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Death Of Prof. B. M. Cheever

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The people of tbis ciiy wen ibocked J'uesday moruing by the uiinoiiucement of the deatli on that niurning of Byron M. Cheever, A. M., M. D., professor of Metallurgy in tlie University. But few knew that he was Dl. On Friday last Mr. Clieever returned from a trip to the uiountains of Arlzona, whcre hehad been upon professional woik. It is understood tliat ho contracted a severe cold wliile absent, wliicli on Saturday developed into typlioid pneumonin, terininatiiig fatally Tueaday. Prof. Cheever was one of tlie most rcspected of the youhgei members of the fauulty, and had built ft foundation in bis specially that would surely have brought for bina lame and honor, liad he lived, for be WM just in the prime of manbood, beinj abont 47 years oíd. He leaves a wit'e aud two cbildren, and Judge Noah W. Cheever of thU city, was Iii8 brotber. Funeral services will be held to-morrow afternoon, from the resideuce, at 3 o'clock. Prof. Cheever gradaated from the llterary dppartment in 1863, together wltb two brothcrs, of whom Judge Cheever now alone survives. In 1867 he took tbe degree of M. D. from tbe medical department, and in 1875 LL. B., from the law department. RESOLUTIONS OF THE SCHOOL OK IMIAHMACV. The followiiijf rcsolutions were adopteJ by the Fuculty of tbe school of Pliarmacy of the Universlty of Michigan: The Faculty of the School of Pharmacjr wlíh !O place ou thelr records an expresión ot thelrdeep Horrow at the Mudden death of thelr colleague. Professor Byron W. Cheever. whlcb oocurred ou the inoinlQK of Murch í. Prof. Cheever'sofflclalconnectlon wlth thlH school, as an Inatruotor, began In 1K7S, and at Ihe umi' di li H death lie wax in charge of the work Ín qnantltatlve analyHl la the chemlciil liiliiM-iiiinj, lid w:s alsouctlng as proíessor of metallorgy In the department of llteraturc, scleuce and the arts. Hls thorough practical knowledge of these snbjecls, bis aptnexs as a teacher, and hls marked fldellty in i !x iimncroiis exactlng dutles of hls posltlon made him one wliose loss wlll be most keenly feit In thls Kaculty and by Ihe classes under hls care. The growth aud developmeut of the branches to whlcii he speclally devoted hlmself are to be attrlhuted In large measure tothestrlct methods and the conKi-ii-ntlouB disclmrge of duty that wero unl formly characleristic of him. In the death of Prof. Cheover the members of thi Kaculty are called to mourn the loss nol mi ly of an esteemed colleague, but of i trled frlend, one upon whom they ha' learned to depend and whose flrmness and cunslNtency of cliaracier commended the re peet of all wlth whom he was assoolated. To hls beroaved family they extend the assurance nf marmABl Bffinilathv In f.hffl tlimr (t lliVl"


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News