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p?PRICE's CREAM gAKlNg lts superior excellence proven in mlllions of homes for inore than a quurler of acentury. It inused iiy ihe Unlu-U BialesgovernmeQt. Endorsed by the lienris ol theürent Unlversitles as the BtfODgest, I'urrst, aiul most Healthful. Dr. Prlce's theonly Baking Powclortliat doea not eonlaln Atumoiila, Llmeor Aluin. Sold oniy Ín cana. PRICE BAKING POWDER CO., NEW YORK. CHICAGO. ST. I.ODI8. AT FREQUENT DATES EACH MONTH rniirñvnBB from Chicago, IhBSHBM rtllK with 331! fjtéV choiczof MiMMMMHMI f II pnirrrg VIA P7]TrnñSAlDENVER, llAUlUni1PCDUNCIL BLUFFS, OMAHA, STJOSEPH, ATCHISQN ob KAN SAS CITY. For dates, rates, tickets or f urther Information apply to Ticket Agenta of connecting Unes, t or address Paul Morton, Gen. Pass.&Tkt.Agt., Chica go.lll. C. H. MILLEN, INSURANCE AGENT! No. 4 South Main St., Aun Arbor. The oldest agency in the city. Kstulillsiicil over aquarterof a century ago. Representlng the following Úrst-claas companies, wltb over 0,000,000 Capital and Aii. HOME INS. CO., of New York. CONTINENTAL INS. CO., of New York. NIÁGARA INS. CO.. of New York. GIRARD IN8. CO., of Phtladelpbla. ORIËNT IN8. CO.,of Hartford. COMMERCIAL UNION, of London. LIVERPOOL, LONDON and GLOBE. WASHINGTON FIRE and MARINE, of lilis I mi. Rates Low as tlie Lowest, Loases Liberiilly Adjiísicii and promptly Paid. C. H. MILLEN. ÑFÁNTILE Skin Diseases. our oldest child, now elx yenrs of age, wben an iilnii bu ni'inths oíd. was attaeRed by a virulent, mallpnant skin disease. All ordïnary n mediee liiilliijí, re calli'd oor family physician, who at tempted to core it; but it pread witb almoet Incredlble rapidity, until thc lower ponton of the liltle fellow'y perfoo, frcm tbe m'ddle ni bis bark duwD to hls kuees, wits 01 e dolíd rash, ugly, palnful, blotcht'd, aDd malicióos, e had 1,0 n-t at nilit, no 1 -are bv day. Finally we were advised to iry theCUTicUR Remedies. The effect wan eiinply marveiloUi In three or four week a oom pleta cure wis wroug it, leaving tbií linie fellowV peroon a white an-i oenlthyas uioiigh he had ih'vit heen atiack d. In my opnlon your valimble remedien pavt-d his lir, and o-day heiaaptninir, healthy child, p rfectl] wcll, uo repetition of tbe dlsea harmtr ever occnrri'd. O EO. B.8MITH. Att'y t Luw ftnd Ex-Pn. Att'y. Aehland, O. RErsBEKCK: J. Q. Welft, Drnggist, Ashland, O. THOUSANDS OF CHILDREN Are bom Into the world every day with ponie ecze allVction, noch as milk tlUt,ICtJ head, tcorf, or dandrnff. sure to oevulop into an aeonizídk eczmii, tbe itchlng, bornliiK and d1flgnratlon 01 which make Ufe a prolonged tortore unlesB properly tretted. A warm bath with Cuticuba exquisito Skin bcautiüer. and a eirglu app'lcation of Cutíet ka, the Ureat klu Cure, with a litlle Clticuba Kkukdiiip, the Niw Blood PuriBer, ia often sulfleient to arrest ihe prngresB of the diseae, and polnt to a speedv ann puimunent cnre. Henee, no mother who loves her children, who takes pride in tbeir beant. purity, ind luallh, and In beB'ciwirg npon thim a cnild's greatest lnherltance_a pklii without a blemlfh. and a body miiirifhed by pure blood,- cbuuld lail to make trial of the Cüticura Kemkdies. Sold every where. Price: Cuticura,50c. ; Shai, 28 c: Resolvknt, I. Preparad by the Potticr Dauo & ChBhical Co., BoBton, Maas. 0F"8end for "How to Cure Skin DUeates," 6Í pages, 50 illustration, and 100 testimoniáis. n A DV'C slin and Soalpproiervcd and beautiDD I ö fled by CuticUraMedk atkdSoap. Constitutional Catarrh. No single disease bas entalled more suflerlng or hantened the breaking np of the constitotlon than Catarrh. The sense of smi'll, of taste, of Blght, of hearing, the human volee, the mind- one or more, and Bometlmea all, yleld to lts destructiye infloence. The poison it distributes throu;hout the system attacka every vital forcé, and breaks up the most robust of corstitutinns. Ignored, McailM but little understood, by niiist plivHldans, impotently assalled by quacks and charlatans. tbOM suffering from tt have little hope to be relleved of lt thlB side of the grave. It i time, then, that tie popular treatment ut thls terrible disease by remedies withln the reach of all pansed into hands at once competent and trustworthy. The new and hltherto untrled method adopted iy Dr. Sandlord in the preparation of hl Radical Cuhk has won the hcarty approval of thousands. It ia tm-tantaneons in aff.irdliiR relief in all head colds, neezing, snuflllng and oMrncted breathlng, and rapldlï removes the oppreMlr symptoros. clearing the head, sweetening the breith, restoring the senses of mell, taste and hearing, and neutrallzlng the constitutional tendencyof the disease towards the lungs, llver and kidneys. Saniiford's RiniOAi. CtiRi consfsts of one bottle of the Kauical ('uki. one box of Catakhii ai. Solvint, andone Inriiovïi) Iniialer; prlce l Pottsr Dbuo and Ciikhiual Co., Boston. KIDNEY PAINS, Stralns and Weaknesses, i Hcllcved in ore minu e by tliat marvel11 wlQ ons Antidote to P.iin. Inllainmatlon'ani' i, m wekne(i. the (iillruni Anti3, C B rain Planter. The firt and onlj ' lL pain-kllllng slrengthenlng piaster. Ks 1 Ar pecially adaptad to Ins antly relieve blc 1. speedily cure Kldncy and Uterlne Palns and Weak B uess. WHrrnnted vastly snperlor to all othei plas ers. At all drniigi!, ' cent ; flve for l.OU . or, poxage fne, ol Potter Dkl & Cukiucai Co., Bcuton, Ma.


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