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A. DeFOREST. Fire Insurance Píate G-lass Insurance, Steam Boiler INSURANCE! Lowest Rates, Honorable Adjiísliiients and Losses Promptly Pald. REAL ESTÁTE RENTS Shkciai. attention oiven to Collection or Rints and Manaokmknt ov Real E.sTATK INTBBK8TS FOK NON-RESIDKNTS. ENTIBK 8ATISFACTION TO OWMKKa OUARANTKfcü. A. DeFOREST. FOK Jams, Confections and Preserves Mauufactured by the Anu Arbor Preserving Co., go to ¦tBROWK s CADT, Mi Solé Agenta for Ann Arbor, or to the factory Plttsfield road. South. CET THE BEST FIRE INSURANCE! $29,000,000. Security held for tho protection of the pollcj holders. CHRISTIAN MACK Represent the followlnit flrst-claee compantee, of which one, the Gtna, ha alunu paid f 56,000,000 Are Iowí Ín olxty-B ve y eare : Etna, of Hartford $ 9,192,644 Franklin of I'hiladelphia 3,1 18,713 Gemianía, N. Y 2,700,729 Germán American, N. Y 4,06ü,968 Londoti Assurance, London.. . 1.416,788 Michigan F. & M., Detroit. . . 287,608 N. Y. Underwriters, N. Y 2,596,679 National, Hartford 1,774,505 Phoenix, Brooklyn 3,759,036 Losses liberally adjusled and promptly paid. Policies issucd at the loweet rates of premium. tintf ANN ARBOR SMÁLL FRÜIT NÜRSERY. All kinds of Berry Planta. Frult and Ornamental trees from ELLWANGER & BARRY, Rochester, N. Y. Orders should be sent at once. "WmSTIES & SYRTJP3. Sweet and Sour home-made Wlne for Invalida, Bonesett Schrub, Raspberry Syi ups, Orled Pears, Raspberry wlne. I'H 11(11 TH ROCK EGG8. E. BAUR, WEST HURÓN STREET. NOTICE 0F INCORPORAMOS. Thelncorporatorsof the Ann Arbor Mutual Flre Insurance Uompany hereby glve notlce that It Ís thelr intentlon to form a C'ompany for the tran8actlun of the business of Mutual Insurance of the property of lt memoere agalnst loes by flre or damae by lightnlng. to embrace dweiling houses, biirns accompanylng outbulldlngs and thelr contents. live stock, wagons, carrlages, harnees, household goodH, wcaring apparet, provleions, muilcal liiKtrumiMits aiul librarles that con mltute detached rlske lu vlllages and cltlee- or un farms. All perxona havtng detached dwellliiK'' whlch they wlsh to lnsure and are desIrouH of asslsllng In the formatlon of the above Coinpany wlll please cali at the office of Jno. J. Rnblnnn, No. 10 East Huron Street where the anieles of lncorporatlon eau be examlned. 91 JAMES R. BACH, FIRE AND LIFE II URAIUGEIV ! No. 16 East Huron Street, OppoKlte Cook House. Ten Flrst-Class Companles represented. Assetts Over $25,000,000. 1319-lW.l. ' "- fet UNIVERSAL fcU. mi yii mtw)tr- i lílíí ê KfUil. OM Bathl Rrnrwed. f J v-,, i for CkcuUrv E. J. KNOWLTON. Ann Arbor. Mich, A COMPI.KTE AltKANUKMhNT KIPK Phjsicians a&d Families, Neiter, Cheapor, ! AND M)KE CONVENIENT THAN A STATIONARY BATH TUB WITH NO KXl'KNSK OF BATH ROOM AND FIXTURKW. 3S-83 BEAL ESTÁTE INSURANCE" AGBNGY. OF J. A. SESSIONS. ATTORNKY AND N'OTAKY PUBLIC Real Kstate sold or rented and reutn ooiiMtad on reusonable leruiH. Nont but old and Mrst-claHH Insurance Companle rrpresentwl- with Insurance capital of I10,iki.iki. Katcs us low as nnv otber nsurnnce companv and Icis-ü roniplfy palil. Office over American Kxpress offlee, Main treet. Vnn Arbor. Mlch. SUBSCRIBE for ík COURIEÏ ;


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