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Presiden! St-eyle, of Amheret CoHíge, has made a sludy of -'Oiir Poll'ical Pn'Spects" to determine what large mural princlplts the po'iilc ] pirfy Itfnt b'Pí for permanent sucoess must now biiüd i - Ht'lt on. This essay will .i-ii II Ihu Forum for .Mmeli. In the nanie i mnli-r Representativo Win. M. Springer. ' " plaiua the "HlflitrancM t Sirrhis Ke(lni'tion," and Mr. Wm. H. M"iris'n poluta out frm a revenue reiorui p in' of view. 'AVIki s Beneliied ttj ProteCtion." We have not vel jjot the lioMs of winler out of oiir bonef, when lo! comes the spring niunbers of the Slagaaine, lllled witli li;iliny licallh nf out-ot-iioom. Cassell's Famiiv MgHZlne lor Mwli opeus vith hii tuMáltmcntot tiiat tirited serial "Monica," or "Strongw MiBn Death," which bilis fair to out dtetance nome of ira predecessors in popularlty. "Soine Cata ota Larer Growth"isallvtly paperon tlgers, hyonewho h:is lived niiiiinin llieir native jungles. Tlie dcvoted sister who nureed her brother back to henlth thrnugh a case of typlioid fever, gives the conclusión of h-r expeí enees, wliich ought to be profitable reading for amateur nurses. The "Family Doctor" this montli tells what he thinks ot'the socalled tonics whlch is notflattery to their compounders. "My üookery Olass and wliat I taught il" ú tiiorouííhly practical, and so is "A Family of Boys and bow they were Started iu Life. - Cantil & Company, New York, $1 50 a year. Tlie most intereatlng frontisplece, the "Woiuan's World has vet liad, i Ihe portrait of CbristÍHn Rossetti whieh aeconipaniesthe March number. It is a capital reproduction in fac siniile of a crayon drawing by her brother Dante Oabi iel Rossetti. A nyinpathetic critielsm of Miss Rossetti's poems, by A'my Levy is the occasion of the porlrait. An alleyory by Olive Hclireiner, opens the iiiiinbcr. This is followcd by an interesting paper, cntilled "The Hermitage," an eplíode in tlie Ufe of Jean Jaques Rousieau, by Frederiok Macdonald. A paper OH "iMir Girl Workertt'.' by Theiesa iirewsbury, mukes n number of sugestiona 011 the lubject of woiaan'l work, md meniions amoiig other tilinga, domestlc wnrloe In thc Btitish colonies, or ollier far off llnces wbere it it la scaree, and wiiere "help" woiild bé treated as ' one ol the family," which seeins ti be tUfl 1 1 1 i n i most jíPiíerally desired. The London and Taris Kahions (ully Illustiated, tollow tho eilitor's notes and are written in an entertaininjf, rather than teclmiral manner. - Cassell & Company. Limited, Ni!w York. 3") cents a number; $3.50 i yenr in advauce. In Mr. Kennau'sRussian paper In the Mirch Century, acliapter will be devoted to tlie touchlnj; story of the celebtatmn of the Centennial Fnurth of July (t87) by the pri-oners In the House of DeU-iition in St. Petersburg. As early s Ihe tirát week in June the three hundred "i"liticals" tlierein confined begMn to nmfce prejiarations for the celebration by reqoesting relativcs who visited tlieqi to send to the prison blue and red handkerihiefB, red llinnel underclothes, etc., and hefoie July l.-t almost every nrisimer liad i roujjUly made American Ha;;, or a few strips of red, white, and blue cloth, and an inch or two of candle. Ilours before tlie Hr.-t midniglit cannou announccd the bezinning of tlie rreat naticnal celebration iu Philiidelphi'i, hiindredsof llajfs and .tre.imirs were flutteriiif fioin the gr.ited windows of thepripon; and tlie prlgon-jruiirdi who had never he:ird of the Declarution of Independenoe and did not comprebend the signilicance o( tlie remarkable outbreak, were busy husliiiip the clieersand seizin" the .