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V!frfalr.t!ff Time tabli' tkiinr effect Nov, 20th, lShT Catrl Ntandard Tlni„. CHICAGO TO DF.TROIT. i ii it i m """"'¦ Í ft SÏ íf f: f 11 L_&__&ziz_ é' A.M. A.M. F.. P. . Í.M. ï. 17" Chicago.. Lv. 6 60 00 8 10 4 40 815 9 in 3& Kalamaaoo. .. 12 17 160 fW W50 12 3i 227 ïi Battle Creek_ 1 12 S 27 7 83 1 35 Sis 7 si Jackson 316 4 20 8 4 3 15 450 k Gram Lake.... 8 88 61Sjï Otaebea 858 535 855 Dexter 4 14 660 10(8 DelblMills... 422 10)7 Ann Arbor.... 4 33 5 30 9 45 435 8(10ït Yuellantl. 450 545 56 452 24 10 47 WayneJnnc. 5 15 605 615 847110 Detroit. ...Ar. 6 00 6 45 10 45 600 7 80 11 f0 Ht.ThotnM 1110 Í06 9 50 S 80 . KallsVIew 117 60.." N. Fll 821 45 1Ü2 056 Buffalo 435 7 15 3 40 8C5.I."' DETROIT TO CHICAGO. i:! Lili II! A.M. V. M. A. A.M. A. M A.M. ... Buffalo 1180 5So 05 900 100.. N. Pall 1Ï45 S 316 . ' St.Thomae 4251000.... 110 550.." A. M . H. r . PM. P.M. P.H Detroit. ..Lv. 7 00 9 10 130 4 00 800 1015 WayneJnnc. 7 41 9 53 2 08 4 46 8 371066"' Ypsilanti .... 8 03 10 12 2 20 5 IS 8 58 1118 '."" AnnArhor... H 1H II) :)u 2 32 5 30 9 12 11 85 Delhi MUI.. 848 5421 "'" Dextir 887 550 98.... Chelaea 85Ï 605 952 "' GrassLake... 15 6S711015 " Jackson 9 46 1135 3 32 T10'l052 1 3S ', Battle Creek.. 11 201 Ih 4 40 h .12 18 12 23 ,. Kalamazoo. . . 12 17 15 5 15 9 451 1 SO S ? 4 Chicago.. .Ar. 5 40J H 40 9 30 7 00 745 10) O. W. KUGGLK8, H. W. HAYBS G. P. AT. Agent Agt.. Ann Arbor. Chjcaco. Toledo, Aun Arbor & Nortli Mlchlgu Ruilway. TIMB 9CHBDULK. To take effect at 12 o'clock, noon, on Sunday, October 9tli, 1887. Tralns run by Standard Time. QOINQ NORTH. STATIONS. f U U.J a. m. r. u. p. h.a. h. Toledo Lv 5 15 8 15 6 25 6 60 Mauhattan Junction 5 20 3 20 6 40 0 lu Alexis 527 3Í8 655 6 S5 Samarla 5 45 8 43 7 2a III Mouroe Junetlon B U2 4 05i 7 51 H II) Dundee 6 10 4 1218 06 8 au A.alia 625 4 18 820 HOU Mllan 6 35 4 85 8 3ö 3u Urania ü 50 4 45 8 55 10 IM Plltitteld 7 UI 4 5 9 05 10 Ann Arfoor 7 15 5 10 ÍS i! lo I.t-I&tirt 7 33 1 5 30 9 50 IK Whltmore Lake 7 4t 6 45 Ho.12 ï IS Howell 830 6 28 6 3t 5 00 Durand K 30 7 ' ('orunua 9 55 7 46! 10 36 Owoo 10 UI 7 55111 00 O(,mii Juuction 10 OR 8 1011105 ... Ilhaia 11 16 9 15 2 4 .... SU Louis 11 36 9 33 3 85 A)ma 11 42 9 41 8 55 Mt. Pleasant Ar 12 30 10 30 6 00 r_M. f. . f. m OO1NG SOUTH. p rf _i Jd STATIONS. li S g L 1 i. M P. U. P X. Mt. Pleasant Lv 8 40 6 30 130 Alma '10 15 7 20 2 20 SI. Louis 11 ao 7 27 2 26 Itnaca 125 7 4ti 2 46 Owosbo Junction 4 00 8 55 4 02 Owomo 4 08 9 10 4 08 ".". Corunna 425 9 08 4 15 ... lurd 6 16 9 3(1 4 86 A. M SSKl1 !. 