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Gibson takes the senior law phlzes. The course in oratory ts sald to be no snap this year. The Argus office wlll print the Oracl chis year. The Jeflersonian society is to renovate and refit lts hall. Prof. Rogers' lectures on Roman Law are very popular. Lots of plucked ones this year in Oer man, Frenen and Latin. Base bïllists should be at tbe rink Saturday at 9 o'clock a. m. Tlie junior hop committee have a se up at Hank8, Friday evening. The senior englneers are getting some practical work in Toledo this week. There were 14 of the laws who wen! down to the republlcan club banquet. President C. K. Adams of Cornell has been in the city during the past week. The Chronlcle thlnks that the base ball team this year will be a very strong one. One day"s proceeds of W. W. Bllss's billiard hall for the gym. amounted to 10. The Owo&so Times pronounces tlie entertainment given by the Glee Club as a fine one. A collection of 6,000 volumes of American poetry has been presented to Brown University. F. E. Baker, lit. '82, was married last week Tue8day at his home in Goshen, Indiana, to May Irwln. The gym. is again on the upgrade. Put it down in your memorandum book that she is going to get there. The Glee Club are getting In excellent shape for thelr coming trip, wliich they hope to make very successful. The description by Prof. Carliart of lus new laboratory in another column will be found of much interest. Prof. Hogers takes Prof. WinchelPs place as trustee of the S. C. A., and ProfDemmon the place of Prof. Payne. Prof. Schaeberle will not leave the University this semester, bilt reniains here during the year Which is good news. E. E. Hubburd bas been chosen to take tlie editorial chalr on the Bulletin made vacant by the resignation of J. N. McBride. Tlie next Cliamber concert will occur on Friday evening In the law lecture hall, instead of Hobart Hall. Please remember the change. The subscribers to the gym. fund since our last list, are: Senators Stockbridge and Palmer, Gov. Luce and Col. John Atkiuson, each f 100. In the prohibition parade last Saturday afu-rnoon there were just 203 students by actual count, or one-eightli of those in attendance upDii tlie University. Tliey made a very respectable showing. Prof. Dewey has accepted the Chair of Philosophy in the Uuiversity of Minnesota. There are others in tlie faculty that could be better spared than Prof. Dewey, who, though young in years, bas lready made for himself a good reputation ii his special line of study. C. A. Read, of the University Itepublicun Club, was made assistent secretary of tlie League Convention at Detroit last Wudnesday, and II. B. Dewey vice-president for the state league. D. K. Cochrane was chainnaii of the delegatlou The boys were so scattered at the banquet tables in the evening that the U. of M. yel) did not materializa. Of all other things the sclieme to build a gymnasium shoul'l not fail. When we tliink of the uumber of alumni, and Uie number who are directly intcrested it seems like cliild's play to raise the modest sum of $10,000 with wliich to erect a building to be used as a gymnasium. Kvery student now in attendance upon the university sliould drop a dollar into the fud to help it along, that lone would make over $1,600, or one-sixth of all that it is proposed to ralse. Then tlie alumni should interest themselves in their alma mater. There are some of them who could give several liundreds of dollars and never feel the gift. It should not drag along over two or three years, but te closed up by the next coinmencenient, and knowing what we do about it, it is our lirin opinión t luit. it will be. The joint program of the Alpha Nu and Jeflorsonlun societies occura at the U. of M. hall on the evening of March 3d Friday. Prof. H. W. Rogers wlll preside and the Chequamegons furnish the inusic. The program is as follows: Muslc, OrcüeRtra. Essay, J. N. McBride, Alpha Nu. KecltatlOD, O. B. McUlasxea, JeOursonlnn. ] [isiiuiiifiii il Bolo, MÍ88 Julia (Jarrutbera. Oratlon W. C. H. Keougli, Juifereoulan. Music, Orchestra. Kecilation, M. Kossnthal, Alpha Nu. Vocal Solo. Debate: Re solved, that the co-rperatlon Is a üntlsfactory solutlon of the labor problem" Afflrmallve, K. s SMuw, A. N. ; Negatlve, S. L Tuoinpson, Jefleraoutau. The Chronicle has new a new forcé at the helm, who propose to make things [)oom. The new board is composed as follows: Managing Editor, II. K. White; AssisUnt Managing Editor and Vurious Topics, W. R. Parker; Various Topics, W. J. Beckley; General Literature, Jas. Chalmers; Things Chronlcled, II. H. Brown, J. B. Burtt, A. E. Rowley; Personáis, G. L. Klef et: Exchanges, Lincoln MacMillan ; Literary Notes, H. B Uracewell; Business Manager, Chas, llyde; Department Reporters - Medical, Krank Chafler; Law, Chas. Alllng, Jr.; Pharmacy, F. D. Wiseman; Hotioeopathy, G. D. Arndt. Gov. Luce, in glving $100 to the gymnasium fund sets a good example to our "armer fnends. This gift shows that the governor understands what so few farmers will .ï.luiii, tlüit it is the sous and daughters of the farmers who need this gymnasium more than any other class. They come here wlth etrong, healthy jodies, made so by out door exerclse and contact with the pure open air. They go iiito rooms, give up almost entirely pliysïcal exercise and work witli the brain is substituted for work with the hands. Any one who knows anything about the iiiman system knows that this is debili Utlng and will soon wear out the strong est constitution. A gymnasium will furnisli lor these very students what they 80 much need, and what they cannot now obtain, viz: good exercise and plenty of it. The gymnasium is not intended to take the place of study in any degree, but to give strength and vigor to the body that the brain may have more healthy action. Gov. Luce evidently understands this thouronghly and by giving his money to aid In the construction of a gymnasium, gives just so much to the good health, vigor and strength of the young men and young ladies who come here from the farm. Which class ompose nearly two-thirds of II those in the university. Among the books which he prizes hlghly the local -ditor of the Cocrikb lias two volumes made up of programs, etc, of both the university and high school, and of other dolngs that happened in this city In the days when he wa a boy. Among these Is Vol. I, No. 1, of The Univertity Independent, dated Novetn ber, 1861. It is a magazine of some 3 pages, and contains a number of excel lent articles, quite up to the standard o the average college publication of to-day JVhat raight also be of interest in stu dent circles ts the program of the "Burn ing of Mechanica, by the Class of '61,' also the program for the "Public Execu tlon of Mechanics, by the Class of 'G3,' and the ' Supenslon of the Physical Corby the Class of '65." These programs are potten up in a humorous veln, and are even now quite a curiosity to the average college student. Those were "wild nlghts," we very well remember, but were crushed out by the faculty with the las ineutioned program. In these volumes s also the "Address by Hon. Thomas M Cooley, and Poem by D. Bethune Duf'field, Esq., on the Dedication of the Law Lecture Hall," Oct. lst, 1S63. There is also a copy of the second Palladium. It was issued in 1860 and contaln8 24 pages. There are also several programs for "Junior Exhibltions,"- long since done away with- and also several "Commencement Exercises" programs for the different departments. "A General Catalogue of the Offlcers and Graduates from 1837 to 1864" is also to be found, as well as many other pamphlets and papers which tue owner values very much. Among the high school papers Is a catalogue containing the name of the assassin Guiteau among the pupils.


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