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Bii.i.s were reportad in the Senata on tbe 20th trom committees tor the establishment of a bureau of animal lndustry, and to relieve purchasers and lndetnnliy States under tbe Swamp and Overrïowed Lands act. A bilí was introduood declaring thut any person convicted of carnal and unlawful Intorcourse wiih any female under elghteen years shall be punlsbed by luiprisonmenl for (rom flve to ten years, and for tbe second oftense during hit natural Ufe. The provisión of the bill are made applicable to all places withln the jurlsdlctlon of the United States In the House iniii were Introduced for the protectlon ot settlers on the public lands; for the apportionment, on the basis of illitcracy, o 1166,000,000 nmong tbe States and Territorios for educational purposes; to amend the home stead laws so as to provlde that only eighti acres can be entered lnstead of one hundre and slxty acres, and to permit only citlzens o the United States to enter homesteads; proTiding for the monthly paymentof pensions. A Joint resolutlon was Introduced proposing a oonstltutlonal amendment extcndlng the Pre ldentlal term to eight years. The Senate on the Sist made public the flsh eries treaty. A bilí was Introduced to provlde for tbe establishment of an experimental gras and forago plant farm, aud for tbe conductini of experiment8 relating to grass and forage plants, the farm to be in the vlclnlty of the one hundredth merldian. . . .In the House the Sen ate bill to credit and pay to the several States and Territorios all moneys collected under the direct tax was reported. A resolution to amend the constltutlon soas to make polygam; unlawful in tbe United States, and deñnlug the meaning of polygamy, was reported. The session of the Senate on the 22d was devoted to listenlng to the farewell address o George Washington to hls arniy, which wa read by Senator lngalls. The House was no in sesslon. IN the Senate on the 23d bllls were reportec from committees to extend the southern and western boundaries of the State of Kansas and to provlde for the compulsory educatlon o Indlan children, not including the flve civilize tribes nor the Osages. Bllls were passed to provlde aid for State homes for disabled so] dlers and sallors, and to extend the laws of the United States over certain unorganlzed terri lory south of Kansas, popularly known as "No Man's Land." In the House S. S. Cox, o New York, was elected Speaker pro tem. The sesslon was devoted to considering bllls for public buildings at various places. The Senate adopted a resolution on the 24t requesting tbe President to lnform the Senat whether the French Government had prohib lted tbe lmportation of American product. The blll grantlng pensions to ex-soldiers an sailors wbo are lncapacltated from the performance of manual labor and providlng fo pensions to dependent relatives of deceasec soldlers and sailors was consldered. Adjournec to the 27th In the House the Senate blll to lncrease the pension for deafness was reported favorably, also the bill lncreasing the pénalo for total dlsablllties to 130 per month. The bil for the admission of North and South Dakot as separate States was reported adversely. DOMESTIC. Thb minera employed at Palmyra, O. wbo struck two months ago (or an advanoe re8timed work on the 2 lat at tbe old prices. At a sociable In Hilledgeville, Ga., on the L' 1 si Belfune Jones, a popular young man was seixed witli hydrophobia and died In i short time He had been bitten by a ma dog f our uionths ago. Aojutakt-Genebal Vance notifled Gov ernor Oglesby on the L'lst that tbirty-seven persons were killed at Moont Vernon, III. by the cyclone and that eighty wero wounded, twenty of whom were in a seriou condition. Miss Josie Holmes, lndicted In the Fidel lty Bank cases in Cinclnnati, was disebargee on tbe L'lst tn conslderation of her having glvt'u testimony. Dxnnis McGbaw and hl wlfe were siitto cated in thelr home at Lima, O., on the L'lst by natural gas which leakud from the