7 40 10 ï0 533 51 Whltmore Lake Kt. 11 00 6 IS 6 5 I-lnd 30 111 6.7M Ann Arbor 7 15 1130 (i 50 10 st Mitlleld 7 26 11 43 7 00 11 Urania 7 35 1150 7 10 115 Milán 74512W 7 20 12 14 Azalia 7 55 12 IJ 7 SU 12 4 "undee 8 03 12 24 7 40 11 Monroi' JuDction 8 10 12 31 7 51 IM Samaría 8 25 12 46 8 10 2 16 Alexis 8 45 10018 30 2 4 Manhattan Junction 8 50 1 05' 8 87 3 0 'l'olcdo Ar 9 00 110 8 42 8 15 a.m. r. m.p. il. p. m. South Ljou Hrniii-li. NORTH BO0ND. STATIONS. SOUrH BOUNr, Train 6 Trln 1 P. M. p. M 9 60 Lv. Lelands Ar. ti M 10 00 Ar. Wordenp Ar. 6 0 10 20 Ar South Lyon Lv. 6 00 Connectlons: At Toledo, wlth rallroadt iKvrrgIng; at Mauhattan Junction, with Wbcellng A Lake Erle K. K.; at Alexia Junction, wilh M. L'. tí. B„ L. S. A M. S Ky. and F. & f. M. R. R ¦ at Monroe Janctinij. with L. S. & M. 8. Ry.; at Dodee, with L. M. M. S. Hy., M. Jt O. Ky.; al Mlhli Junction. with Wabasb, St. & Paclñc Ky ; atPittsfleld.with L.S. M. S. Ky.; t Ann Arbor with Michigan Central K. K., and at South Ljoii with Detroit, Lanxlng & Northern K. K., nd Mich. A. L. Div. of Grand Trunk Hy. At Hamburg wltb M. A. Line Divlulon Grand Trunk R'j. At Howell with Detroit, Linelng A Northern K'y. At Durand with Chxagu A Grand Trunk K'y and Detroit, Grand Haven A Milwmiker R'y. At owoabo Junction with Detroit, .rand Ilaven A Mi!wukee R'y and Michigan Central K. K. At St Lonii with Detroit, Lansing A Northern K. U. and Sagi na Valley A 81. Louie R'y. At Alma wltli Dctrult, Insine A Northern K'y. At Mt. Pl.aaunt wllh Klint A Pere Marquette K'y. B. W. ASHLEY, General Manager. W. II. BENNKTT, A. J. PA1SIKY. Qen'l. Pa. A Ticket Aeent. Local Agent. Cliancery Sale. In pnmiance and by vlrtue of a decree of the Circuit Coun ftir the Couöty of Waahteuaw, Mate of Mlchigtn, In ('hancery, made and entered ou the llfth day of December, A. 1. 1887, In á ci-rtaln cans ¦ therein pending, wberein Heury K. W.Hifdn complalnant and Su&an K. Kldder, Amos Y. KiddiT, Ida C. Kidder and Cyriue Kldder are difendantü. Notice 1b hereby given. ihal ou Saturday tbe tblrd day of March, A. D. 1888 at ten o'clock in tbe forenoon of Baid day, 1 ghall sell at public auction, or vendue. to the hk heet bidder, at tbv eaet main entranre to the Court HouBe, In tbe city of Ann Arbnr, In said county, that belng tbs building in which tbe Circuit Court ol aaid county is held, atl those certain pieces, or parcela of land Bltuated In the townsblp of Saline, Wiubtnaw County, MlcLigan, and devcribed as follown, towit: The eaat half of the northeact quarterof nectlon twenty eight (28) and the west half ol tbe nortuwi-vt quarter of section twenty eeven (27) cxciptiDg a pleet' of land deeded by William Kidder and wlfe to Henry Peteraon. deceaaed, at fullowi, to-wlt: Beginning at a polnt Iwenty-two roi west of tbe center of theTecumseh and Saline road where nald road Interfecta ti.e north line of tbe northweat qnarterof aaideectlon twenty-even(27): thence east aloug said north line to the center ui tbe Tecumseh aiid Saline road, twenty-lwo