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A number of pensioners went to Detroit, MonJay to draw their pay. Another new meat market In the 5th ward, nuktiig tliree altogether there now. There are 30,000 masor.s of the Free and Accepted sort in this state. Quite un army. Benj. Gillmun was sent to juil 30 days yesterduy by Juttlee Frueauff for being drunk. Monthly social ut the M. E. church tomorrow evening, tea being served ut G$ o'clock. Next Monda; everrinjf at the Unity Club, W. K Chilils will deliver a paper upon " Alaska." Evart II. Scott is busy formulating plans for a uew íesidence for himself on Washtenaw Ave. Stone Is already being haiiled for buildings to be commenced in the city as soon as weather permits. The agricultural works have orders ahead so that tliey flnd it neceS3ary to work night and day in some departments. Sault Ste. Marie is paying for her great boom. A fellow who feil into a ditcti on one of her streets recovered $500 diimages recently. The lst regiment of state troops In which C. A is interested, is to liold an election of field offleer?, at Adrián on Thuraday, Muren 8BÜL Capt. C. H. Manly has plans already drafted for a new house, to be erected on Broadway, in the 5th ward, where he has concluded to reside in the future. There is to be a meeting on Saturday aftemoon at 2 o'clock in the court house basement, of the county Agricultural and Hort. Society. A full attendance requested. A. D. Seyler has bouglit a lot at the corner of Liberty and Thompson sts., has liad plans drafted and will erect a new house on the same as soon as weather will permit. Mrs. Sarah F. Hcllwain, mother of Mrs. M. C. Peterson, died on Saturday niornlng last, of paralysis, aged 57 years. Her remains were taken to üarretsville, Oliio, Monday, for interinent. Golden Rule F. & A. M. gives three candidates the lst degree to-morrow evening. This lodge hus concluded to hold a school of instruction at every regular monthly meeting, and to close the ceremonies with refreshmenU. Alvin Wilsey has commenced the building of an additlon on the rear of his new store on Fourth st., for whlch John Lynch has the contract, and a couple of piacticnl laundry men from Ohio have rented the same and are to start up a steam luundry thereiu at onue. Andrew J. Sutherland bas succeeded in organizing a company to construct bis patent ftre ladder at Orand Rapids, with $25,000 back of it, and will go to work at once getting eyerythlng ready. A building will be erected and business commenced as soon as possible. The marrlage of J. A. Blythman to Miss Llzzie Rosser was made a very pleasaut occasion at the residence of the bride'i parents on Madison st., last Wednesday evening, Rev. H. F. Belser performing the ceremony. The best wiehes of inany friends will aceompany the couple through )ife. A recent issue of the Nebraska Watchman contalns an excellent article giving .a hlitory of Geo. W. Ambrose, a gradúate of the university, and for a number of years a resident of this city. He is iiow a prominent attorney in Omaha, has been state senator, and prominent otherways. Mr. Ambrose has been invlted and has accepted an invitatlon to deliver the annual address at the Sharon picnic next August. Many old frieads will be glad to see lilm. From the lst day of January 1887, to the lst day of Jan. 1388, the following amounts have been expended in the viirlous wards of this city for poor relief: lst ward, $141.23; 2d ward, $128.32; 3.1 ward, $396 39; 4(h ward, $783.45; 5th ward, $618.12; Gth ward, $146.20. By thls it will be seen that the 2d ward, the " terrible ' Germán ward, has required less money to care for its poor than any other in the city. The new cupsule Co. organized by DrKrehblel at Ka'amazoo, is known as the Payne Capsule Co. of whlch W. R. Payne, of this city is president, W. H. Payne, of Nashville, Tenn., vice-presilent, E. F. Pay ne seeretary and treasurer, and Dr. John Krehbiol superintendent. The works are of exteneive capacity, to be fltted out with new and mproved machlnery, and expect to be In runnlnij order In two or three weeks Regístration agaln March 28th. Municipal election three weeks fron nezt Monüay. The new dress of the Detroit News has helped lts list in this city. Presiding Eider Jaycokes preached a the M. E. church last Sunday evening. T. L. Hewitt, eme of the oíd soldiers living in the 6th ward, is quite ill from over-exertiun. Edward Johnson, a tramp, was sent to jail 30 days for belng drunk Monday by Justice Pond. A. V. Roblson has been liireil to take the management of J. A. Polhemus livery business for one year. Next Sunday a. ra. Rev. W. W. Ramsay wlll preach upon the New Testament and its relat ion to the poor. Alice, a little daughter of tlie late Christian Schumacher, died Tuesday of coii8umption, agud about 13 years. Spier & Rohns, of Detroit have drawn plans for a fine new residence to be erected by Prof. Carhnrt thls season. Dr. KeJlogg, Eli Manly, James Murray and Will Lodholz, of the 5th ward, are panding a week at their club house at Rush Lake, llslilng. The remains of Dr. Otis E. Haven will be brought here for interment on or about the 23th int. There wlll be no further services. John Burnett, son of Cody Burnett, of