tlie otlierSi or does it 111.1 Ii t n min silly to put liim on a car and senil liini nway from home? I a-k this quéfttiou becfcitie [ meet su inauy mimi actmg like WlotS on Jouruey I take. Diiectly iu front of me on ii recent journey s;it :i prett jiirl, perhrtCJ! twenty-two ycars uf ajr and aero the way was a fino lnnkinjc niidille njied man with a sweet faced wite, two lovely cliildren, and a nurseniaid. This party was evidently returuing flora sonie prolonged visit, to the country, anc; heading for "GrandmaV to stay unii the holidays. 'l'he onversation of the children told all this to every one in the parlor car. Prcsently, when mamma was deep in a m-w book and nurse had the babie9 on u sofa ut the end of a car, the sunnip of a husbanil opeued the campaign by surreptitious (-miles in the lookillj{glasj at pretty glrl. Durin-r the d;iy he tlirted with her. As the Aliidonna-f.iccd wife bent over her novel the man wouk: make eyos riirht over lier shouliler, (n the amusem n : n I disgust of the pas-engers. Final jr he went to a rack in whlch tr1egrapli blankwere depos'ued, took one and refrjU. After a while he caine back w:ilke 1 to the oppo'site end of the e:ir, and as Be returned he swajed with its motion and adroitly laid i tolded paper ou Miss's knee. It was the telegrapl blank, and on it was this: "I amstraiijjely lntereited in you and desire a further acquaintance. Will ynu write to me i your return from New Yurk? Anote addressed to John Johnson 964 street will reach a delighteU mun. Give me sonie sigual before I lenee(at the next station) that I may know my fate." The girl re;id over and over this Impudeiil eoinmunicatlon. Then, a9 she feit tbc eyes of h:ilf the passengers upon her, she got afraid of the rc-sult and she turnei t . h lady, passed the paper over and aski d "What would you do were you in my place?" Au old gentleman in front spoke up "Give that paper, whatever there is on it to that insölted wife." Well, bless me! if she didn't fret up, cross over to the chair in whlch the wife sat, place the open communieation on her lapandsay: " Ttie gentleman with yoi iruve me that a Moment ajjo. I don 't quite understand it." Nearly the whole car load watched the developments with intense interest. Sonie were sorry for the wife iind feit vexed at the axpMora of the man for hnr sake, bul the lady quïetly read it througli. Siie waa pale as Mhes, but she turneil a glanceof sueh contení jt on the man that we all kMWtheM was trouble in store for that leluion and snare. Then she faced about and ialU plesantly to the pretty trirl: "Thauk have rendered me a very great Fervic." The cars stoppcd and the party withdrew, the flhting hiusbnnd makinj: a desperate attempt to look uncoiiceiiieil. but the outlook for one fooi of a traveler was by no mcans pleasant, if we could


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News