pipes. The Inabang rlver overrïowed at Palmer Masa, on the 2 Int, floodlng the town anc Dlng prent daniage. John McCstvy, a desperado who admltte having killed nlne persons, was shot an killed on the 21st by Sheriff Holcomb, of Houston County, Tex. , whlle resiating arres ti The dam of the Bwift Company at Chic opee, Masa, was carried away by an icepack on the 'Int, stopping slxty thonsanc plndles, throwing slx hundred hands ou of employment and doing other damage. AT Rast Greenwich, R L, on theülst the well owned by Mr. Allen as polsoned, anc an attompt was made to blow up the house of Rev. O. W. StUL Both men had been wajflntr war npon the saloons. Tbe Indiana State Service Pension Asso ctatlon conrened at Indianapolis on the 2 lat The parpose is to secure the passage ot a bilí grantlng eight dollars monthly to every honorably disoharged Union soldier and more to those dlsabled. New Yoek fruit dealers and brokers sen B petition to Congress on the L'lst asklni that the duties ou foreign fruit be retained Gkaff. BennettA Co., iron manufacturera of Pittsburgh, Pa, failed on the 21st for $1,200,000 Mbs. Sakah Reed, aged seventy-six years was burned to death on the 'il at at her home near Indianapolis, Iud., her clothinj taking tire from a stove. It was reported on the 22d from Spenoer County, Ind., that the recent cyclone which de mol inbed Mount Vernon, Dl, dippec down near Heilmann, a small hamlet, un roofiug houses, overturning barns, com pletely deinolishing uiany, and killing tock. Thk 2Ed was the one hundred and flftyelxth birthday of George Washington, and it was generally celebrated throughout the country. An explosión of dynamite on the 22d at Duluth, Minn., which was belng used for blastlng, killed two men and lnjured a dozen others, The slxth annual convention of the National Law and Order League was held at Philadelphia on the 22d. G C Bonney, oi Chloago, waa re-elected president Adviceh ol the 22d from Hason's Landing, Ky. , say u cyclone in that vicinity destroyed a large number of houses anc barns and killed three men. Chables Winoabo and Annle Fox, hls nlece, who eloped from Monroe, Mich. , and were captured and taken to Al lianen. O., commltted suicide with pistola on the 22cL Bbewebs, liquor-dealers and saloon-keepers of Cubuque, Ia., on the 22d incorporated the Du buque Personal Liberty Assoclation to flght the Prohibitory License law. Mbs. Edmund Daniels, of Wooster, U , ged seventy-eight years, died on the 22d of brutal injuries lnflicted by her husband, who is sixty-eight years of age. On a Missouri Pacliio freight train a car loaded with mules was burned on the 22d, and twenty-three of the animáis were roasted to death. Samuel L. Fevbk died on the 22d at Hannibal, Ma, aged nlnety-six years. Hls wife, who la ninety-flve years old, survives him. The couple had been married ueventy-two yeara Chables Holton, a son of Charles C Holton, s Wholesale and retail furniture dealer In Chioago, wns fatally shot on the 22d by hls brother, Kthan Allen Holton, who polnted a plstol at hia brother, not knowing It was londed, and the weapon waa discharged. The grand jury In Chicago on the 23d fouud Blx indlotraenta agalnst, Wllllam B. Taseott, five of the iudlctinents belug for burglary uud ouo for toe murder oí Áinos . Snell. TuE(irnud Arm y of the KepuMlc of Indiana, In sosslon on the 23d al Indlanapolls, eleoted Argus D. Van Osdel, of MadiBon, Commander. Ixrri.u. meetings were held In Boston on the 23d In a movenient looklnif to the erectlon of a memorial building to Wendell Phillip. Colomel J. W. Feiohan, of Emporla, was elected Coiumanrter of the Qrand Army of tbe Republic of Kansas at its seventh unnual oncampinent In Winöeld on the 23d. Tbr lottii of Coidwater, Kan., was almost entlrely destroyed by tire on the 23d. Tuk elghth animal encampment of the Minnesota Grand Army of the Republlo began at Mlimi-upoliH on the -idl. 