rodi; thence outh along the center of isaid road Hfieen (15) rod; tbence uortb to the place of baelDnlog. containii.g one hnndred and flfty-Dlne and ouehalf aeree mure or leas, all in townshlp hmr niib of range 4ve eaet, County of Waahtenaw mi State ui Michigan, czceptii.g (rum ui above dt'i-crlbi'd parcel of land, the followlng piece or parce! of land, viz. : Commencing at the uortbweat corner of tbe east half of the noriheaat qnarterof section twenty-e ght (28) township four Bouth of range flve east, running south on line belweeo eat and weet half of raid quarter nection, 0chin and 75 links; thence sonih 43 degreea and 90 minuten eaat. 5 chaina and 96 links to the center olihe Tecnmaeh road, tbence north 47 degreea and 80 minutes eaat, akng tbe center of raid road, 38 chalns and 40 links ; thence north 47degrees walt, 3 chaina, and 74 link to section line in tbe center of the hlgbwuy, thence west on said epctlon line In the center of tbe bighway 26 chaint and 12 links, to tbe place of beginning, coulalulng 43 and 40 one-hundredths aereo of land. PATK1CK McKEKNAN. Circuit Court Comimasloner, Wanhtenaw Coiftity, Michigan. JOHN K. LAWRENCK, Sollctor for Complamant, Ann AhBoR. Jnnuary ltfth. 1S88. Notice to Creditors. STAT KOF Ü1CHIGAN, County of Waihtenaw ss. Notice Is hereby elven, tbat by an order of the Probate Coun for the Couuty of Waahtenaw, made on the sixth day of Frbruarv A. D. 1888, slx months Irom tbat date were allowed for creditors to ureeent tbeir claims against the estáte of KnumiH Mann, late of said coutity, deceafed, and tbat all creditors of said deceased are required to present thelr claims to aaid Probate Court. at the Probat Office in the city ol Ann Arbor, for examlnatiou and allowance, on orbefore the bih day of Angust next, aud that euch claims will be heard beiore said Court, on Monday the seventh day of Mar and on Monoay the slxtb day ol August next, at 10 o'clock In tbe forenoon of each of eaid day. Dated, Ann Arbor, Fehruarv 61b, A. D. 1888. WILLIAM D nAKKIMAN, 1388-92 Judge of Probate 'HWHIfPUfBH lms revolatlonlzed theworld ÏÏKnlTiniU ""¦'" the lust half ceutury. UI IllH ilUfl Rot leut among the wondera melhuil aud system of work tfiat cun be perforrued all over the country wtlhoQt separatlug tbe workera from thelr homes. I'n Hberal ; any one eau do the wort ; ellher sex, tooDg or oíd; no special uhlllly requlreu. . 'npl tul uot needed ; you are started fr e. Cut [hls out and return to us and we wlll send i'ou free, sometblug of great value and In' imrtance to you, that wlll start you In busljess, wblcb wlll brlug you In more money lglit away than anytblug elae lo theworld. 'Jrarui outfit fret. Aüdrea Tru A Co„ Au[usta, Malue.


Ann Arbor Courier
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