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A Union Labor Club has been organzed at Dexter. Jay McColl, of Webster, s attending the Agricultural College. A churn factory is one of Chelsea's new and booming industries. Chelsea's board of regi9tration is to meet on Saturday, March lOth. Lebman & Cavanaugb, have iiineteen cases in the coming term of court. Mrs. Geo. Lyon, of Dexter, who bas icen very ill, is now convalescinj. The villiiee of Chelsea is right anxious to pay all it owes eight off at once. They pretend to have orange buds in Pittsfleld. Oagc orange probably. J. E. Cheney removes from Dexter to Grand ltapids, golng into the shoe trade there. Col. Geo. P. Sanford, of Lanslng, has een vlsiting his brother at Saline, for a 'ew days past. Chelsea is entirely out of debt, and hanks are due her uble president, J. A. ?almer, therefor. The Chatauqua Circle of Dexter visted the Ann Arbor circle last week I'liursday evening. South Lyon boasts of having as a resident the lirst white child bom In Gratiot county. His name Is J. F. Clapp. The Dexter Ladies' Library Association cominenced a new quarter last Saturday with a largc number ot' uew books. Longfellow's birthday was observed by the hizh Fchool Llterary Society of Dexter, on Feb. 24th, with a fine program. The last Stockbridffe Sun flres several red hot rys at the Coürier, but not hot enough to melt anything. The facts still remain. Mrs. Jessie E., wife of Chas. Rhodes, of Saline, died Feb. 28. 1888, aged 28 yeara, of inflammation of the lungs. Her death leaves two children motherless. Jay Peatt and Deforest Litchfield donated some very nice pictures to the new school building, and placed them on the walls of Miss Bird's room. - Dexter Leader. Mrs. S. F. W. Washburn, of Tpsllanti, w:is chosea grand Secretary of the grand council of royal templare of temperance of this state, at their recent ineetlug at Lansing. Unadilla has an individual who peeps Into the houses of the village when people are retiring. The ilirty skunk ought to be klcked to death by a mulé.- Stockbridge Sun. We learn that Geo. Powers, who was once a partner with W. H. Pottle in the dry goods businers here, died lately in South Carolina, where he liad gone for tiis healtu. - Manchester Enterprise. The Young People's Alliance of the Methodist Church, of Dexter, bas been organlzed with Prof. Waller as president and Roy S. Copeland as vice president, lts object is three fold- religioua, üterary and social. - Leader. W. II. Pottle came home from Arkansas City, Kansas, on Saturday and left for New York this morning, whrre he will purchase goods for the company ot which lie is president and manager.- Manchester Enterprise. The office of the Ypsilantlan was damaged by tire last week Monday, some $2,000 worth, but fully insured. We are plensed to note however, that the paper did not make a skip by the accident, but cuine out on time as usual. The Ypsilanti Commercial is now a mature malden ot 24, but as bright and beaming as ever, with no signs ytt of spit curls and other little cbarms tosattract. The present management are evidently dolng well with the paper. Webster L. Sanford wrltes his father from Sykeslon, Dakota, that lie tipped over a load of hay recently, and the business end of a pitcbfork, two tines, took effect in hls thigh to the depth of about four inches. He was confined to hii bed four dnys, and the fifth he was out facing the bli..urds. - Saline Observer. One of our towiismen who is engaged extensively in the egg business, finda it diffl:ultto place hls stock on the markct at a prollt. We note the above tocall attention to the fact that sixteen million dozenfe of eggs were brought into this country from abroad, last year, duty free. If tbe gentleman referred to will study the questlon in the llght of his present difficulties, he will discover a very clear detinltlon for "free trade," namely, "no trade," especlally to Americana in this business. - Ypsllautian. From theCbelsea Ilerald. SOCIAL AND INTEBESTING. No otber recent e vent in Chelsea has created quite so much interest in society as the marriajre, on the evening of February 23d, 1888, by Thomas Holmes, D. I)., of Mr. Lorenzo Siiwyer, residing a niile and a half north of this village, and Mrs. Huldah A. Sklnner, of Ann Arbor. Mr. Lorenzo Sawyer Is a brother of Hon. A. J. Sawyer, of Ann Arbor and Mrs Skinner, now Mrs. Lorenzo Snwyer, is the mother of Mrs. A. J. Sawyer. The confusión of relationshlps, cieated by this happy unión, is ratber exccptlonal. Lorenzo Sawyer bccomes father-ln-law to bis brother, step-father to his sister-inluw, and grandfatber to his nephews. Mrs. Lorenzo Sawyer becomes sister-inlaw to her daughter, also to her son-inlaw and aunt to her grandsons. A. J. Sawyer becomes son-in-law tohis brother, and brotber-inlaw to his mother-in-law. Mrs. A. J. Sawyer becomes sister-in-law to her mother, and step-daughter to her brother-in-law. The sons of A. J. Saw7r bcom nephwws of tbelr mother and grand-sons of their uncle. Soinewlmt tangled, bnt all rilit according to the Mosaic law. Mny all these relations Ion? continue, and happineas and prosperity be the uortion of the