'i wo maskkd men took possrasion ot a Southern Paeitic train in Arizona on the 234, just afler leaving Steln's I'ush, nncoupled the englne and expresa car from the rest of the train, and after golng a mile further robbod the express car of a large amount of valuables. Tn Treaaury Department at Washington on the ' Isstieil warrants for the payment of $10,000,000 on account of pensiona. Thomas Dicxhon, treasurer of Morrow County, 0. , was arrested at Cleveland on the 23d, charged wlth embezzling (Kt.SOB A touno man and a woman, who had juat arrlved from Pbiladelphta, were found dead near tbe city hall in Camden, N. J , ou the 23d. The man first shot hls ooinpanlon and then killed himsell Thcy were unknown. The output of coal during 1887 In the econd anthracite district of Pennsylrania reached 5,043,513 ton, an tncrease over 1886 of 810,060 tona In mine accidenta fifty-two men were killed and 146 wounded. By the suddeu breaklng of a large boom of loga in the Palouse rlver, near Colfax, W. T., on the 23d Moses Ebert and an unknown man were killed and three others were fatally lnjured. Mbs. Julia Sandoren was found in a dylng condltlon in a house In Chicago on the 23d, and In tbe same rooni were found the dead bodies of her two young chlldren. Hrs. Sandgren died in a Bhort time. Htaryatlon was thought to have caused the deaths. Lewis Moobe (colored) was hanged on tbc 23d at Georgetown, Va. Moore asedbed hl mlafortune entlrely to whisky, and begged hi hearers to beware of it The trustees of the Grant Monument Commlttee beid their unnual meeting on the 23d in New Tork, and elected Wiiliam R Grace president The amount of tbe fund on deposit was stated to be $126, 162. Mbs. John Willhobte, who ltved near Beltowlng Springs, Ga., was selzed with apoplexy on the 23d, and falling lnto an open grate was burned to death. Ar the National Kncampment of th Union Veteran League In Youngstown, O. , on the 23d General A. L. Pearson, of Pitteburgb. Pa., was eiected Commander. The ¦ A. R Encampment Assoclatlon ol Missouri, Kansas, Colorado, Arkansas, Illinois, Iowa and Nebraska was organlzed at a meeting of Grand Army men In Kansat City on the 23& Ninbtt-thbeb residente of Chicago and suburbs - men and women prominent In rellglous work - addressed a petition to the mayor on tbe 23d asking that an ordinance be passed prohiblting Bunday performances at the theater. Joseph Wileinson, of Albany, N. Y., who says he has attamed some notoriety as a sleeper, challenges any Rip Van Wrlnkle to a match of 142 hours or more, for any amount from $1,000 to $1,500. John Donahue, of Troy, O. , who lost both hls legB In arailroad accident, brought auit to recover $30,000, and the jury on the 24th awarded hlm $16,000. J. J. Spaldinq & Co., printers, of Chicago, falled on the 24th. Tbe firm was an old one and favorably known. At tbe second annual meeting of the American Assoclatlnn of Importers and Breeders of Belgian Draft Horses on tbe 24tb In Wabasb, Ind., Barmon Wolf, of that city, was elected preRident A tibe on the 24 th In Peet & Co. 's threestory lrou-clail building in littsbureh. Pa., caused a loss of $100,000. Tjieasubeb Diceson, of Marión County, O. , was arrested on the 24tb, charged wltb beins a defaulter to tbe extent of $10,000. A heavt rain on the 24th caused great suffering among the peoplo at Mount Vernon, 11L, who wera made horaeless by the recent cyclone. A riBE on the 24th at Toledo, 0., In the building occupled by the B'ade Printing A Paper Company, caused a loss of $30,000. Dukino the seven days ended on the 24 th there were 183' business fallures in the Dntted States, agalnst 236 the previoue seven days. The total failuses slnce January 1 to date number 2, 1 12, against 2, 141 In the same time last year. Tbe State encampinent of the Minnesota G. A. R. at its sesslon in Minneapolis on the 24th elected J. H. Ege, of Minneapolls, Commander. Daniel J. Wben, one of the convlcted Chicago boodier, was taken to the penltentiary at Joliet on the 24th under a sentence of two years. Undeb the new law Francia Herbert, ot Detroit, Mich., who assaulted a thirteenyear-old girl, was on the 24th genteneed for llfe In the penltentiary