-treamer. At intervals thiough the day fiaus were haag out, and at night the prison winilou-s were illuminated bv the persistent celebrators of American independence. Thore Is notbing blustering about the March number of The Quiver. It sbeds its benign infiupnce froni the firsi mj;e to tlie last. A May number could not be more, or spread a more kindly l!j;ht. The openiiij; arttcle describes "A New Mission Field," which doe not look very attraclive. to the lay reader, but to the devoted men who are willinij to risk their lives for the sake of saving tho nmfa of iluir fellows, there is somelhing inspirinjr In the very dangers to be encountered. The newly married, or even those about to bo united in the Imly bonds of wedlock, will liud much profltable readiiiK in the address on " IIow to SaiH-tify Matriairo," by the Hev. Qordnn Pglthrop, Kdwanl Garrett conti mies his papers on "The Salt of the Earth," In vhicli he jrives synipathetic ttketcles of soine noble lives. "Sume KemaiUablr Cburcli Towers" are described with pen and pencil. As the Quiver is Inteiwled for readers in all frimea of mind, the paper on ' Promises for the Bncmwbm '' wiil no doubt prove very acceptabli: reaiimg to niany. Tliere are stories, lonjf and short, seriáis, poetry, and a bundle of "short arrows'' that bring this number to a fitting close. - (,'assell & Conpnnv, New York. Fifteen cents a number, $1.50 ayear in advauce. Miss Elise IS.ilrli. niece of the Hon. John Jay, and anthore.s of "Muslard Leaves," "Zorah," e'.c, has wrltien a series of sketches of "OM Hoims," the Dist of which will appear in the Man-h number of the Enjllth lllustrated Magazine, bublished by Macmlllan and & Uo., Fourth Avenue. Allhongh the places degcribcd have often been written about, and they have never before been treated in just the sanie way, or done with ttie personal revis-lo i ot their own ers; as Ms Ualch writes of no plitce where slie does not stay, or where she does not know both place and people well. The second sketch wil be "Arundel Cas tic," the residence of the Duke of Norfolk, who bas alloweil pictures to be taken, and iiiiled Miss Balcb by ühowing her old manuscript.", letters, etc. The third will "Hinchingbroke," foimerly an old convent, and beloning later to the Cromwell family. Tlie fourth, "Eride Castle," the residence of Loid Abergavenuy. The fifth "Chiswick, belouginf; to the Duke of Devonehlre, but now leased to Lord Bute. This will deal witü Pope and üarrick, who were much Hiere. Many aiuusinjt antcdoti-s of the people, and charralns tiils of tlieir lives, will be introducid III these sketches, and many New York friendx of Miss Balcli who are familiar wiih her happy and ;raphicstyle of writin wül both enjwy and appreciate tliem. The Mavcli Wide Awake fflves a delijihtful eli.ipter of Sidney Lu-ka's serial story "My Uucle Floriniood " - the ood humor and ;;om1 heart of the two nuble Jews, Mr. Finkelstein and Mr. M&rkg, have seldom been surpassed. Mrs. .1 im Sherwood's etiquette-serial "Those Cousins of Mable's," is very 8ucce4sfu.ll in depicting tlie cbaracter and career of a willful young country beauty who thinks her well-bred relatives very "fussy ' about her behavior, ai d learns the wisdom of etiquette bv various hard le-sons. Tlie third paper In Mr. Upton's "CliMdron of the White House" senes relates to "The Family of Thomas Jefferson." Another attractive bioraphical nicle is about "Mother Goose," by Oscar Fay Adams; beautiful lullabies of. various nations are incorporated in the article. "Jack's Pincushion Antronomy'' will interest cverybody; "A Coach Ing Party in Jay" by Olive RisleyHeward nárrales some uniqiie travelinir experience of Gov. Sewanl's Aroiind-the-World journey. There are many otber articlcs, pictures, and poems - with the rest an entertaining department Cülled "The Contributor.-, and the Cblldrwi." In this number is announced a series of ninety-four prizes for contributioris suitable for publication in Wld Awnke. The contribution may be an essav, story, anecdote, poeiu, or liumorous trille. In total these prizesfoot up f2,000. D. Lotlirop Company, Publlsher, Boston.


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