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MASO.VIt' IMIIKTIHll, An A.RBOR Commandkry, No. 1S meets flrst Tuesday of each month, W. V. Nichols, K. C.; W. A. Tolchard. Recorder. WAMWtWKJLW Chapter, No. 6, R. A. M.- Meet Mrsi Monday eacb montb. J. L. Stone, H P-: Z. Koath. Secretary. BUSINESS CARDS. DR. C. HOWELL, PHY8IOIAN Omci, IIoom 4, Masonic IVlock. OBlce liours : 8 to 12 ; 3 to 6 p. in. DR. H. R. ARNDT, PHYSICIAN Office ÜVEii Fikst National Bank. Hoürs at Office: 10:30 to 12 a. ra ; 2:39 to 3 :) D. ra. Can be reached at resldence (West Huron street, tlie "Prof. Nichol place") by telephone, No. 7, aad wlll reply to calla In the eventng. ll.l.l M House, Sign, Ornamental and FRESCO PAINTER! Paierluií, Olulni;, Mlldlag, and Calcimlnlns, nd t worlt or 6Trj dMerlptioa douc in the best I style. and warraMed to give atlsfaction. i Shop, No. 4 W. Washington St., Ann Arbor. W. W. &. A C. NICHOL.S, Rooms Over Ann Arbor flavinas Bank, H&Hoak T('iiitl' ltlock. GA.SorVITAL.IZED AIR Admiutwtt'n'il rr pHiiilei-scxiractlonof leeth. CLOTH CASKETS, METALIC And Cotnmon Cofflns. Calis alten ted to Day or Nlgnl. Kinbalralng a speclalty. Stoieroom on E. Wasbtniston street. Resldence Cor. Liberty and KI fin. W. II. JACKSON, XDiiEsiiBarin'iiiiisiiTiL OFFICK : Jrer Bach & AbePs Dry Good Store. Entrance next to National Bank. THE CREAT Germán RemedyJ Ia TRUTHS FOR THE SICK.n Kor ilcatlilvj THwÖvlll lie p:ilrl BlliousSi)Clls(loicna fora rase whereSiI. III onSru-HoullirrKKS ihur Bitters wllll It wlll cure you. not assist orcure. IiJJ n ' -- l nover " IthattlredanUallgone cicansethe vitinteil ITI teelinit; lf so, use i,iood whcn you seilll SüLPiiiTR Bitters i t3 impurltles biirst II It wlll 'ure you. inRthrough the sktnl II 111 not procure sulnclent J i Illexerclse, andallwho si li'HLK ltri tkrsI II Illareeonflnedindoors, STln CHre LlverComlII Ulshould uae BULPHV plnlnt pon.t ,lis 1 1 UBiTTKits. Ihoy wil .'.„„ragedjltwUlcurelil rSnot thoabcweukand vou_ " vn tltTTTTüriüTTüTi 80LPHOR BlTTiKsH IbSclphi-r Bitters ; nenithy III Illt ni-ii-r f:ills to i-ure. snl,„UB BlTTER8 ra Don't lie without a wlll make your blooilpj Hbottle. Try It; you pure, rtch and strong.M Ijl wlll not rWrri-tit. mul vour nh hard. Ijl III I.ailius In dc-licatr Try Si lkiilu 1!IT I II Illbealtli, wlm are all ruits to-ntght, andll III run down, shouM you will sleep welllll IUSI-'limh-r HiTTKBH. vUwJrJnTÍtJj Do you want the best Medical Work publlshed? 8end S 2-cent Btamps to A. I'. ORUWAY & Cu, Boston, Mass., and reeelve a copy, frte. BTÏfflÖF! OVKR THE POSTOFFICE, GOOD Clean Shaves and Biihs ! AT A Reduction in Prices. Ladies' Special Bath Rooms. L KAHOE, Prop. Come around and wash once in a while. It will do you good, take away bad smells and lengthen your life. $5,000 REWARD " Will bc frecly givcn fol k Ife a better remedy for Head Ê W_ min-, Nervouane, Sleep WÊ SêÊt-. thun Dr. Miles mAl Kenturttire rlnr, i ytJrB Brain and Nervc food BB0 Contains uo Opium or Mor phine. 0W by Druggists. Sample Bottles Fre


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