at hard labor. An assiErninent was made on the 24tD by Murlock Brothers' Exchange Bank of Canon City, CoL The liabihties were $144,5oa Senatob Stockbbidoe, of Michigan, on th - itli sold bis famous trotting Btalllon Bel) Boy to Kentucky parties for $30,000. The Senator purchased the horse one year agc for $5,000. Full returnB on the 24th from Oceana County, Mich., showed that lt had gone foi local optlon, making thirty-one countles In the State so far declared dry. The Dayton, Fort Wayne & Chicago railway went into the hands of a receiver on the 24th. It was stated on the 24th that John Lee Pache, late treasurer of Colfax County, Neb., had dlsappeared and that hls accounU were short $80,000. A wind and ruin-atorm on the 24th at HauliHtadt, Ind, blew down several cot tages, unroofed houses and barns and killed several cattle. Excessive clgarette smoking killed James Copley, a Clevelana (0.) bar-tender, on the 24th. The shlp Isle of Martha sank on the 24tb at New Orleans, carrylng with lt a dry. dock, causing a loss of $200,000. Fbank M. IliEOEL, the assUtant casbler of tbe Metropolitan Bank of Cinclnnatl, who wan charged with being an embezzler for a large amount, was arrested on the '_' lth. PERSONAL AND POLITICAU The President and hls wlfe left Washington on the 21st for a vislt to the sub-tropIcal exposltion at Jackson ville, Fla. Geoboe IL Cobliss, tbe famous meohanIcal englneer and manufacturer, dled sud denly on the 21st at Providence, R t, aged eeventy-two years. Rbv. J. C. Pbice (colored), president of Bwcngston college at Salisbury, N. C., was Dnthe21st notiHed of his appointment as Hinister to Liberia. Skvebal bundred Republicana from all aectiona of the Stut" met In Detroit on tbs 22d and organlzed the Michigan BepubUoan League. Coloael John Atkinson, of Detroit, was elected president. The Tenneasee Prohlbltlonlsts uu-t In State couventlon at Nasbville on the 22d and elected delegates to the National convention at Indlanapolia. In convention on the 22 d at Provldence, R L, the Prohlbltlonists nomlnated a State ticket, George W. Gould hoading the list aa nominee for Oovernor. Ki.miinA Republicana wlll hold their State convention at Palatka, April 21, to elect delegates to tho National convention. The Missouri Republlcans will hold thelr State convention at Sedalta May 15 to norainate a Stata ticket and elect delegates to the National convention. Aunt" Matii.da, of Hardstown, Ky. , ompleted her one hundred and twentv years of age on the 'J.'t.l, and was satd to bc spry and active. líi a strict party vote the National House Couimlttee onTerritorleson the L':! 1 afreed to report favorably Chairman Springer' 'omnibus" blll to enable the people of Inkota, Montana, Washington Terrltory and New Mexico to f constltutlons and Stata governmcnta, and to be admltted into the Union on equal footings with the original Statt'a The blll provides that the peopla shall vote on the question on the tith of November next Thk Demócrata of North Carolina will bold thelr State convention at Kaleigh May 30. The Republican State convention of Ore gon will be held at Portland April 1 1. The canvaHH of New ürleans belng made by the Committee of One Hundred to revise the registratlon bad on the 23d resulted In finding about twenty-four thousand namea Wegally rcglstered. The National Democratie Committee In aesslon at Washington on the 23d selected St Louis as the place for holding the convention and nanied June 5 as the time of meeting. The Knlghte of Labor met in convention at Cairo, III. , on the 23d and nomlnated T. T. Robinson of l'omona, Jackson County, for Congresa Mb& Bbidoet Wabd died on the 24th in Elgln, 111., aged one hundred and eight years. She was a native of Ireland. WrLUAM Wilson Cobcoban, the millionaire phllanthropist, dled at Washington oo the morning of the 2 1 th, aged elghty-ninc yeara At the time of hls death he wai worth $6,000,000, and durinsj his life bil charities exceeded $3,000,000. FOREIGN. The flrm of Fratelll 4 Moroni, contractors at Rome, Italy, failed