Salem, who bas been a hard student at tlie high school this winter, has become deranged from overwork probabiy. One of the most Instructlve and interestinglectures listened to by anAnn Arbor audience for many a day was that of Capt. James, on Japan, before the Unity Club last Monduy evening. There are 52 niember? of the Washtenaw cotmty bar, of which 33 give their residence in as Aun Arbor; 7 ns Ypsianti 5 asChelsea; 2 as Dexter; 2 as Manchester; 2 as Milan; 1 as Saline. W. A. Tolchard having resigned bis josition as cashier of the Farmer's & Mechanic's Bank, County Treasurer Fred H. Belser lias been appointed to ill the vacancy. A good choice. Mr. Tolchard wlll go to Adrián or Detroit, not fully determined which. Samuel lí. Crittenden, who lives on the town ÜDe between Plttslleld and York near tlie T. & A. A. IÍ. R., lost a 'arm residence by tire on Saturday niglit last, vuliivU at $1,800 and insured for f1,200 in the Washtenaw Mutual Co. A family had moved out of the house a few days prevtona, and tlie lire was the work of an iucendiary without doubt. A day or two since the 12 years oíd son of Win. Fair who lives a couple of miles northeast of the city, cnrne to the po5tofHee on horsebaek, and in som ¦ maiiner was thrown from the animal and kickcd on the head, his skull being fractuied. .1 was thought at first tliat the boy was not injured but lie grew rapidly woise soon afterward and died ye.-iterilay. It is u sad case. One of our old and reliable subscribers (.'11 us that it' any person in the hubi c of smoking or chewiog tobáceo deMies to quit, there is just oue day in the year and only one on which it can be successfully accompli8hed, aod that Is Good Frlday. '.t a person will neither smoke or chew on that day, all desire for the weed will smldenly leave them, and not return. Suppose vou try it tf you desire to. The meeting of the Unity Club last Monday evening was un unusually interesting one. Captain L. L. James gave a talk on Japan which was highly appreciated by all who were so fortúnate as to be present. Next Monday, March 12th, Hrs. Sunderland will give the fifth of her talks upon Fanaous Pictures, namely: Quido Remi's Aurora. Then will follow a puper on Alasku. by Mr. W. K. Chllds. Hr. Wendall P. Moore will then present an essay on Schiller. At the public reception given by Welch Po-t G. A. R., last Friday afterïoon and evening, there was a goodly ittendance of people. In the evening J. P. Jacobs in a few well chosen wordspresented the post with a five years lease of heir hall, to whicn Dr. W. H. Jackson as post commander responded in an appropriate manner, followed by comrades H. S. Dean, C. H. Manly, J. Q A. Sesions, H. Soule, J. II. Starks, and W. Í. CUilds. Tlie hall was handsomely lecorated with red, white and blue buntng, which Mr. H. Kindall furnished for be occasion. The new carpet and new ürniture which the post recently purchased for thls new hall showed oft' to good advantage. Messrs. Randall, Gibon and Stofflet each donated a picture for he walls, as did also Deputy Co. Treasurer Gus. Brehm, and John Moore gave a handsome bible. Our post is now in excellent shape with a home all o! its own. There has been a little growling some times, by some people, about the expenses of ourcityand the extra vaganee of our council. But a person will have to travel far and wlde before flnding another city the size of Anu Arbor whoi-e aftairs are conductcd so reasonably, or whose expenses are so small comparativey, as right here in Ann Aihor. Thls city bas all the luxuries of electric ligbt and water works, and yet has not a cent's worth of debt. Her streets are cept clean and neat, the gravel bed on which they He doing away with the necessity of paving, and the rolling character of the land on which the city is built carrying off all the rainfall and water. Ann Arbor is certainly favored as few citips are. Her entire tar of $11.00 on a 1 1,000 is not as much as many cities pay tbr their city tax alone. If one wants to 3nd out juct bow well olF be is here let lim secure the statistics of other places and stndy them. Though the municipal aulhorltie Tai! todo their duty, the student body hns no riglit to iake the luw Into lts own Hands.- Argonuut. Never a thing yet happened but what there was some one to shift the bliimeon to. And it is quite the thlng in this city to kick at the council fer evety mtehsp of whatevcr nature and kind. If an election fight occurs, "the municipal authorlties fail to do their duty." If a man falls down on an icy walk and damages his anatomy the oommon council Is to blamc.and hestralghtway sends in a.bill of $000 damages for them to pay. If a burglary is committed, If a man becomes a criminal, or a saloon is catiiiht open after hours, the council or municipal authoritles are "knocked intoacocked bat," metaphorlcally speaking, by the words of tlie fault flnders. But how many ol these men who throw the burdens of all ill deeds on to the city fatbers - a body of men who serve tbe people without compensatlon - ever give a member of the council thelr encouragement In doing rigbt y If a wrong step is taken they are quick to condemn, but bow many are willing to give credit for the many good thlngs done?