on the 21st, with llabilities of 50.000.000 lires. Peteb Shandbeau, of Napanee, Ont, fatally shot hls wife on the 21st because she joined the Salvation Army and then killed hl niself. The authorlties of the State of Durango, Mi i bad on the 21st captured and shot most of the members of Bernal's band ol robbers. The AHsociation of Britlsh Chambers of Commerce passed a resolution in London on the 21st for an arbitration treaty with the United States. Acvices of the 22d say that a cyclone In the Hawalian Inlands did great damage to wharves and other property. Several huge tidal waves (ollowed the cyclone, and a schooner was wrecked. The Brltish Yacht Raclng Associatlon In aeaslon at London on tbe 22d refused to change lts rules so that American boata could compete in the contests in Englisb watera PuniNo a heavy ratn-storm on the 22d a large building at Cruz de Pieria, in Sonora, nsed as the hetdquarters for the Twentynf th battalion, feil. killing four soldiers and woonding many othera A comet was discovered recently in Capa Colony, and on the 23d it was visible in Melbourne and New Zealand. The Nova Scotlan Parliament was opened at Halifax on the 23d by Lieuteuant-Governor Rlchey. Tbe Dominion Parliament was formally opened at Ottawa on the 23d by Lord Lanadowne. The QoTernor-Qeneral made conimcudutory alluslon to the new físheriea treaty. LATER NEWS. At four o'c'ock on the inornlug of the 27th the two thousand looomotive englneers uud tiremen on the Burlington system between Chicago and Denverstruckfor higher wages, and all passenger and freight tramo wus at a standstilL Fully flfteen thousand employés were dlrectiy affected by tbe ntrike. The President and his wife arrlved In W ashingtou on the 26th froin their trip to Florida. Kkntucky Republicans will hold tbelr State convention at Loulsville on the 2d of May to elect dolegates to the National conventiou. Deputy Shebivf Cor was attacked at El Ciiero (Tix.) ranch by five bandits on the 2rth, and he killed tour of them aud badly wounded the other. The exchauges at twenty-Blx leadlng cleariug-houBes in the United States during the week ended on the SSth aggregated 37-10,7SÜ,371, aguiU8t ÍS07,;22,273 the ])rvious weeK. As compared with the corresponding week of 187 the decrease amounted to 4. S per cent Thbee children of P. P. Miller were burned to deatb on the 25th at Annandale, Minn. Thev were alone in the house when lt took nre. The schooner Nellle Bowers was wrecked on the 25th uear Portland, Me.t and Captain Summers and three of his crew were drowned. One of the inoat severo atorms of the season raged on the 20th tlirough Minnesota, Northern Wtsconsin, Kastern and Central Dakota and lowa, V'ith the mercury away below zero. A fiue on the 2lHh In the business sectlon of Buffalo, N. Y., caused a loss of $250,000. A TiiAiN on the Indiana & Bloomlngton road went through a culvert on the 25th near Dlooinlngton, and ten passengers were badly hurt Dubino a quarrel on the 25th Gustar Wlnklur, of Milwaukee, shot hls wife dead and then killed himself. Three little children were left destitute. At Wllkesbarre, Pa,, a wlnd-atorm on the 25th unroofed niuny buildings and blevr down scores of treea Great damage was also done in the country districts. The seventy-two hour (twelve honra a day) blcycle race closed at Philadelphla on the 25th, Dlngley, the winner, making nlne hundred milos. Üeobuia Republlcans wlll meet In Stata oonvention at Atlanta on the 18th of April to elect delegates to the National conven, tlon. Advtces of the 25th say that another disaster on the Yellow river In China resulted In the drownlng of four thousand Chinese laborera A wiND-stOBM on the 2Dth at Cedar HUI, Tenn. . awept away houses, barns and fences and dld other damage. The United States Senate was not In Bession on the 25th. In the House a long dlacnsslon took place over approprlatlona fox public bulld ngs, and the biU for the organIzatlon of the Terrltory of Oklahonia waa considered.


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